cannot believe this place is in CALIFORNIA.Best place for relaxing vacation with family. Day 3 hindi

Music Food Tours Shopping and Lifestyle of an Indian in California USA. This is day 4 and this is our last day at Mendocino, Fort Bragg. Today we stop by some points and drive back to home thru California's iconic HIGHWAY 1. This is our most loved place to spend vacation because we both are nature lover and our love for sea and this place encourage us to visit over again hear. Though this time we do not complete every spots. beautiful Mendocino county and the beautiful coastal town Fort Bragg. this place is incredible and has dramatic beauty. you can enjoy local food,shopping and local sight scene. There are so many National and local parks and several hiking trail and camping ground too, but you anyone can easily go for only day hike with family and kids. this beautiful town also pet friendly, beaches allowed dogs without lash also,so you and you furry friend both enjoy clean beaches and the sun.But be careful because sea hear is little ruthless and their are reef current lot of the times so be safe. If you must visit this place and its going to be your life time experience and added to your good memory with your family. we plan to visit hear again and this time we plan to spent at least a week. this time we return home with full of positivist and relaxation, and fresh air, and full of new energy for day to day life.

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  • @Ramtyagi003
    @Ramtyagi0032 жыл бұрын

    So beautiful plac