Block Jam 3D gameplay levels 175-180 /Sometimes It's The Normal Levels That Make The Biggest Fuss


Am I right, all of you fellow Block Jam players? I couldn't figure out for the duration of 5 rounds the solution to completing level 176. It was showing green, which means it isn't a hard level, so there had to be something I could do in order to solve it much easier than what I was experiencing. As you can see, I was able to complete it and a few more. Just how did I do it? Well, when the screen would show that I failed, I tried to remember as much as I could about the last wave. Like, how were the colors arranged, did I need to mix free ones with trapped ones, things like that. The goal was to set myself up for a better strategy the next time. It took me many mistakes before I was able to put a plan together that actually worked. Due to the fact that I was pumped up after that victory, and I used coins to renew my hearts, I wanted to play on as far as I could go without making the video too long. Thankfully, things worked out so that I could end at level 180. What a clean finish. I guess I can't be too thrown off by the normal levels being more challenging than the hard ones. My advice moving forward is to remember to stay ready for anything. Speaking of staying ready for anything, did you notice the latest changes the game made. It's pretty neat seeing this already amazing game enhancing itself to make our experience even better! Thank you for taking the time to tune in. I hope you enjoy the video. Until next time! #blockjam3d #game #mobilegaming #puzzle #colorsorting #braingames

