Banish the bitterness.Apostolatos Kostas.

Διωξε την πικρα.
Singer: Pegi Zina.
Lyrics:Vasilis Giannopoulos.
Music:Hristoforos Germenis.
Sad eyes,love's secret ports,sweet and embittered lips,suddenly,tonight you became dark.Tell me my love what pain makes your heart bleed,wet eyes,once again alone you are trying to take your solace in drink.Banish the bitterness from your eyes,my boy,give me two sweet lips.I can't bear to see your eyes being gloomy.Tonight, send away the clouds my boy,offer me two lips to drink.I want to see the sun in your eyes,how much I love you.Dull stars of my love,closed and tearful eyes it's not possible for us to live apart.

