Casa Grande Ruins National Monument | Things To See In Arizona

In the heart of Arizona's sunny wilderness, the ancient walls of the Casa Grande Ruins National Monument stands as a silent testament to a forgotten civilization. These ruins, once a busy hotspot of the Hohokam culture, now stand solitary against the backdrop of time.
This monument is situated in Coolidge, Arizona, and northeast of the city of Casa Grande. It is a historic site safeguarding a collection of structures built by the tribe during the Classic Period, about 700 years ago.
The story of Casa Grande begins with the Hohokam people, an ancient Native American culture that thrived in the Sonoran Desert. Around the 13th century, they constructed what is now known as the Casa Grande Ruins National Monument. This remarkable structure, made of caliche - a natural concrete-like material - has stood the test of time, offering insights into the ingenuity of its creators. The purpose of this structure, however, remains a subject of speculation among historians and archaeologists. Some suggest it was a celestial observatory, others believe it was a social or administrative center.
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