Cash Assistance: Why Comply with NYC Child Support

If you are receiving Cash Assistance you are automatically referred to the child support program to open a case and establish a child support court order. In New York State, a child can receive child support until the age of 21. The other parent does not have to be involved in the child’s life to be ordered by the NYC Family Court to pay child support.
If you do not cooperate you may have your benefits reduced.
• Your Cash Assistance benefits may go down by 25%.
• You may lose Medicaid for yourself.
• You may no longer be eligible for some rental assistance and childcare programs.
• You could have your rental supplement reduced.
If you lose benefits because you didn’t cooperate with child support, you can get your full benefits back at any time by cooperating with child support. Contact an OCSS Borough Office to find out how to get your full benefits back. See
