Bubi small scale farmer utilises 2ha for horticulture farming

SMALL-scale farmers, Mrs Given Sikhosana of Charlet area in Wessels Sill, Ward 13 of Bubi District in Matabeleland North is utilising two hectares on her plot to grow a thriving horticultural venture.
She is one of the beneficiaries shortlisted to benefit from the US$250 000 revolving fund being rolled out by the Zimbabwe West Union Conference (ZWUC) Adventist-Laymen’s Services and Industries (ASI)’s Chapter of Seventh Day Adventists.
The innovative revolving fund launched in February is poised to catalyse entrepreneurial endeavours and contribute to the economic empowerment of the community.
Mrs Sikhosana has solarised her borehole for drip irrigation and is working on increasing her hectarage. She is into horticulture farming and doing cabbages, tomatoes, butternuts, carrots, beetroots, onions, chomolia, rape as well as broccoli on two hectares.
