Bodhi day, rituals, how to make traditional food & new friends | Bodhi Day | Holiday Videos for Kids

Bodhi day, rituals, how to make traditional food & new friends | Bodhi Day | Holiday Videos for Kids
Bodhi Day, also known as Rohatsu in Japan, commemorates the day when Siddhartha Gautama, the historical Buddha, attained enlightenment. According to traditional accounts, Siddhartha sat under a Bodhi tree in Bodh Gaya, India, and meditated until he achieved enlightenment and became the Buddha, which means the "awakened one."
Bodhi Day is typically observed on December 8th in many Buddhist traditions, though the exact date may vary in some regions or sects. Buddhists around the world celebrate this day by engaging in meditation, prayer, and acts of kindness. It's a time for reflection on the teachings of the Buddha and the path to enlightenment.
The event holds special significance in Zen Buddhism, where it is celebrated as Rohatsu. Zen practitioners often engage in intensive meditation retreats during the week leading up to Bodhi Day, culminating in a special observance on December 8th.
Observances and rituals on Bodhi Day may vary among different Buddhist traditions and communities, but the central theme is the celebration of the Buddha's attainment of enlightenment and the inspiration it provides for others on their spiritual journey.
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