Blood In The Streets -- New Crime Book About Dayton

A new book was released in January, 2014. Title: Blood in the Streets - Racism, Riots and Murders in the Heartland of America. The story is about the most violent period in America and Dayton, Ohio from 1965 through 1975. A racist shotgun sniper roamed the streets of Dayton's West Side for several summers and randomly shot and killed black men after midnight. He was a 'lone wolf' vigilante, determined to stop federal court-ordered desegregation of Dayton Public Schools and the mixing of races.The story is based on true events. Written by authors who grew up in Dayton, Ohio, Daniel L. Baker and Gwen Nalls, who utilized their experiences and first-hand knowledge of many events to flesh out the story. One was a Dayton Police Officer and later a Homicide Detective. The co-author grew up on the West Side. She attended and graduated from the segregated Dayton Public Schools. The book can be purchased at and is available at and
