Car accident for children. Handy Andy cartoon Car accident cartoon Ambulance for kids Cartoon car

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Car accident for children. Car accident cartoon Ambulance for kids Cartoon car for children 5 years.
Hello everyone!!!! Today I’ve decided to go to the city big shopping mall to do some shopping. But there is a traffic jam on the road(((((. We are not moving for about 20 minutes. What happened?????? I cannot understand!!! Everyone is beeping around me. People must be in a hurry!!!!!! Some of them go to work, some should take their kids to the kindergarten or school……………and here is loooooooong lines of cars!!!! Maybe it’s car accident on the road!!!!!?
Oh! Look!!!! I was right - accident!!!!!! It’s just on the crossroad! Here are two cars with broken bumpers. Maybe one car were driving on the red light and hit the other one. Police car has just arrived. Police officer protected the accident’s area with special road signs, so other drivers should pass the place. Now they are going to find out who broke the traffic laws.
Can you hear the ambulance siren? It’s coming to check the drivers from the accident. All cars are giving it the road!
Look!!!! The doctor got out of the car with the medicine chest in his hand. There are all necessary equipment and medicines for the first aid. For example you may need tonometer to check the blood pressure and the syringe for injection. If the person suffered a lot and it’s necessary to take them to the hospital, there is a special wheelchair inside the ambulance to transfer them.
Oh! I see the injured driver of yellow Suzuki. It’s a girl. She has not very big scratch on her forehead. But she is ok!!!!!! Doctor is going to put plaster on it. The scratch will go away in a few days. I think she hit her head on a steering wheel. Thanks doctor for the first aid!!!
It’s good that the driver of green Peugeot is not injured.
Ambulance is leaving now. It has siren on, so they can get to the hospital fast and not to wait on the traffic lights. In case someone else will need their help fast.
Ok my dear friends!!!!! The traffic is very active on the road, especially on the crossroad. Accidents happen here very often. So BE CAREFUL on the road!!!!!! Remember that you are a part of the traffic. Your life and lives of other people depend on your behavior on the road!!!!!!!!
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Co-authored with AIR MCN
