Camp Volunteer Training: How to do it right?

So you’ve signed up to be a volunteer and camp is right around the corner! Are you excited? Maybe a little nervous? Don't worry! This video will help you know what to expect and how to do it right.
Learn how to be the best camp volunteer!
In this video, we’ll share tips to help you feel prepared for camp. Understand what to expect at camp and what will be expected of you as a volunteer.
Topics Discussed in This Video:
- What to expect at camp
- Building relationships with children
- Key expectations: Communication, Attitude, Model, Participate
What to Expect:
- Expect some organized chaos
- Be ready to adapt and be flexible
- Play with the kids and build connections
- Remember, each child is unique and wonderful
What’s Expected:
- Be excited and have fun
- Get involved with the camp leadership team
- Use CAMP to guide you:
- C - Communication
- A - Attitude
- M - Model
- P - Participate
Remember, you're at camp to have fun and step out of your comfort zone. Connect with the kids and lead by example!
