Built to Last - Anthony Wayne Bridge Toledo, Ohio - Episode 7

In this episode of Built to Last, we explore Toledo's skyline centerpiece, the Anthony Wayne Bridge (AWB). Originally to be named after Warren G. Harding but changed due to political scandal, the AWB is a symbol of Toledo's Midwestern stature, designed with cutting-edge engineering in 1931.
Constructed from Pittsburgh's Carnegie steel, the AWB's longevity hinges on meticulous maintenance. Over the years, major renovations, including a 1997 suspender cable replacement and a 2012 major restoration project, have been crucial to combat decay, notably pack rust.
In 2012, facing possible demolition due to severe deterioration, the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) chose preservation. Extensive restoration efforts, costing over $50 million, included innovative solutions like a dehumidification system for the main cables, ensuring the AWB remains a beacon of civic pride and resilience in Toledo's skyline.
