Calvary Christian School: High School Promotional Video

Calvary Christian School is a ministry of Calvary Chapel Old Bridge. The ministry of CCS is committed to helping parents to disciple their children in the ways of the Lord. We believe that every student is created “in the image of God” (Genesis 1:27) and that when a child receives Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, they become a part of the family of God and need “the pure milk of the Word” (1 Peter 2:2) in order to mature spiritually. Our desire is to help them to develop and grow in the purposes and plans that God has for their lives. Therefore, a central focus of the school is to prayerfully seek the leading of God regarding the school’s mission and government.

We believe in the education of the whole student: we seek to minister to them spiritually, academically, and socially in much the same way that Jesus did when He lived among the people of His day. In each classroom, the teacher, under the leading and empowering of the Holy Spirit, is called to model the life of Christ before the students as they create a stimulating learning environment. All subject material will be integrated with Scriptural principles in order to cultivate a biblical worldview. Our desire is for students to have a love for learning that will help them to reach their God-given potential.
As a Christian school, we strive for excellence not only in discipling our students' hearts through biblical training and an integrated Christian worldview, but also for excellence in educating their minds with academic rigor, support for diverse learners, and thorough preparation for success in college and career.
We desire to partner with parents in this educational process and our success depends on open communication and a willingness to share 'praise and polish' with a loving heart in the spirit of Matthew 18. I encourage parents and students to actively engage whenever possible.
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