Book Review: I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jeannette McCurdy | Book Discussion: Current Reads

Welcome back to our weekly reading check-in! In this episode, we're excited to share our thoughts on some compelling reads that have been keeping us engrossed. Join us as we explore the worlds of Adrienne Young's Fable, Mia Sheridan's Archer's Voice, and S.A. Chakraborty's The Kingdom of Copper.
First up, Fable by Adrienne Young takes us on a thrilling journey across the high seas, where Fable navigates treacherous waters and even more dangerous alliances. Young's vivid prose and intricate world-building have captivated us, making this a must-read for fans of epic adventures.
Next, Mia Sheridan's Archer's Voice has stolen our hearts with its poignant tale of love, loss, and healing. Sheridan's sensitive portrayal of Archer and Bree's journey resonates deeply, leaving us emotionally invested in their story of overcoming past traumas and finding solace in each other.
And then there's The Kingdom of Copper by S.A. Chakraborty, a mesmerizing continuation of the Daevabad Trilogy. Chakraborty's rich tapestry of political intrigue, magic, and conflicted loyalties continues to enthrall us as Nahri navigates the complexities of ruling a city on the brink of war.
In addition to our literary adventures, we also delve into a thought-provoking memoir, I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jeannette McCurdy. This raw and honest reflection on grief, family dynamics, and personal growth has sparked deep discussions among us, challenging our perspectives on life's most profound challenges.
Join us as we share our latest insights, favorite passages, and discuss how these books have impacted us personally. Whether you're looking for a new fantasy epic, a heartfelt romance, or a memoir that speaks to the human experience, we've got you covered in this week's reading check-in.
Stay tuned for more literary explorations and don't forget to share your own current reads and thoughts in the comments below. Happy reading!
