Butterflies of Puerto Rico

Speaker: Fred Paras, President, Maryland Entomological Society; Professor, Baltimore City Community College, Department of Natural and Physical Sciences
May 17, 2024
Fred Paras will show some slides from a recent trip to Puerto Rico where he visited a local butterfly greenhouse in the countryside, an hour's drive west of San Juan. This rearing lab and greenhouse is located on the lush grounds of a local park and serves to educate the visitors on the growth cycles and basic biology of butterflies, using the Puerto Rican Monarch (Danaus plexippus portoricensis) as their main reared species. A few other species found locally are attracted with suitable host plants.
Speaker Bio: Fred Paras is a Professor at Baltimore City Community College, Department of Natural and Physical Sciences. Fred has been teaching microbiology at the community college for over 30 years and has been actively involved with several other organizations such as the Natural History Society of Maryland, and a couple of mineral societies.
