Bruce Heavin, 2021 ArtCenter Alumni Awards, Outstanding Service


Artist, strategist and entrepreneur, Bruce Heavin (BFA 93 Illustration) has received ArtCenter College of Design's Alumni Award for Outstanding Service. As the chief creative officer and co-founder of, his vision was integral to the company's success as a pioneering leader in online training.
He created the company's iconic logo of his wife Lynda Weinman, designed many of the distinctive illustrations, and authored some of the site's first video tutorials. An illustrator with extensive background in photography and motion graphics, he has created works for national publications, as well as clients including Adobe, MSNBC and E! Entertainment Television.
As a distinguished and committed alumnus, he has been an active and generous donor as well as a proponent of philanthropy in the ArtCenter community. He has served as a founding board member of FullCircle, the College’s giving society, and was elected to the ArtCenter Board of Trustees in June 2014.
Video by Matthew Rolston, artist, photographer, ArtCenter Alum
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