Bridge Over Troubled Water


Dodd Darin reflects the passing of his father the Legendary Bobby Darin. Dodd Darin recalls, "At times it seems like a lifetime ago and yet in other moments of introspection it seems like just yesterday. Such are the vicissitudes of life. I hope you enjoy today's poignant rendition of a Paul Simon classic. Often when I feel down, anxious, frustrated or weary I will watch this performance and it inevitably soothes and comforts me. I also reflect on how much more wonderful music he could have contributed as a performer, songwriter and producer for other artists. The Portuguese/Brazilians have a unique and beautiful word “ Saudade” which roughly translates to "a deep longing or desire to recapture what has already passed”. My passion is motor racing and I learned of this word when Brazilian 3 time Formula One World Champion Ayrton Senna lost his life in1994. The word has stuck with me and comes to mind when I think of my dad. In all my years of trying to keep my Dad’s memory alive I’ve realized that Darin supporters are the most loyal and special group of people any one could ask for. My family and I are grateful for all of your kindness and support." All the best. Dodd Darin

