BOMBSHELL! Jordan Peterson: Evolution is Serious Flaws

BOMBSHELL! Jordan Peterson: Evolution s Serious Flaws

Пікірлер: 471

  • @jamesdebearn4362
    @jamesdebearn43625 жыл бұрын

    English grammar is serious flaws

  • @judofright4206


    4 жыл бұрын

    dont you love the word knife? lol

  • @a.edw.160


    3 жыл бұрын


  • @WakaFlakaFlame777


    2 жыл бұрын


  • @servicedog2325


    2 жыл бұрын

    We are such an illiterate society. Ever third video has an effed up headline.

  • @scootmcgoot570


    Жыл бұрын

    Lordy yes! Those double negatives right?

  • @McLovin_2007
    @McLovin_20074 жыл бұрын

    2 Timothy 3:16 says "all scripture is given by inspiration of God". The bible literally claims to be God's message to man. In order to prove this you would have to show that there are things in the bible that only a being such as an omniscience God could have known at the time the bible was written. The bible was written during a period of 3500-2000 years ago. Unbelievers assume it's wrong because it's old. They argue it was written is pre-scientific times, back when people were supposedly stupid, and of coarse divine inspiration is not up for consideration. But for those of us who are open-minded, Divine inspiration of scripture is to be considered. So the question there evidence for this? Genesis 1:1 says "in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth". The word beginning refers to time, the heavens refers to the universe, and the earth is matter. So you have time, space, and matter. Before the 1920's most scientists believed the universe was eternal with no beginning. The assumption was that the universe had always been there and would always exist with no end. If you lived at the time you may have thought the bible was at odds with science. In the 1920's Edwin Hubble discovered the universe is expanding. Scientists started to accept the need for a beginning. Einstein being one example. They knew if the universe is expanding, there had to be a starting point. Scientists discovered the universe began with light. The bible says the same thing. When God created the universe, the first thing he said was "let there be light". Today scientist's say the universe was smaller than an atom when it began, then it started with a flash of light, then it expanded out of that light, and continues to expand today. In Genesis 1:3 God said "let there be light" on day 1 of creation. The bible teaches that the universe was created in 6 days (Exodus 20:11) with day 1 being the beginning. Genesis 1:1-2 is a summery describing what happened in the beginning, but not how. The explanation of how creation began starts with verse 3 where God said "let there be light" . The bible describes the expansion of the universe by saying "God stretches out the heavens". (Zechariah 12:1, Isaiah 48:13, Jeremiah 51:15) Science and the bible agree on the beginning, the light, and the expansion. How can the authors know these things thousands of years before modern science? Scientist's say the big bang started with light then the universe expanded out of it. The bible says the same thing. The bible even describes scientific facts about the earth. Some ancient people believed the earth was sitting on water or on an animal, but Job 26:7 says "the earth hangs over empty space". A description of the earth floating in space, thousands of years before our space program. The messianic prophecies are another great example of divne inspiration. The old testament was completed about 400 years before the birth of Christ, and it describes the death of Jesus in amazing detail. When Jesus hung on the cross he said "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me" (Matthew 27:46). People don't understand what he meant by that. It's not that God had really forsaken him, but Jesus was qouting Psalm 22 which begins with that same line. Psalm 22 describes the cruxifixion in detail. The piercing of the hands and feet, his enemies staring and gloating him, and dehydration. Jesus recited this psalm from the cross because he was referencing fulfillment of prophecy. Isaiah 53 also refers to his cruxifixion by saying "he was pierced for our transgressions, and by his wounds we are healed". In Zechariah 12:10 Jesus even prophesizes about his own death by saying "they will look upon me, the one they have pierced". John qoutes this line in his gospel to show fulfillment of prophecy (John 19:37). The bible identifies Jesus as the Creator. "All thing were created by him" (John 1:3) Even if you're the biggest unbeliever, Jesus is not hard to find. You just have to spend time in prayer and study the gospels and tell him you want to know he is real, and you want to repent and be forgiven of sin. Just pray and ask him to make himself known to you. He may not show up in the way you might expect, but over time you will get indications that he is listening. You will see him work in your life. If you devote your life to Jesus, he will change you, refine you, mold your character, and make you a better person with a purpose and mission. He will change you in ways that will just amaze you. For more info click below. I included video's and website's on creation/evolution, history of man, and the Shroud of Turin. . I suggest you save these link's and take your time examining the case for God and the bible. If you agree with me, feel free to copy/paste this message and spread it around. Dawkins proves Intelligent Design Dr. David Berlinski destroys Darwin Scientist speaks on Intelligent Design Pagan roots of evolution Death of Neo-Darwinism Fine tuning of the universe God's name in DNA Message from God in DNA The Case for Christ Shroud of Turin Science explains Shroud of Turin Table of nations Truth about Atheists Does evil disprove God? star of Bethlehem Origins of nations Expelled movie evolution ebook Creation/evolution ebook Atheists suppress science

  • @2fast2block


    4 жыл бұрын

    @Christian Slayer, you're a dumbass. Your god of nothing belief makes you a dumbass with nothing to offer. The atheist/agnostic god. I HATE your god, the god of nothing. Your god claims to have given us the universe, fine-tuning of the universe for life, life from non-life, information for life before and after it began, the laws of nature, etc, etc, when we know that your god of nothing can do nothing. Your god of nothing has nothing to offer and its followers only offer nothing of evidence for their god of nothing. That makes them nothing of importance but the followers of the god of nothing are so delusional that they think they do have something to offer to defend their god of nothing. The true God beats the crap out of the atheist/agnostic god of nothing. It's the atheistic/agnostic types that supply the greatest comedy. They think the universe came about by natural means. There's NO science for it and ALL the science we know proves that creation had to be supernatural and done by a supernatural creator, but...., not to atheists/agnostics. Isn't that funny?! ----Real science says nothing does nothing. Real science says if there was something there already it must fit with the evidence of what we know. We know the 1LT says there's a conservation of energy. It can change forms and neither can be created or destroyed. Creation cannot happen by natural means. The 2LT has various aspects, one being the universe is winding down, entropy. Usable energy is becoming less usable, so at one point usable energy was at its max. This all points to a supernatural creation, by a supernatural creator at a certain point in which matter, space and time were created. When I read how it can happen otherwise, ALL the fools resort to science-fiction. Once a supernatural creation is accepted, then the next step is finding proof of what supernatural power did it.----- Then the extreme order we have in our universe that defies all physics, but....., not to atheists/agnostics. It's just happened by mere chances even though we prove it can't happen by chance. Funny! And life? Well, it just came from non-life. It's so absurd it's even hard to type that, but....., atheists/agnostics claim to believe it happened somehow by natural means. Again, funny! Many have brought up such issues how funny it is, including James Tour. Then, what this life did after it started by mere chance can't happen by science, but....., atheists/agnostics believe it did. Funny! Life takes information to form and proceed on. But to atheists/agnostics, chaos through time gave us information. Although it's even hard to write such a ridiculous statement, they believe it. All one can do is laugh at such stupidity. I've kept this very basic and brief. I can provide much deeper, yet there's no need to since each point proves there is no explanation for such things to have happened naturally. This IS evidence against such things happening naturally. Lame excuses of why it can still have happened naturally with no science to support it are just that, lame excuses. There's a ton more. If you want a laugh, see what atheists/agnostics believe.

  • @smb123211


    4 жыл бұрын

    LOL Do you really think anyone will read your rant? No serious Bible scholar believes Paul wrote 2 Timothy - 1 Timothy or Titus. 13th century paintings show Paul with 10 (not 13) letters. Computer studies identify 7 "real" letters, 3 (Eph, 2 Thess, Coloss) "possible" and the 3 above "definitely" not by Paul

  • @2fast2block


    4 жыл бұрын

    @@smb123211 Here's what happens when you give a dumbass common science that they can't contend with, they will completely ignore it and since they are disgusting human beings that don't care, they will think they have something clever to say that makes it look like they are not as stupid as they are, so this is what is considered a good scientific come back to all the science they were provided: Drumroll, please.... their science....."LOL Do you really think anyone will read your rant? No serious Bible scholar believes Paul wrote 2 Timothy - 1 Timothy or Titus. 13th century paintings show Paul with 10 (not 13) letters. Computer studies identify 7" Yes, I'm serious. I'm not making this up. They are really that stupid.

  • @dozo51


    4 жыл бұрын

    @@2fast2block I can't tell if your a Christian or not, but don't curse, Jesus did say out of the abundance of the heart the mouth talks. Rebuke but not with words like that.

  • @2fast2block


    4 жыл бұрын

    @@dozo51 "I can't tell if your a Christian or not," Wow, give me a good laugh that you're a detective. You sure aren't bright in that regard. "but don't curse," Dumbass, fool, idiot, halfwit, dunce, buffoon, etc, must be curse words. Basically mean the same thing. Too bad you were not around to tell God what to call such people before the bible came along. "Jesus did say out of the abundance of the heart the mouth talks." Gee, pretending to know the bible when it comes to fools, hey. Go shine your dumbass halo with those that are as foolish as you are. Respectful? Of what? Don't ever read about verses of what fools do in the bible. It's disrespectful of God to do so and be honest about them. It's better to lie to them and show them respect for being a fool, according to you. Ones that show no meekness and disgrace God, you want respect and praise for them. It's people like you that keep me out of churches. One of the best things I ever did rather than deal with the hypocrisy. Learn a bit about the bible rather than shinning your halos. Elijah mocks the prophets of Baal in 1 Kings 18:27. It's a good read showing how God kicks ass in front of the people to let them see the difference between Him and the fools' false god. More mocking in Isaiah 44:9-20, I'll learn from anyone. I've learned a lot from honest atheists. I HATE phony but you do. You don't own me, God does. I've been very respectful to many asking in meekness. I don't owe respect to fools speaking nonsense in their pride. It sickens me of milk-toast debates between fools and such with wimpy Christians, how they shake hands, and don't go for the throat of the clowns pridefully putting down God. Me, those that want to be fools (dumbasses) and show they are supporting their god, the god of nothing that created nothing and has nothing to stand for, well I HAVE something to put them to shame from the true God, the God of the bible. So, go to your wimpy church and continue your wimpy ways with such people who love to be fools, and I'll put the in their place. I don't force anyone to reject the true God, that is their doing, my job is to show their foolishness. You though love shaking hands and being respectful to obvious fools not asking anything in meekness, but just boasting with pride for their god of nothing. YOU wish such deceivers that don't follow Christ by mocking God, wish such people respect. I don't and I will follow what God says to do and show them they have nothing against the true God. You wish them God speed, I show them they have nothing against the true God with their evil pride and mocking so ALL can see. It's up to them to change or not. I'm not doing your trash lie. 2 John 11---"For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds."--- Too bad you weren't there to correct Jesus for other's beliefs: Matthew 15:7-12 King James Version (KJV) 7 Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying, 8 This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. 9 But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. 10 And he called the multitude, and said unto them, Hear, and understand: 11 Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man. 12 Then came his disciples, and said unto him, Knowest thou that the Pharisees were offended, after they heard this saying? Psalm 50:16-20 writes about what evil people do. Verse 21 writes about how it was wrong to be silent about it and NOT speak up. It also says to reprove such evil people and set them in order. Wow, you were born too late. You would NEVER confront wrong beliefs because that is wrong to you. What God says is not important, it's what YOU say that is important. YOU made that clear. Acts 7:51, “You stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears! You always resist the Holy Spirit; as your fathers did, so do you." You would have said in Steven's place that 'It's OK to have your beliefs too. Who am I to say you're wrong. Let's be friends." Again, it's OK to YOU for people to follow false gods and beliefs. We are supposed to shut up about even though God says to speak boldly against it. Job 40:12 "Look on every one that is proud, and bring him low; and tread down the wicked in their place." Psalms 119:21 "You rebuke the proud-the cursed, Who stray from Your commandments." Proverbs 8:13 "The fear of the Lord is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate." Proverbs 26:1 Like snow in summer or rain in harvest, honor is not fitting for a fool. Proverbs 26:8 As he that bindeth a stone in a sling, so is he that giveth honour to a fool. Fools are NOT to be honored. They are fools who deserve not to be well spoken of.

  • @pa7736
    @pa77363 жыл бұрын

    There are no evolutionary journey, no evolurionary start.

  • @mics1694
    @mics16942 жыл бұрын

    It's amazing someone so brilliant still believes in a theory so full of holes a few which he pointed out that are not just holes but gargantuous ones. Even going back so far to say when I was taught evolution they taught me wrong. They were so certain that this couldn't happen that if you said something different you were scoffed at. That's not science folks that's a belief.

  • @Richard-G


    2 жыл бұрын

    At what point does a belief become a delusion.

  • @ramigilneas9274


    2 жыл бұрын

    Well… they were certain that it couldn’t happen until they found evidence that it could happen… that’s the opposite of a belief… that’s science… which changes based on new evidence. What’s even more amazing is that a guy who is as brilliant as Peterson thinks that the myths of the Bible are in some way still relevant to our modern society.

  • @mics1694


    2 жыл бұрын

    The the Constitution was based upon judeo-christian principles so yeah the Bible is still pretty relevant especially since, if you're an American, all your freedoms you enjoy derive from it. Being certain about something, then ridiculing and silencing anyone who theorizes differently to protect your narrative is not science rather it is propaganda. Science belongs to the highest bidder now days.

  • @ramigilneas9274


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@mics1694 So… how often are the Bible, Christianity, the Christian god or Jesus mentioned in the Constitution? Exactly zero times.😂 Seems more like the constitution was a product of the secular values of the enlightenment.

  • @mics1694


    2 жыл бұрын

    It was founded upon judeo-christian principles historians unequivocally agree with this. God's name is pretty much etched in stone all over Washington in monuments, our money and our national anthem. Up until 1960 the ten commandments and Bibles were in majority of public schools. The vast majority of founding fathers and signers of declaration of independence were Christians. Look I get you don't like your fragile perceptions of reality jaded, but accepting facts doesn't mean you have the believe in God.

  • @quintonwilson8565
    @quintonwilson85654 жыл бұрын

    Does Peterson think proponents don't consider sexual selection and other selective powers?

  • @destruction1928


    3 жыл бұрын

    A lot of them doesn't, and I know them.

  • @MarcoH72


    Жыл бұрын

    I’m still waiting for the bombshell mentioned in the title

  • @johnnyboy1586


    Жыл бұрын

    Obviously not

  • @user-qz6sc6hz7t
    @user-qz6sc6hz7t3 жыл бұрын

    What’s the The original lecture ?

  • @spatrk6634
    @spatrk6634 Жыл бұрын

    epigenetics doesnt undermine evolution. it just added another way of a trait getting inherited. seems that lamarckian evolution was not entirely wrong

  • @kalaualmony1614
    @kalaualmony16144 жыл бұрын

    I thought your analysis was going to come in the description. Do I have to read the comments to see it?

  • @timnray99
    @timnray992 жыл бұрын

    the real lesson in Genesis is that you can put two humans in paradise and they will screw it up

  • @billbogg3857
    @billbogg38574 жыл бұрын

    Yes I came for my weight problems : I thought it must be Solution is oversized draws . This isn’t much help .

  • @dorgonreborn4108


    4 жыл бұрын

    bill bogg here’s a good way to help your weight problems - either stop eating and reset your obvious cravings or stop eating junk and start eating vegetables and fruit 🤦🏻‍♂️😂 it’s pretty simple math.

  • @billbogg3857


    4 жыл бұрын

    Dorgon Reborn . It was a joke . Point lost now as title has been changed .

  • @MS-od7je
    @MS-od7je Жыл бұрын

    Understand why the brain is a Mandelbrot set complex morphology.

  • @colincharlesdsouza7608
    @colincharlesdsouza76085 жыл бұрын

    what happened at 6.12?

  • @schex9


    4 жыл бұрын

    I know, that was really a weird, abrupt shift

  • @aulasdeinglesonline-gabrie9459


    3 жыл бұрын

    Bad editing happened haha

  • @ianfrancis777
    @ianfrancis7773 жыл бұрын

    Please change the title to: *Jordon Peterson --- "Evolution **_Has_** Serious Flaws".* It you want to be taken seriously, make sure your grammar is correct.

  • @Rob-gs8lq


    2 жыл бұрын

    I think you meant to say (If) not "It", please check your grammar before attempting to correct others. Also, please correct the double space after the period.

  • @tesfayyihdego3709
    @tesfayyihdego37093 жыл бұрын

    Why does he keep his left hand in his pocket? Does that mean he knows what he is saying is a lot of bull?

  • @BlackDynamite


    3 жыл бұрын

    ?? Or cause it’s comfortable

  • @TheStarflight41
    @TheStarflight41 Жыл бұрын

    See "Mathematical Challenges to Darwin's Theory... "

  • @billjohnson9472


    Жыл бұрын

    that is a group of people who profoundly lack understanding of statistics. their arguments are totally laughable and cringey for anyone with any statistics training.

  • @kendallkahl8725
    @kendallkahl87254 жыл бұрын

    The London subway mosquito that is talked about as being a new species shows the problem. It lost traits that enable mosquitoes to survive on the surface but gained no posture traits it just switched to a different food source and its vision degraded. It didn't gain in sophisticated ability it just cast some aside.

  • @RileighWhitehead


    2 жыл бұрын

    That literally is evolution

  • @Troy-Moses


    2 жыл бұрын

    When will it turn into a cat?

  • @robwilliams2265


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@Troy-Moses 😂

  • @jasonjudd4


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@RileighWhitehead so degradation over time? Lol

  • @Thisismetman


    Жыл бұрын

    Show us multiple positive mutations that MUST have occurred for evolution to happen? There should be billions of examples, billions. I bet you talk about an amoeba, or fly with 3 wings, ect.

  • @anm3037
    @anm3037 Жыл бұрын

    Everyone knows within their mind that evolution is just a theory, not science

  • @eddyeldridge7427


    Жыл бұрын

    You need to learn what a scientific theory is

  • @jameswyrm8
    @jameswyrm82 жыл бұрын

    1/10 to the 77th power to get one protein fold right. How many planets estimated in your universe? What is the equation for a mathematical impossibility? Let that sink in.

  • @markjosemanders9778


    2 жыл бұрын

    meteorite contains Complexity proteins!

  • @blaineedwards8078


    2 жыл бұрын

    I just don't understand why we lost our tails. That makes no sense. A long, strong tail would be so fucking cool. Think of the possibilities at work (holding an extra tool, a flashlight, phone) at play (an extra beer, food, a flag, a small cooler) in bed (say no more!) A tail is just outstanding and not at all a hindrance....dang!

  • @matteomastrodomenico1231


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@blaineedwards8078 Because they're useless for a ground based animal like an ape.

  • @blaineedwards8078


    2 жыл бұрын

    There are a shitload of "ground based" animals with tails.....dogs, cats, horses, elephants, just to name a few. The last time I checked, those animals are not grabbing and holding food, toys, weapons or your mom's underwear with their tails, so they are definitely useless as well. Your answer doesn't mean shit.....please elaborate.

  • @ramigilneas9274


    2 жыл бұрын

    I just inhaled a billion oxygen molecules. What’s the likelihood that I inhaled exactly those molecules in exactly that order on not some of the countless other molecules on our planet? Probably a mathematical impossible with 1/10 to the power of a trillion. It was billions of times less likely than getting one protein fold right, but it just happened.😂

  • @veronicalopes8948
    @veronicalopes89483 ай бұрын

    Thanks for this video sorry for what i said you are right stay blessed my intention was not to hurt you

  • @bergan3975
    @bergan39752 жыл бұрын

    Why does he keep saying that most mutations are deadly? This is wrong, most mutations are neutral and they happen "all the time"😅

  • @Ahmadbaig007


    2 жыл бұрын

    Have you tried randomly editing a software code?? You think you can do some random code changes in MacOS 10 and get MacOS 14?? What you'll get is a dead machine.

  • @bergan3975


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@Ahmadbaig007 Well, you do have more "playroom" in the transcription and translation of the genes than under coding. (I study biology, so have only done coding at R-studio btw) However, the DNA is translated over to proteins by three and three "triplets" at the time. If you change this "reading frame" for example by inserting a base, you might get a protein with a different function, but not necessarily (f.ex if the insert happens close to the end or at an unimportant place..) Also, many mutations are just shifting out one base, something which doesn't affect the "reading frame", and maybe not the protein at all.

  • @bergan3975


    2 жыл бұрын

    (I advice you to to a little google search on this to fill out my bad and simplified explanation btw) The point is that you can do a lot to the DNA without affecting the organism (I mean, after all, only 1-2% of our DNA codes for genes at all) While in coding, you don't have a lot of room for randomness (I think, I'm not a coding expert...)

  • @Ahmadbaig007


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@bergan3975 Think about it a bit more. Do you knw how many working chains of amino acids fold into useful shapes vs non functional amino acid chains? Changing a couple of bases in DNA sequence will probably not do much, but you would have to do massive coordinated changes in order to enable a new trait/feature in an organism.

  • @bergan3975


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@Ahmadbaig007 Yes of course! That's why I said that most of the mutations are neutral. However, statistically, some organisms will also get mutations that code for a protein that gives the organism (a little bit ) better fitness, and this trait will be able to spread through the population and might become fixed (because the individual with the beneficial mutation might live just a little longer, get a bit more kids, or be a bit more attractive compared to the others.) But remember that these changes don't make completely new traits alone, each gene codes for a protein, and its the accumulation of the changes that we after many generations can see as new traits (like longer legs or blue feathers)

  • @JC-cr5ty
    @JC-cr5ty5 жыл бұрын

    Maybe make the title: BOMBSHELL! Jordan Peterson: Evolution has Serious Flaws

  • @Restructmusic


    5 жыл бұрын

    @NotACapitalist Evolution doesn't exist and it's easily debunk-able. Ready to get schooled? Tell me I'm wrong and get ready to do some research to reply because i'm going to tear up the theist Darwin's fantasy of different beaks and different bacterias =ing macro evolution. Or the vestigial organ fantasy. I love this shit. Richard Dawkins couldn't even remember the full title of Darwin's origins of species book. LOL.

  • @Restructmusic


    5 жыл бұрын

    NotACapitalist well seeing as Carbon dating doesn’t work, I’m not sure how you can be so sure of the date of the earth. None of our dating methods are accurate and you cannot date a rock. Explain to me how Darwin or any other Greek ding dong knew anything about DNA? 4 letter 3 dimensional CODE (A pairs with T and C with G) that makes up every living organism in planet earth trillions of times more complex than Binary code (1’s and 0’s) that we code to make programs... Scientists ironically call it the book of life (according to evolution having no author) and evolution violates the law of entropy. An easily observable law seen day to day. Do computer programs write them selves? Do books write them selves? How about carbon dating (c14)a live seal at 15k years old? How about fossilized trees extending vertically through multiple layers of strata? How about closed fossilized clam shells found on every major mountain range on planet earth? How about no physical proof of macro evolution at all besides a suspect pile of bones that can’t even be properly dated? How about NASA loosing all the telemetry data for the single most important “achievement “ of Man kind? How about the statistical odds of a single cell having all the right conditions (being 10 to the 39+k to 1) to form being so far removed from reality it’s not even funny. 10 to the 25th to 1 is considered statically impossible. How about the single cell being symbiotic and even if it did somehow overcome those odds, it would die because what it needs to survive yet hadn’t evolved? How about no current modern test conducted by humans can prove chaos creates order or evolution on anything other than on a micro level? Finches are still finches, Whales don’t have left over legs, bacteria is still bacteria and we damn sure didn’t come from monkeys. How about going on the US population census and watching the de-scendo of our world population chart? 1k years ago we had 250 million people in the world..... How about 2k? 3k? 5k? How about every single person sharing the same exact mitochondria passed down from our mothers that was dated at a mutation rate of 800 years putting mitochondrial Eve at 6k years ago? Should I keep going? How about Nikola Tesla stating that Einstein’s Theory of relativity was a mathematical garb? How about his quote on scientists of his day? “Today’s scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality.” In conclusion, Evolution has the burden of proving it is true, not the other way around. It is not fact, it IS in fact a cult religion and I simply cannot believe how anyone with half a brain can believe any of that crap. If you throw billions of years at anything, it doesn’t make it valid or true, and since carbon dating and all major methods of dating are not reliable and are cherry picked, I’d say your argument for evolution stops at any one of the points I’ve made. By the way, the speed of light is not a constant and if you measure the 2 inches a year the moon moves away from the earth, back when evolution says there was the first H S, there would be 1 mile high tides. I could go all day, but my thumbs hurt.

  • @Restructmusic


    5 жыл бұрын

    NotACapitalist like a typical idiot grandiose atheist, you answered none of the inherit flaws of your cult beliefs and personally attack me due to lack of knowledge. That is what idiot far left people do as well. Maybe we could do a scientific study to see if there is a correlation between the two. Why don’t you try to answer any one of the questions I put forth and show the world that evolution is true. You can’t. But hey call me some names and stuff. GTFOH. See if you’re smart enough to figure out that acronym. Clown.

  • @Restructmusic


    5 жыл бұрын

    And why don’t you Golly Gee tell us the other bull shit dating methods? Lol. Get on that google.

  • @Restructmusic


    5 жыл бұрын

    @NotACapitalist You still have no proof for your belief. You know they found actually stretchy flesh in decalcified dinosaur bones. This means they cannot be millions of years old. You are assuming the date of the earth based not of fact, but on the college/school indoctrination in which has no relation to evidences you actually see. Like the law of entropy which evolution blatantly violates and is easily observable every day by a toddler who has a more firm grasp on reality, because they know nothing yet (ignorant) and that's way better than the head full of garbage fantasy land shit you have. So I pray you get amnesia or actually invoke the scientific method for once in you life and realize that Darwin watched some finches beaks change, but it was still a finch. Any person with logic can deduce that proof of intelligent design is obvious. DNA is more complex then any thing man has ever created. So we can create, but we can't be created. Ironic. I bet a chevy truck thinks the same thing. Oh wait, we created it. 10011010010000111100100011111001110 lol You're lame. Smart, but lame.

  • @thomassmith-yu8tz
    @thomassmith-yu8tz Жыл бұрын

    @Kobold George - Covfefe.

  • @billjohnson9472
    @billjohnson9472 Жыл бұрын

    even in the first minute he is incompetent :48 - epigenetics is not related to inheriting acquired traits. Epigenetics is the study of how cells control gene activity without changing the DNA sequence

  • @Lili-Benovent
    @Lili-Benovent2 жыл бұрын

    If the creator of intelligent design was so intelligent himself and couldn't make mistakes then whoever or whatever created the creator made a mistake insomuch as he, she or it created a God that was in itself flawed. A God who succumbed to its own ego and demanded all sorts of sacrifices to itself, a God whose creations were sometimes themselves flawed either physically or mentally, a God who could create a universe and everything in it and could design the smallest of micro cells but at the same time didn't have the capacity to look inside the human mind to gauge the depth of devotion of his followers but had to instead rely on ongoing tests to ensure the faithful walked the straight and narrow and if sometimes the faithful wavered they were cast aside and made to endure an eternity of agony for being human. Doesn't this demonstrate a a depth of insecurity and lack of love for his creations from a God who is supposed to be perfect?

  • @Sapientiaa


    2 жыл бұрын


  • @Lili-Benovent


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@Sapientiaa That's not a very good response Mr Veritas, don't you want to talk about Theurgy or Askesis anymore?

  • @Sapientiaa


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@Lili-Benovent I think it’s an appropriate one.

  • @Sapientiaa


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@Lili-Benovent Lili, you don’t care to debate. I’ve already addressed the problems with your original comment. Why discuss anything else if it’ll all fall on deaf ears; you’ll probably delete your post again, and repost it.

  • @Sapientiaa


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@Lili-Benovent “whoever or whatever created the creator made a mistake insomuch as he, she or it created a God that was in itself flawed.” The fallacy of infinite regress, really? At least read a book or two on metaphysics or Neoplatonism; my goodness. Your idea of “God” is infantile to say the least. If you’re discussing a plurality of gods then such a statement would be fine; however if you’re referring to the God “existing” outside of plurality then that’s a different story. There’s a difference between The Absolute, and plurality. If you were familiar with apophaticism then you would know that kataphatic descriptions or adjectives are insufficient in describing that. Where do you get your standard of perfection from? A three dimensional manifold dictating what perfection is? “A God who succumbed to its own ego and demanded all sorts of sacrifices to itself” If you’re going to attack the God of the Christian’s and Jews then at least read a single Bible, and study some hermeneutics before stating nonsense. Stop attacking the straw man. “to look inside the human mind to gauge the depth of devotion of his followers but had to instead rely on ongoing tests to ensure the faithful walked the straight and narrow and if sometimes the faithful wavered they were cast aside and made to endure an eternity of agony for being human.” I don’t think you understand what plurality, and causality are; you can’t have one without the other. What do you mean by “wavered”. Could you be more specific instead of painting with a broad brush. Killing, and raping is also human; why are you selectively choosing definitions. You should use less blanket statements. “Doesn't this demonstrate a a depth of insecurity and lack of love for his creations from a God who is supposed to be perfect?” Could you have true love without any degrees of freedom? If you believe in unconditional love then you have a gross misunderstanding of love.

  • @vikroy3777
    @vikroy37775 жыл бұрын

    Do people really still buy into this evolution stuff?

  • @amadexi


    5 жыл бұрын

    Peterson himself. Quote from Peterson: "Evolution is a killer theory, trying to handwave that away isn't gonna work without denying most of biology".

  • @Charlie-qe6lv


    5 жыл бұрын

    Yeah, it's their religion, so they have to.

  • @Charlie-qe6lv


    5 жыл бұрын

    @@sirrys It's a faith system, based upon false assumptions, with no scientific evidence for it. Please don't confuse genetic variability with amoeba to man mythology. Now, getting back to your point by point debate with his points...oh, wait....

  • @FlashlightGamingArmy


    5 жыл бұрын

    @@Charlie-qe6lv Imagine talking about scientific evidence while also believing the universe was created 6000 years ago lmao

  • @Charlie-qe6lv


    5 жыл бұрын

    @@FlashlightGamingArmy I can imagine having a scientific conversation and you bringing up something no one in this thread has even said--nice logical fallacy though.

  • @Edruezzi
    @Edruezzi4 жыл бұрын


  • @maxhorsford7800
    @maxhorsford78004 жыл бұрын

    I wish he fully understood what he was talking about because I agree with him on a lot of points but he doesn’t get evolution

  • @maxhorsford7800


    4 жыл бұрын

    Scooty-Puff. Sr. 4:10 of the link “how do you get a cell membrane without DNA?” Well firstly you don’t need DNA for a membrane, a cell membrane is just at least two rows of a fatty acid. Fatty acids were quite common before life arose and can even be found on asteroids in space. In early oceans on earth the fatty acids naturally formed into chains and when they got big enough bubbles (kinda like a cell nowadays) when they got too big they would cleave off each other(kinda like cells nowadays) DNA was evolved much later in history, scientists think RNA was the first form of genetic code.

  • @maxhorsford7800


    4 жыл бұрын

    Scooty-Puff. Sr. Ur boy Dr.James Tour doesn’t seem like he’s trying to understand evolution, and must not be a very good chemist because in my introduction to chemistry courses in high school all of my professors understood how chemicals can “evolve” with different reactions. He’s also religious so that explains a lot of his misunderstandings.

  • @VengefulPolititron


    3 жыл бұрын

    Some videos of scientific evidence of God

  • @chrisschroder3812


    Жыл бұрын

    Not challenging here ... Just the religious concept you mentioned. I have spoken to religious people who I am very sure are very much more intelligent than you just based on there life and achievements. Tell me categorically how religion causes someone to not be able to understand evolutionary concepts. Help me understand the generalisation please if you have the time

  • @maxhorsford7800


    Жыл бұрын

    @@chrisschroder3812 my point isn’t that if you’re religious you’re necessarily dumber, maybe I was too coarse cause scooty-puff was prolly just a troll. You can be smart and a good scientist in your field if you’re religious but there are areas where religion and science directly conflict and can’t be reconciled, especially in biology. People who are religious can tend to ignore solid information that opposes their religious worldview in favor of more incomplete or straight up garbage information that supports their worldview that’s where we run into issues.

  • @kraftmorrison
    @kraftmorrison3 жыл бұрын

    abiogenesis: a LOT of blind faith!

  • 4 жыл бұрын

    Bombshell for the blind 🥴

  • @Lili-Benovent


    4 жыл бұрын

    Hello handsome

  • 4 жыл бұрын

    @Lili ello lil x

  • 4 жыл бұрын

    @Scooty-Puff. Sr. I don’t deal in luck pumpkin I’m righteous in Christ xx hope your day gets better )

  • @Lili-Benovent


    4 жыл бұрын

    @ Why are you talking to this guy Bobby, he's very nasty you are certainly not ugly and he sounds jealous.

  • @Lili-Benovent


    4 жыл бұрын

    @ I would like to get inside your mind but the door is locked and I can't open it, this has never happened before, I'll take a teeny portion of mandrake soup tonight and try again, we could have a lot of fun. Blessed be

  • @TymP321
    @TymP3214 жыл бұрын

    Love your work. Bought your latest book. The error here is in the assumption that cohesive information can be added to a DNA strand. One or two links in a strand isn't going to effect a change, but would negatively affect the function of the entire molecule. The theory requires accepting order from chaos; a reverse of entropy.

  • @dorgonreborn4108


    4 жыл бұрын

    TymP321 there’s no evidence of added information to DNA #facts but people that don’t believe in God would like to think that it can happen so they can justify their sinful habits .... call me a liar 😂

  • @dorgonreborn4108


    4 жыл бұрын

    CHAD your a liar 😂 there I said it. Tell me if you were walking through the woods and saw a painting hanging on a tree would say “believing that there was a painter is ridiculous” but yet you look at a strand of DNA (3.2 billion character coherent book) and say “believing that was designed is ridiculous” 🤣🤦🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️ the proof of the creator is in the creation. Not to mention your morality comes from an obvious higher objective standard considering infants at 6 months have been shown to know when moral injustice happens to them. You conscience is God given but society shaped and I couldn’t disagree with you more - God is not the sun (that’s idolatry) and God cannot be trapped in time space and matter because he created all 3 of those things LOL = In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Time Space Matter. Maybe you should realize that Christianity is absolutely rich in history and the holy bible still holds the highest rank for predictions coming true to the name and date, standing the test of time (2000 years) and goes hand in hand with science (which is why science can’t debunk it 😂) you do realize the Old Testament was written before Jesus was crucified right? Follow the truth where it leads and Christianity answers the fundamental questions of our existence and purpose. #BIGFACTS I’m not forced to love God because that’s a logical impossibility but I choose to love God as a free creature for the reasons that exist in creation pertaining to how beautiful this planet and life truly is. I’m gonna ask you a question now and I really want your honest answer, If Christianity was true would you become a Christian? A yes or no will do

  • @dorgonreborn4108


    4 жыл бұрын

    CHAD I’ve studied it and it’s hilarious that you think that 😂 have a good day Jesus is the way the truth and the life so place your bets 🤷🏻‍♂️ 10/10 people die 💥

  • @dorgonreborn4108


    4 жыл бұрын

    César Rabbit biological evolution isn’t even observed 😂🤦🏻‍♂️ mutations sure are but evolution is not 😉

  • @dorgonreborn4108


    4 жыл бұрын

    @César Rabbit yes i sure do lol and mutation is not evolution i think you need to do biology again bro ;)

  • @joehinojosa8314
    @joehinojosa83145 жыл бұрын

    NotACapitalist---Im not sure who is easier to follow, Ol' JP or YOU! But You sounded good. You're right there is an element of chaos in the universe. Therefore variables helped to create us. I like parts of evolution. The journey from the Big Bang to US is an AWESOME story and a Long Story. Perhaps "Genesis" is more of a Moral Tale. 🍎

  • @Mark-pe2sh


    4 жыл бұрын

    Would the Big Bang be a good story, but an Immoral Tale?

  • @inshansep
    @inshansep3 жыл бұрын

    Why is he teaching biology?

  • @superroydude


    3 жыл бұрын

    It's highly relevant to evolutionary psychology. Especially sexual selection because that is the realm of psyche and not merely deterministic materialism.

  • @inshansep


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@superroydude Let's say you're right, let's say there is a field of study called evolutionary psychology, why is he teaching biology? He's not a biologist, he's last tangle with biology was high school a long time ago. So why is he teaching biology?

  • @superroydude


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@inshansep You realise evolutionary psychology is an entire branch of psychology? One he would be trained in, given he has a doctorate in psychology. He isn't just going off on a random tangent. Branches of science are allowed to overlap.

  • @inshansep


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@superroydude The ' branch of evolutionary psychology' is barely a twig. There's not even a handful of 'evolutionary psychologists' out there. It's definitely not a field. Again, why is he teaching biology in a psych class, two things stood out, 300 million years since the first organism with a nervous system? You can google that. And we can inherit acquired traits, like reading or tying your shoe laces? Oh and this layman is criticising evolutionary models, saying they're incomplete, all of them, some of them. Is there more than one? The amount of thumbsuck is amazing.

  • @superroydude


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@inshansep Reading and Tieing shoe laces? I find it confusing that you're calling him a layman when you don't seem at all familiar with epigenetics. It's well known that evolutionary models are incomplete. They simply cannot produce the complexity seen in reality. That is not a single darwinian model, driven by random variation, has ever closed the gap between prebiotic chemistry and a single cell, let alone the emergence of mind. That's partly what Dr Peterson is referring to as the complexity problem. Random variation is a good way to maintain adaptation to a randomly changing environment but it isn't sufficient to produce complex creative structures. Hence why he leads into sexual selection, a form of selection which is *not* random. The underlying logic of the dominance heirarchy is what selects, this isn't random because random means blind to the future. This has an almost metaphysical implication which Dr Peterson has talked about in other videos.

  • @ogreman-lll-957
    @ogreman-lll-9572 жыл бұрын

    English is some flaws

  • @smb123211
    @smb1232114 жыл бұрын

    Alas, this is the opposite of a bombshell. Peterson (who I like for his denunciation of political correctness) rambles about semi-controversial issues (inquired vs inherited traits) and other issues scientists discuss daily. A psychologist / commentator can be brilliant but evolutionists have specific education, training and skills that he does not. For example, he repeats that old herring about surviving mutations being beneficial when it's obvious that bad mutations not only survive but flourish. Evolution involves individuals, groups and the environment. Adaptations that raise the overall survivability within a group-environment are those that survive. Morning sickness, a bee losing its stinger upon use, spider cannibalism, mammalian mating death battles, madness, sadism and homosexuality do not have obvious positive benefits for our species yet all are evolutionary steps that survived despite negative consequences.

  • @japexican007


    4 жыл бұрын

    smb12321 lol okay now tell me the one about how abiogenesis points to intelligent design here’s a hint use science

  • @smb123211


    4 жыл бұрын

    @@japexican007 ID has been thoroughly debunked scientifically and legally. A "scientific" theory cannot be proposed but then add, "I can't explain who designed it or how" (as repeated courts have pointed out) I've asked, "If Mr X could create life why bacteria - the only life for 3 billion years???" "Why design a billion species only to have 99% go extinct? " "Why is there such awful design in so many organisms?" Inquiring Minds Wanna Know

  • @japexican007


    4 жыл бұрын

    @@smb123211 i apologize and have seen the error of my ways, i cannot prove God, only God can prove himself, may i ask have you followed the Gospel and tested it's claims?

  • @smb123211


    4 жыл бұрын

    @@japexican007 I'm confused - what do supernatural beings have to do with the a scientific theory? Not sure what "Gospel claims" you are referring to. The "Gospels" are separated by decades and reflect copying (Luke & Matt copied Mark), changes (how many did Jesus feed), errors (John says "And this was the first sign, second sign, etc" forgetting one in between) and contradictions. How many did Jesus feed? When he was he born? Matt says Jesus was born before the death of Herod (4 BC); Luke says it was in the 6 AD census. Jesus, the disciples and Paul made "claims" - Jesus would return in their lifetimes, "soon". There was no New Testament, Trinity, Nativity or set beliefs.. These rose decades later (Paul never heard of any miracle of Jesus though he knew the disciples). Understanding the Gospels means knowing why each was written. John and his epistles had one purpose - denouncing Docetism, a common early gnostic belief that Jesus was an illusion and did not suffer. John says an antichrist is "anyone who says not that Jesus was born in the flesh". (Repeated in his letters.) The odd "doubting Thomas" story in the Gospel found nowhere else is easily understood - it "proved" Jesus was flesh and blood - not the illusion believed by many. Taake Care

  • @MoriartyTheFifth


    4 жыл бұрын

    Bad mutations flourish? This is a seriously bad claim. I must be misunderstanding you. Are you saying when a tooth is grown in your brain, that causes significant migraines is not really a bad thing but will flourish?

  • @undefeateddebater9438
    @undefeateddebater94384 жыл бұрын

    It may have flaws, like most scientific theories, but none are serious and Peterson is no expert.

  • @martam4142


    4 жыл бұрын

    Neither are you.

  • @martam4142


    4 жыл бұрын

    Evolution has many flaws:

  • @undefeateddebater9438


    4 жыл бұрын

    @@martam4142 It doesn't change the fact Peterson is no expert. Next to you I am an expert. And thank you for agreeing with me, my statement is correct, evolution, like all scientific theories, has flaws. It's still science. However, your link is an unreliable source run by an attorney not a scientist. More study for you and less talk.

  • @JohnSmith-vb2ut


    4 жыл бұрын

    @@martam4142 You wrote nothing of value.

  • @championdebater7088


    4 жыл бұрын

    @@martam4142 Neither are you. I am an expert.

  • @koboldgeorge2140
    @koboldgeorge21405 жыл бұрын

    "Evolutionary scientists describe evolution as random, I don't know why they say that." Ok, now how many times in the subsequent explanation did he use the word random? This guy is not a scientist, he's a political hack. He has some decent insights into sociology, but his politics is the most simpering drivel you can imagine. I will say this: if you need someone to tell you how to live in the modern day effectively, it's him. His entire life rotates around justifying and propping up the current regime, so if you need help succeeding in it then he's the right guy.

  • @jimofaotearoa3636


    5 жыл бұрын

    Just because he uses the word does not mean he is using it in the same way or context as those he is talking about... To make this insipid and weak statement then go on to describe him as a political hack is just pathetic. If you didn't shill for Hilary last election i'll buy then eat a MAGA hat. You make weak arguments and over bold statements..... sounds like leftist shilling 101 to me. If you can make actual arguments based on what he is saying IN THIS VIDEO i will listen but you came in with a pre-existing opinion, listened for a few seconds then decided you STILL don't agree with him and made a comment. You probably started typing your comment about 4 seconds into the video. "Some decent insights into sociology" oh you will give him that will you. Throw him that little bone? The only reason you say this is because you know perfectly well you are absolutely out of your intellectual depth here and that you can contribute nothing. It is people like you who destroyed the left. It is weak assed hate politics like this that made me leave the left. You can whimper its not fair all you like when your own leftist ideals come to get you in the middle of the night to take you to the gulag for 'wrongthink' People who like Prof Petersons view on various topics don't need anyone to tell them how to live in a modern society. We know about the modern society, we helped create it and we contribute to it is only foolish and gullible people who want to tear it all down and replace it with ? Hmmmm, still havent worked that bit out have ya's? but fuck it... lets just destroy it then when we'll think of something.

  • @koboldgeorge2140


    5 жыл бұрын

    @@jimofaotearoa3636 y'know grandiosity isn't the same thing as narcissism, but it's often a marker for it.

  • @koboldgeorge2140


    5 жыл бұрын

    @@jimofaotearoa3636 I was thinking about your comment earlier today. You made me think enough that I decided to give you something a bit less flippant. Happy Valentine's day. Contrary to what you seem to have assumed, I did watch the whole video, and in fact I've seen a pretty significant amount of Peterson's work. You don't know this about me because you never asked, but I'm a geologist, and my area of expertise is paleontology. One of the things that I've always been told about evolution, and in fact have told other people, is that evolution is not a religion, it's a scientific model of the world. Scientists tell people this because it's true. One of the fascinating things about Dr. Peterson is that he seems to have successfully created a religion out of evolution. You might object that he is a Christian. I respectfully disagree. Throughout his Maps of Meaning course, Dr. Peterson brings up over and over again the idea of the dominance hierarchy. Humans live in the dominance hierarchy, and operate according to our perception of where we fit into that framework. Incidentally, he's correct about this. This is important to note because Dr. Peterson has a habit of conflating his opinion of how things ought to be with how things are. Everything further should be read as beginning witj "Dr. Peterson believes that..." But I digress. Moving on... These dominance hierarchies are constructed darwinistically, meaning that whatever is unfit in those hierarchies is discarded, and only the best rises to the top. He defines God as taking what is common across all dominance hierarchies, and abstracting that into the one, the eye at the top of the pyramid, etc. Let's leave aside, for the moment, the question of validity, e.g. whether this is how cultures actually construct their gods; let's just look at it what this definition gives us. If God is whatever is common across all darwinistically selected dominance hierarchies, then that means that God is a darwinistically selected concept. So if something changes in the dominance hierarchy, that means the concept of God also changes. Still with me? Good. Looking to his real world political views, we see that dominance hierarchies are not just an abstract analytical tool to Dr. Peterson; they are a very real and present force. This is most clearly seen in his views on income inequality. He wants us to know two things about income inequality - it's inevitable, and it's not random. To demonstrate inevitability, he uses the example of a winner-take-all coin flipping game, where 100 people start with $100, then pair off and see who can flip heads first, the winner taking all the loser's money. In such a system, eventually one person will end up with all the money (NB: he never considers the outcomes in a system where the winner doesn't take all). His main point is that even in a random system, eventually inequality shows up. The second important thing he wants us to know is that it is *not* random. The system we live in is darwinistic (he uses the term meritocratic), therefore the people at the top of the dominance hierarchy deserve to be there due to some combination of high IQ and conscientiousness. You can observe this line of argument most clearly in his talks about psychometrics where he goes to some length to elaborate good jobs for people of various IQ levels. In the run-up to the release of his book 12 Rules for Life, he said repeatedly that the West has abandoned god, which is why we are experiencing so many problems. We already established that his definition of God is short hand for the dominance hierarchy, so we can infer that what he means is that the West is rebelling against the dominance hierarchy. So let's recap: the dominance hierarchy is sacred, people who are at the top of the dominance hierarchy are the ones that are supposed to be there because they earned it, and anyone who goes against the dominance hierarchy is rebelling against the foundation of western civilization. In 2008, the banking sectors of every developed nation blew up due to the excessive levels of debt that those institutions had accumulated. They had made poor debts, lent too much money, and it took them down. Rather than allow them to fail, the government bailed them out. Prior to the 2008 crash, U.S. debt/GDP was 60%. By the end of the crisis it was over 100%. These politicians then said that Americans have lived beyond their means, and that we need to start cutting social programs. After all of that, the strongest critique that Dr. Peterson was able to muster was that "the banks seemed to have been treated unfairly", and "we should look into that!" But he cautioned that we shouldn't get angry at them. He didn't say exactly why, but I can imagine it has something to do with how much they deserve to be at the top of the dominance hierarchy. When giving a talk at an ivy league school, he mocked Harvard student activists for saying that they're against the ruling class. "No, you're baby ruling class members." Let's put aside whether student activists are worthy of mockery or not: the critique he chose to make is that they should accept their birthright as the ruling class of society. Sorry, I was told we live in a meritocratic democracy? Apparently Dr. Peterson disagrees. Given how much time he spends defending the institutions that protect the powerful from ever needing to worry about their positions of power, do you think he believes that's a bad thing? Which finally brings us back to this video. Evolution has a random component. This is indisputable, and he acknowledges it *multiple times* in this video. But what he states as his thesis, the big take away, is that evolution is NOT random and that scientists shouldn't say it is. That isn't the statement of a scientist, that's the statement of an ideologue trying to defend his worldview. I first discovered Dr. Peterson through his lectures, and I found him interesting because I hadn't seen anyone speak so clearly on the topic of human evolution, and how that interfaces with the societies we build. As I became more familiar with his political views however, I began to realize the big, unfortunate flaw at the heart of his philosophy. Economists distinguish between descriptive and prescriptive ideas. Some ideas are meant to describe the world as it is, while others are meant to prescribe a certain course of action. Dr. Peterson, unfortunately, does not. If it comes out of his mouth he treats it as a factual statement. I hope I have elaborated the ways in which these prescriptions lean. Dr. Peterson correctly identifies "postmodern neomarxist" professors as mere tools of power. He incorrectly believes that he is the exception to this.

  • @jimofaotearoa3636


    5 жыл бұрын

    Well written and well stated, Much food for thought so to speak.. I'm not all that far through "Maps" but it'll make it even more interesting now thanks to your discourse. I wasn't aware at all of his 'banking' views or statements and must admit that that sort of callousness ("the banks seemed to have been treated unfairly") is very disheartening. I thought he'd be much cooler than that.... I'd normally think some sort of Neo-con would have the opinion that the banks were the victims. What i will happily take from this is i will now watch Dr Peterson with a more critical eye for catching him out for any ideologue type behaviour.... although even if he is an ideologue then at least he is a solitary voice, a lone nut, crazy if you will,... because we know full well that ideologues go absolutely bonkers in groups. Anyhoo, as i said much to digest but a very well written, well presented argument. I will view him a little more critically in future...

  • @Jamie-Russell-CME


    5 жыл бұрын

    @@jimofaotearoa3636 I hope you are joking. Rubbish response, likely pasted from someone who is deserving of the original comment directed at Peterson. Horrible assumptions that are badly supported.

  • @Ozzyman200
    @Ozzyman2003 жыл бұрын

    And yet no one can find any flaws in evolution that creationism can solve. These are some very odd strawmen here.

  • @rorythellama1212


    2 жыл бұрын

    "No one can find any flaws in evolution" you can't make such an assumption because simply these who do evolutionary research for a living know that it is incomplete and that it has missing rings in almost every species and that it never got its fundamentals right.

  • @Ozzyman200


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@rorythellama1212 So, any word on that flaw....?

  • @rorythellama1212


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@Ozzyman200 serious restrictions on a molecular level, gaps persisted in the theory even when they found plenty if fossils. On a molecular level, evolution is never possible. Yes we do adapt to fit in our environment however, these adaptations can not, in any way, produce new species/creatures.

  • @Ozzyman200


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@rorythellama1212 These are some huge claims you're making. Please demonstrate. Noted that you do accept evolution happens.

  • @simpleplan8914


    2 жыл бұрын

    What are the odds, and at what stage, that there are 2 identical, beneficial, and simultaneous mutations in a parent species that results in a kind? A raccoon to a whale, for example…

  • @nixonkipkirui6621
    @nixonkipkirui66213 жыл бұрын

    IT IS WRITTEN: I will confound the wisdom of the wise and bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent! The simplest and ONLY JUSTIFIED way to dismiss evolution theory is this: In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth!!

  • @matteomastrodomenico1231


    2 жыл бұрын

    And how does that negate evolution?

  • @kennysfdg471


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@matteomastrodomenico1231 This might sound weird because I am a Christian, but their statement above does not negate evolution - it simply says God is the author and designer of life who made things the way He wanted to - evolution or not.

  • @FXNorm
    @FXNorm4 жыл бұрын

    How much life has this guy created, NOTHING, and he never will. James Tour would destroy this guy. Evilution is dead.

  • @2fast2block


    4 жыл бұрын

    Highly agree. Their deceit is to mix in micro with goo-to-you macroevolution to make it look as if they have something. They have nothing because their god, the god of nothing, can't do anything.

  • @smb123211


    4 жыл бұрын

    Please tell the 99.9996% of life scientists who disagree without view. LOL

  • @2fast2block


    4 жыл бұрын

    @@smb123211, back up your claim of "99.9996% of life scientists who disagree without view." Show how you got that number. Also, since you think science is on your side, provide proof of how nothing created the universe, gave fine-tuning for life in the universe, gave life-from non-life, gave information for life before and during life, and how it gave the laws of nature that this all follows. This will be easy for you since all you have to do is copy and paste whatever you want from you 99.9996% scientists.

  • @smb123211


    4 жыл бұрын

    @@2fast2block There are thousands of book on the subject and I will not waste my time by naming any since your opinion is based on faith and not evidence. Oddly, many accept theories that cast far more doubt on the existence of god / creationism than evolution (Cosmology., quantum mechanics, geology, paleontology, linguistics, etc) . Mature people listen to experts, weigh the evidence and accept or reject claims - shape of Earth, distance to sun, market economies are superior to centralized ones, age of the universe, disease, deformity, famine, earthquakes and storms have natural solutions, kids from 2 parent families fare better, pets and religion elongate life, Chinese have the highest IQ, etc "Belied" is different, requiring zero evidence, (What evidence exists for BIble stories from the Creation to Exodus to miracles of Jesus? Lack of understanding should not lead instantl to the most unlikely answer - supernatural beings, aliens, etc ("I woke with blue spots on my chest therefore I must have been abducted by aliens.) Surveys have shown that among all scientists acceptance is 97% but among the 480,000 life scientists (US) it is 99.85% (based on a survey showing .15% believed in creationism / ID). Sorry for the "wrong" numbers. LOL

  • @undefeateddebater9438


    4 жыл бұрын

    @@2fast2block The latest studies have shown that 99% of all biologist accept evolution and 100% of biology is predicated on evolution. That's a fact.

  • @peterdickinson8755
    @peterdickinson87555 жыл бұрын

    Since Adam's forgetfulness and subsequent disobedience, flaws. Jesus said that no one takes my life from me. Flawless perfectly pure human. Crucifixion isn't fiction, resurrection see the connection! We are born once to die, then the judgement. Appointment everyone doesn't miss. Amigo Jesus isn't dogmatic except when appropriate! Fear false expectations appear real. Faith- is being sure of what you hope for, the evidence of things not seen! By all means think through the proposal or planning. Eternal separation from the love you can cultivate while here on earth, if not aborted, or born with serious issues which research still looking for solutions. Prayer and pursuit of peace are a position of Christ 's grace to humanity, even though it thought insanity.

  • @FreedomStars


    5 жыл бұрын

    That's very true, i love how serious you are with your faith, try watching Emmanuel.Tv it will help build your faith more

  • @soxrox4093


    5 жыл бұрын

    Faith is bullshit. It's for loosers.

  • @peterdickinson8755


    5 жыл бұрын

    @@soxrox4093 So was Jesus Christ the King of the. Jews who refused to receive Him

  • @peterdickinson8755


    5 жыл бұрын

    Some folk carry rejection around and cannot get beyond the pain or anger and treatment of symptoms, doesn't get to the root of hurt! But Christ chose ordinary guys to take His message of reconciliation forgiveness healing acceptance to humanity, The Lord is the Same Yesterday Today Forever. Satan came to steal kill and destroy, Jesus came to bring us abundant life! Folk have a freewill, they are capable of altruism, or deadly evil. Jesus Christ when we were without strength died for mankind who cannot make even a breath as it is we who are made in the image of God. And His love and power was manifested in Jesus, Who didn't fail as Calvary was plan A, no plan B. His subsequent resurrection attested by millions of ordinary people who will assure you that there boast is nothing but the grace of God gave meaningful life. Including pain suffering disappointment rejection, and love joy peace goodness gentleness kindness long-suffering and self control. Which is a process just as nature has seasons, so our lives to have seasons. Wisdom is won throughout life! By those willing to pursue serving others, wether you think they deserve help or not, and nurses had the monika angels, but they are hard pressed to continue as so many folk are diagnosed with depressive ailments. What a friend we have in Jesus, all our griefs and sins to bear, what a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer, O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer. Jesus knows the human condition is fragile but we know He Himself faced such opposition from satan, and envious religious leaders, nevertheless He forgave His murderers, and we too if we are angry at our fellowman for there failure to be living up to their ideals. No one is righteous not one, but Christ the beautiful Shepherd leads the sheep to green pastures, and by living waters, He said. My sheep hear my voice and they follow me, they won't follow a stranger. Since they know me the True Shepherd who gave His life for the sheep Are you listening? He does call sheep by name!

  • @jokerxxx354


    4 жыл бұрын

    Richard Fox these guys are complete idiots, preaching in the commentary sectation, which is made possible by the same scientific method that is used for studying evolution.

  • @husseinjawad4674
    @husseinjawad4674 Жыл бұрын

    how about all the DNA repair mechanisms like Mmr Ssb ner etc. If the dna is altered these mechanisms will repair this. So if the organism contains this complex repair system how can you mathematically justify evolution theory?

  • @LordMathious


    Жыл бұрын

    The origins of life and the genetic code do not concern evolution.

  • @hambaAllah-dq3mz
    @hambaAllah-dq3mz2 жыл бұрын

    humans are descended from Adam and Adam from the earth

  • @ogreman-lll-957


    2 жыл бұрын

    This is a faith based belief.

  • @mayosmayo4738


    Жыл бұрын

    @@ogreman-lll-957 and you believe whatever the ruling class tell you 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😾

  • @ogreman-lll-957


    Жыл бұрын

    @@mayosmayo4738 no, regular every day citizens explain it. I hope you don’t make baseless speculations that every scientist is corrupt. It won’t change what we can demonstrate.

  • @spatrk6634


    Жыл бұрын

    how do adam and adam reproduce.

  • @blindlemon9
    @blindlemon94 жыл бұрын

    I heard this goofball utter, “Male doctors work far longer hours than female doctors.” Maybe in whatever nutty culture spawned this glib, pretentious gentleman’s outrageous accent. Not in the US, where my wife of decades, an eminent MD neurologist, has worked 90+ hours per week, every week, for decades, on a 40 hour salary, when most of the male neurologists work 40 to 50 hours per week. The difference is that my wife, easily smarter than the male docs, actually takes the time needed to figure out, comfort, and assist her patients. The male docs develop an assembly-line model, to maximize profits and minimize patient face time, damn the consequences to the patients.

  • @alevanpa1


    4 жыл бұрын

    I thought Peterson was saying that Male doctors in general work longer hours than female doctors. Of course, there are individual deviations from a norm. That’s why a “norm” is called a “norm.” Before I go on, I want to say how admirable it is for a man to praise his wife as you do yours. You have a great attitude toward her. No wonder you’re married for decades. I don’t know how true that factoid (male doctors work longer hours than female doctors do) is, but the fact that your wife may be smarter than, and work longer hours than, you-or any other particular doctor, for that matter-does not make Peterson’s claim wrong. We’d have to know where he derived that information and how valid it is; and if there are contradictory studies-and them compare everything. Certainly we can’t do that here. Anyway, pointing to an individual contradiction does not make the general conclusion, wrong. I think what you’ve done here is called a “fallacy of composition”: Claiming that what is true of a part is true of the whole. Of course, you’re welcome to contradict me. However, I have nothing else to say on the matter.

  • @Jathiel88


    4 жыл бұрын

    Oh wow you have one personal experience that disproves all the data collection we have!? If only there was a word for that 🤔 hmmmm

  • @throwacnt7603


    Жыл бұрын

    If that's how you construct an argument clearly your wife is far brighter than you and she's making you a favor by having you around. At the very least she didn't marry you due to your brightness.

  • @marejahbeleldil6233
    @marejahbeleldil62335 жыл бұрын

    macro ore micro evolution?

  • @sparky5584


    4 жыл бұрын

    They are the same thing. Evolution is an observed FACT

  • @nuca5104


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@sparky5584 There's a difference between evolving thicker fur and evolving an eye... one is incremental and has advantage in each stage - the other is a grand complex system whereby each stage/component provides no survival advantage.

  • @sparky5584


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@nuca5104 No there's not. Mutation and natural selection evolved both thicker fur and the eye. Who told you there was some difference? Here's a link to numerous KZread videos that explain it in some detail.

  • @streameant
    @streameant3 жыл бұрын

    Sane people are doing sane things, while others are putting religion forward

  • @VengefulPolititron


    3 жыл бұрын

    Some videos of scientific evidence of God

  • @vashlash6870


    2 жыл бұрын

    Look up Jay Dyer. Great stuff. It may humble you a bit. Secularism requires dogma.

  • @streameant


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@VengefulPolititron youre wrong, it was never scientific establishment that the universe was eternal, and your "scientist" is saying nonesense. how so? you may ask, this so: that god was thought to be immaterial, act/create the physical, and predate the universe doesnt prove god, because the laws couldve started with the universe from nothing aswell, so nothing predates the universe and laws. also, your "scientist" says the biblical god is the god who started everything, when theres no proof the biblical god is the creator. why? because theres no connection between the "laws who started the universe" and a god who cares what you do and will punish you. im not gonna watch another video you recommended until you respond to this.

  • @streameant


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@vashlash6870 dont say secularism requires dogma, secularism is the default position

  • @VengefulPolititron


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@streameant hey. DNA complexity is too intricate to happen by accident. j warner Wallace dogs DNA. (video) warner gitt research level 2 complexity by accidental chemistry. our DNA is level 6.

  • @jontherevelator9663
    @jontherevelator9663 Жыл бұрын

    This stuff isn't hard once you turn the evolution around to the proper way..not backwards.

  • @macias7125


    Жыл бұрын

    that's exactly what he did

  • @MyShiroyuki


    Жыл бұрын

    Evolution has way too flaws to be true, far more flaws than supposed flaws an atheist can find in the Bible.

  • @macias7125


    Жыл бұрын

    @@MyShiroyuki exactly

  • @jontherevelator9663


    Жыл бұрын

    @@MyShiroyuki no it doesn't. Just what they tell us about it makes no sense. They tell it to ppl backwards,not forward with subtle truths and big lies making it mixed and matched. It's cleverly hidden from ppl unless they actually scrap what science is saying and starts fresh. You see a different pattern, one that coincides with theistic evolution. Which is to be honest the most rational and logical scenario.