Bus Jam Gameplay Levels 426-433 / Things Could Have Easily Went Wrong


If you are familiar with Bus Jam, you can understand how precious those final few spaces are in helping you stay in the game. Now, when you add the tunnels and the need to locate certain colors, this can easily get intense. Fortunate for me, I was able to choose the correct tunnel every time I was put in that position. It was other reasons that took me out over and over towards the end. Sometimes, I find myself much further away from the needed colors, and of course, this will cause the spaces to fill up much faster. Once I figured out a better way to create a path toward the needed color, I was able to make a clean finish. During this gaming session, I got held up on level 434. After playing it for a good while, I knew I had to walk away to reset my eyes. I don't know what they did, but I like these levels that really push me. I hope you enjoy the gameplay. Thank you for tuning in. Until next time! #busjam #game #mobilegaming #puzzle #colorsorting #braingames

