Can you find area of the Yellow Circle? | (Equilateral Triangle) |

Learn how to find the area of the Yellow Circle. Area of the Equilateral Triangle is known. Important Geometry and Algebra skills are also explained: circle theorem; area of the circle formula; area of the triangle formula. Step-by-step tutorial by
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Can you find area of the Yellow Circle? | (Equilateral Triangle) | #math #maths #geometry
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Пікірлер: 75

  • @laxmikatta1774
    @laxmikatta1774Ай бұрын

    3k subs more ❤ I'm praying for 400k God please make it happen 😊 Cuz here knowledge is free of cost 😊😊❤❤

  • @PreMath


    Ай бұрын

    Thanks dear❤️ You are the best!

  • @laxmikatta1774


    Ай бұрын

    @@PreMath ☺

  • @qorakolmath922


    Ай бұрын

    Great solution. Can you tell me what program you use to record your video lesson?

  • @JLvatron
    @JLvatronАй бұрын

    Nice! At 4:40, I would have connected triangle AOD, and applied the 30-60-90 factors directly to get the radius. Instead of 2 triangles AOC & OCD, 1 triangle is faster.

  • @ybodoN


    Ай бұрын

    One triangle faster can make all the difference in samosa eating competition 😜

  • @PreMath


    Ай бұрын

    Thanks ❤️

  • @jan-willemreens9010
    @jan-willemreens9010Ай бұрын

    ... I wish the whole instructive " PreMath " channel members a nice and peaceful Easter ... your strategy is always so clear, and personally have nothing significant to add this time around .... thank you sir for all time invested posting your videos .... best regards, Jan-W

  • @PreMath


    Ай бұрын

    So nice of you🌹 Happy Easter! Thanks ❤️

  • @prossvay8744
    @prossvay8744Ай бұрын

    AOD is Rigth triangle (30°; 60°; 90°) AO=2 So AD=2/2=1 units AO^2=OD^2+AD^2 2^2=r^2+1^2 So r=√3 unitd. Yellow circle area=π(√3)^2=3π square units =9.42 square units.❤❤❤thanks sir.

  • @PreMath


    Ай бұрын

    Excellent! You are very welcome! Thanks ❤️

  • @ibrahimfamilyvlog2097l
    @ibrahimfamilyvlog2097lАй бұрын


  • @PreMath


    Ай бұрын

    Thanks ❤️

  • @ybodoN
    @ybodoNАй бұрын

    The area of an equilateral triangle is a² √3 / 4. So, in our case, a = √(4√48 / √3) = 4. Then OAD is a 30° - 60° - 90° right triangle whose hypotenuse is 2 so r = √3. Therefore, the area of the yellow circle is 3π ≈ 9.42 square units. Thank you PreMath! 🙏

  • @PreMath


    Ай бұрын

    Excellent! Thanks ❤️

  • @SkinnerRobot


    Ай бұрын

    Very nice writeup.

  • @someonespadre
    @someonespadreАй бұрын

    Area of equilateral triangle = (sqrt3/4)*a^2; a=4 I did it with no trigonometry; area circle=3*Pi≈9.425

  • @PreMath


    Ай бұрын

    Excellent! Thanks ❤️

  • @mvrpatnaik9085
    @mvrpatnaik9085Ай бұрын

    The professor has nicely worked out.

  • @PreMath


    Ай бұрын

    Excellent! Glad to hear that! Thanks ❤️

  • @jamestalbott4499
    @jamestalbott4499Ай бұрын

    Nice! Enjoyed this problem.

  • @PreMath


    Ай бұрын

    Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks ❤️

  • @phungpham1725
    @phungpham1725Ай бұрын

    1/ Let a and r be the side ò the equilateral tríangle and the radius of the circle. We have: the area of the trisngle = (sqa. sqrt3)/4=sqrt48=sqrt (16x3)--> a=4 2/THe height OC=a.sqrt3/2 = 4sqrt3/2= 2sqrt3 3/ OE= r = 0C/2 ( the triabgle OEC is a special 30-60-90 triangle r= sqrt3 Area of the circle = 3pi sq units

  • @PreMath


    Ай бұрын

    Excellent! Thanks for sharing ❤️

  • @murdock5537
    @murdock5537Ай бұрын

    φ = 30°; AO = BO = a; area ∆ ABC = 4√3 = (a^2 )√3 → a = 2 → CO = a√3 → sin⁡(φ) = 1/2 = r/a√3 → r = √3 → area yellow circle = 3π

  • @PreMath


    Ай бұрын

    Excellent! Thanks ❤️

  • @wackojacko3962
    @wackojacko3962Ай бұрын

    I absolutely love it! 😉

  • @PreMath


    Ай бұрын

    Excellent! Glad to hear that! Thanks ❤️

  • @ludmilaivanova1603
    @ludmilaivanova1603Ай бұрын

    rting from 6:40 min: The area of AOC triangle is 1/2 of a big triangle, OD is a radius, area is a times R/2=sqroot 48/2, aR= sqroot 48. So, R= sqroo 48/a. No need to consider angles.

  • @PreMath


    Ай бұрын

    Thanks for sharing ❤️

  • @unknownidentity2846
    @unknownidentity2846Ай бұрын

    Happy easter to the whole PreMath community. And now let's face this challenge: . .. ... .... ..... With s being the side length of the equilateral triangle ABC its area turns out to be: A(ABC) = √3*s²/4 √48 = √3*s²/4 4√3 = √3*s²/4 16 = s² ⇒ s = 4 Since AC and BC are tangents to the circle, we know: ∠ODA = ∠OEB = 90° ∠AOD = 180° − ∠OAD − ∠ODA = 180° − 60° − 90° = 30° ∠BOE = 180° − ∠OBE − ∠OEB = 180° − 60° − 90° = 30° Therefore the triangles OAD and OBE are 30°-60°-90° triangles and we can conclude: OD/OA = OE/OB = √3/2 So with r being the radius of the circle we obtain: r/(s/2) = √3/2 2*r/s = √3/2 ⇒ r = (√3/2)*s/2 = (√3/2)*4/2 = √3 Finally the area of the yellow circle turns out to be: A(circle) = πr² = 3π Best regards from Germany

  • @PreMath


    Ай бұрын

    Excellent! Happy Easter! Thanks ❤️

  • @soli9mana-soli4953
    @soli9mana-soli4953Ай бұрын

    I've tried to modify the figure drawing a rhombus, (overturning the equilateral triangle on the low side) getting a socalled tangential quadrilateral. The radius of the inscribed circle is = area/semiperimeter Once found the side of the triangle with formula Area = s²/4*√ 3 that is s = 4, we can write: r = 2*√ 48/4*2 = √ 3 (in a rhombus the semiperimeter is twice its side) then yellow area = 3 pi

  • @ybodoN


    Ай бұрын

    💡The formula _r = A / s_ applies to any tangential polygon where _A_ is the area of the polygon and _s_ is the semiperimeter.

  • @PreMath


    Ай бұрын

    Thanks for sharing ❤️

  • @michaelkouzmin281
    @michaelkouzmin281Ай бұрын

    a solution without trig: 1. side length of triangle ABC = a= 4; 2. AO = a/2 = 2; 3. AC^2=AO^2+OC^2; 4^2 = 2^2 +OC^2; => OC = sqrt (4^2-2^2)= 2*sqrt(3); 4. Area of triangle AOC = AO*OC/2 = AC*OD/2 => 2*2*sqrt(3)/2=4*r/2 => r= sqrt(3); 5. Acirc = pi*r^2 = 3*pi.

  • @PreMath


    Ай бұрын

    Excellent! Thanks ❤️

  • @JSSTyger
    @JSSTygerАй бұрын

    (AC)^2*cos(60)sin(60)=sqrt(48) (AC)^2*sin(120)/2=sqrt(48)=4sqrt(3) (AC)^2=16 AC=4 AO=2 OD=2sin(60)=sqrt(3) A=3pi

  • @PreMath


    Ай бұрын

    Thanks for sharing ❤️

  • @Nothingx303
    @Nothingx30329 күн бұрын

    Thanks sir i solved it too😊

  • @quigonkenny
    @quigonkennyАй бұрын

    Triangle ∆ABC: A = √3s²/4 √48 = (√3/4)s² s² = (4/√3)4√3 = 16 s = √16 = 4 Draw radius OE. As CB is tangent to circle O and OE is a radius, ∠OEB = 90°. As ∠EBO = 60°, as the vertex of an equilateral triangle, ∠BOE must be 30°, and ∆OEB is a 30-60-90 special right triangle. If EB = x, then BO = 2x and OE = √3x. Triangle ∆OEB: BO = 2x 2 = 2x x = 1 OE = √3x = √3 = r Circle O: A = πr² = π(√3)² = 3π

  • @PreMath


    Ай бұрын

    Excellent! Thanks for sharing ❤️

  • @MANOJKUMAR-fy5iz
    @MANOJKUMAR-fy5izАй бұрын

    As per diagram, with the help of trignometry you can solve this mensuration problem. Means you have to deep knowledge of Trignometry and Mensuration to solve these types of typical questions of mathematics. These types of questions asked in govt. service examination.

  • @PreMath


    Ай бұрын

    Excellent! Glad to hear that! Thanks Manoj dear❤️

  • @ChuzzleFriends
    @ChuzzleFriendsАй бұрын

    We don't know any of the side lengths of △ABC. But because the triangle is equilateral, the sides are all equal and we can use a different area formula: A = [(√3)/4]s² √48 = [(√3)/4]s² √(2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 3) = [(√3)/4]s² 4√3 = [(√3)/4]s² s² = 4√3 * [4/(√3)] s² = (16√3)/(√3) s² = 16 s = 4 Draw altitude CO. This forms △AOC & △BOC, two congruent special 30°-60°-90° right triangles. Line CO is the line of symmetry. We'll use △AOC. Since side AC is the hypotenuse of △AOC, AO = 4/2 = 2, & CO = 2√3. Draw radius DO. By the Circle Theorem, ∠ADO is a right angle. Since segment AO is the hypotenuse of the newly formed △ADO, another special 30°-60°-90° right triangle, AD = 2/2 = 1, & DO = √3. But notice we now have the radius of ⊙O. A = πr² = π(√3)² = 3π So, the area of the yellow circle is 3π square units (exact), or about 9.42 square units (approximation).

  • @PreMath


    Ай бұрын

    Excellent! Thanks ❤️

  • @marcgriselhubert3915
    @marcgriselhubert3915Ай бұрын

    The area of an equilateral triangle which side length is c is ((c^2).sqrt(3))/4. Here this area is sqrt(48) = 4.sqrt(3), so c^2 = 16 and c = 4. Let's use now an orthonormal, center O, first axis (OA). Then we have O(0;0) A (2; 0) B(-2; 0) C(0; 2.sqrt(3)) (the hight of the equilateral triangle is (sqrt(3)/2).c VectorBC(2; 2.sqrt3)) and the equation of (BC) is: (x +2).(2.sqrt(3) - (y).(2) = 0 or 2.sqrt(3).x -2.y +4.sqrt(3) = 0 The radius of the circle is the distance from O to (BC), it is: abs(2.sqrt(3).0 -2.0 +4.sqrt(3)) / ((2.sqrt(3))^2 + (-2)^2) = 4.sqrt(3)/ 4 = sqrt(3) And finally the area of the circle is 3.Pi

  • @ybodoN


    Ай бұрын

    Le dernier caractère de la première ligne devrait être "4" 😉

  • @ybodoN


    Ай бұрын

    @@marcgriselhubert3915 vous pouvez modifier votre commentaire en anglais (et puis nous effacerons notre conversation en français) 😇

  • @PreMath


    Ай бұрын

    Thanks ❤️

  • @PreMath


    Ай бұрын

    Thanks ❤️

  • @ybodoN


    Ай бұрын

    @@marcgriselhubert3915 Lorsque le curseur de la souris se trouve au dessus d'un commentaire, trois points verticaux apparaissent à droite de ce commentaire. Si vous cliquez sur ces trois points, l'option "signaler" apparaît. Mais si il s'agit de vos propres commentaires, les options "modifier" ou "supprimer" apparaissent.

  • @LuisdeBritoCamacho
    @LuisdeBritoCamacho27 күн бұрын

    1) The Area of Equilateral Triangle [ABC] = sqrt(48) = 4*sqrt(3) 2) Using Herons Formula to find the Side of Equilateral Triangle [ABC] 3) sqrt(3a * a * a * a) / 4 = 4*sqrt(3) ; sqrt(3)*sqrt(a^4) = 16*sqrt(3) ; a^2 = 16 ; a = 4 4) OB = 2 5) OE = R (Radius) 6) EB = unknown 7) Triangle [OBE] is a Rigth Triangle with Angles (30 - 60 - 90); Angle OBE = 60º ; Angle OEB = 90º and Angle BOE = 30º 8) Cos(30º) = R/2 ; sqrt(3)/2 = R/2 ; R = sqrt(3) 9) Yellow Circle Area = (sqrt(3))^2 * Pi = 3Pi 10) Answer: The Yellow Circle Area is Equal to 3Pi Square Units or Approx. Equal to 9,425 Square Units.

  • @cyruschang1904
    @cyruschang1904Ай бұрын

    The height of the triangle is h The side of the triangle is 2h/✓3 ✓48 = h (2h /✓3) ÷ 2 h^2 = ✓144 h = ✓12 = 2✓3 radius = h/2 = ✓3 circle area = (✓3)(✓3)π = 3π

  • @PreMath


    Ай бұрын

    Excellent! Thanks for sharing ❤️

  • @cyruschang1904


    Ай бұрын

    @@PreMath Thank you for all the fun math puzzles 🙏

  • @jans1616
    @jans1616Ай бұрын

    .......... AB=4 ∆ AOD :

  • @PreMath


    Ай бұрын

    Excellent! Thanks ❤️

  • @giuseppemalaguti435
    @giuseppemalaguti435Ай бұрын

    Dai dati risulta h(altezza)=2√3 b(base)=4...l=4...R=bh/2l=√3...Ay=π(√3)^2=3π

  • @PreMath


    Ай бұрын

    Excellent! Thanks ❤️

  • @michaelstahl1515
    @michaelstahl151529 күн бұрын

    Very nice video ! i did`nt read equilateral triangle only area = square ( 48 ) . My fault . Otherwise I could find a solution for this problem.But may be is it possible to solve this problem without provided that the triangle is equilateral ?

  • @crazywarxyz911
    @crazywarxyz911Ай бұрын

    First view

  • @PreMath


    Ай бұрын

    Thanks dear❤️

  • @misterenter-iz7rz
    @misterenter-iz7rzАй бұрын

    Need do some computation, but not difficult, 1/2 s^2 sqrt(3)/2=sqrt(48), s^2=4sqrt(48/3)=4sqrt(16)=16, s=4, r=s/2 sin 60=2 sqrt(3)/2=sqrt(3), Then the area of the circle is 3 pi.😂😂😂

  • @PreMath


    Ай бұрын

    Excellent! Thanks ❤️

  • @user-ri6rn7ti5h
    @user-ri6rn7ti5hАй бұрын

    2(30°)=60° 2(30°)=60° 2(30°)=60° {60°+60°+60°}=180° {360°AR/180°}=2 (x+2x-2)

  • @PreMath


    Ай бұрын

    Thanks for sharing ❤️

  • @Birol731
    @Birol731Ай бұрын

    My way of solution ▶ A(ABC)= √48 A(ABC)= √16*3 A(ABC)= 4√3 square units the area of an equilateral triangle: a²√3/4 ⇒ 4√3 = a²√3/4 a²= 16 a= 4 if we consider the triangle OBE: ∠ BEO= 90° ∠ EOB= 30° ∠ OBE= 60° sin(OBE)= OE/OB OE= r OB= a/2 OB= 2 ⇒ sin(60°)= r/2 √3/2= r/2 r= √3 length units Aye= πr² Aye= π*(√3)² Aye= 3π Aye ≈ 9,425 square units b) 2 nd way: the area of the triangle A(OBC)= 1/2 A(ABC) A(ABC)= 4√3 A(OBC)= 2√3 square units A(OBC)= BC*OE/2 BC= a BC= 4 OE= r ⇒ 2√3 = 4*r/2 4√3 =4r r= √3 Aye= πr² Aye= π*(√3)² Aye= 3π Aye ≈ 9,425 square units !

  • @PreMath


    Ай бұрын

    Excellent! Thanks for sharing ❤️

  • @crazywarxyz911
    @crazywarxyz911Ай бұрын

    I have a new method to solve it

  • @PreMath


    Ай бұрын

    Thanks ❤️

  • @SimonA-tu5gm
    @SimonA-tu5gm27 күн бұрын


  • @ssjbevegeta3008
    @ssjbevegeta3008Ай бұрын


  • @PreMath


    Ай бұрын

    Excellent! Thanks ❤️

  • @rudychan8792
    @rudychan8792Ай бұрын

    Oh My, You could cut this video shortly: 5'. Equilateral ∆ = (1/2)•a•a•sin60° = (1/4)√3 • a" = √48 So a" = 16 ! (square of a) Then, ∆ BOC ---> sin60° = h / a Then, ∆ OCD ---> sin30° = r / h Multiply it, we get: (r / h) × (h / a) = sin60° × sin30° r = (1/4)•a•√3 Circle O = π•r" = π•(1/16)•16•(3) = 3π = 9,4248 Much-much Easier & Shortcut Thumbs Up for You, anyway^ 👍 29/3/24_6am_North Sumatra