Cerita ini dimulai dari tahun 2023 dimana sewaktu Heret Frasthio (CEO kita) berangkat menuju acara VWD 2023 di Switzerland, sewaktu ketika dimana pada saat di perjalanan mengelilingi kota Eropa, Heret bertemu dengan Michael dan Martin, Bukan main! setelah perkenalan singkat Heret pun diajak mengelilingi dan menghadiri acara dan festival motor yang ada di Eropa, ibarat satu vespa sejuta saudara ini benar benar terjadi di kehidupan nyata, dan gak sekedar kata kata !
NAH, kali ini kita bawa Michael & Martin datang ke Indonesia untuk bisa melihat keindahan Pulau Dewata, perjalanan kali ini menempuh jarak hingga 200 kilometer, dimana mereka akan melaju dengan menggunakan motor hasil konversi
Motor ini dilengkapi dengan battery pack LD, battery pack baru yang dapat menempuh jarak hingga 200km, jadi ikutin terus keseruan mereka mengelilingi Indonesia.
Welcome to Indonesia Michael & Martin !
P.S dibawah ini ada sedikit cerita pertemuan antara Martin dengan Heret
My intention: I was on the way to Wheels and Waves Festival and my idea was only to pass by the World Vespa Day to sees some old friends. I was not really interested to much in the event itself. Therfore I had no ticket, no reservation for a hotel, I was just was passing by on the way to the Atlantic beach in France. Arriving in Vespa Village most part sellers that I know didn’t have really time for chat and all the exhibition guys who set up thr temporary museum were quite busy, after all there was not very much to see and do on the site.
Vespa Village: So I ended up at the booth of Elders Electric, curious about their product and then startend to chat with Heret. I first admitted that I’m not very interested in Vespa anymore and that Vespa World Days was just on the way to Wheels and Wave! And then Heret said he wants to go there too and that he had actually no idea how to get there. As I was travelling alone my proposal was: „I leave World Vespa World Days tomorrow and do a three-day trip to get to Biarritz. You are welcome to join, I have a van with a motobike inside, I have pop-up tent on the roof of my van and I’m fine for company to go there. So you can think about it and I pass by later and you can decide for tomorrow I will spend the night here and if you want to come we leave tomorrow before noon…“
The trip: So I guess he was a bit nervous because he didn‘t know what to expect and on Sunday 18.7. around noon I went to his booth and Heret was ready, had his backback with everything inside and two helmets for Steve Caballero and the famous knight model that draw a lot of attention everywhere! Our first stop was at Avenches were I have my English Bus I was working on. I showed him Geneva we hat nice swim in the lake and in the evening we drove on to the South of France and stopped in L’Isle sur la Sorgue where we arrived around midnight and popped up the roof. In the morning Heret was pretty surprised where we stayed for the night because it was the parking ground of the cemetery (grave yard)! I took out the Yamaha XS 650 Motorcycle and we made a trip to Mount Ventou to which is a famous mountain for Cycles; later visited the pont du Gard, to the most famous bridge from the Roman Empire and the ended up at Montpellier for the next night. We went to town and later headed for a Camping Ground at the beach. In the morning we had breakfast at La Grande-Motte, famous tourist city by architect Jean Balladur that was constructed in the sixties and seventies in a wave futurist / aztec-roman design. After another stop in Montpellier we drove to Toulouse the to Museum Halle de la Maschine which is incredible exposition of work whith machines to relive abandoned urban industrial areas with art and it works! On the highway we passed a colani truck which means a lot to me and is more exceptional than any supersportscar! Later we stopped at Pau and on the 21. we drove to Biarritz where we stayed on the Camping next to the W&W site and we enjoyed a very special Festival (another story)
Summary: After all things like this don’t happen to me that often! Meeting someone from a completely diffent country and go on a two weeks of holiday straight away is a very unique story! I think we both felt very comfortable from the first moment, we are both easy going and we have respect for one another. We saw that in our heart we share the same passion and we are open minded for adventures, what we found is an exceptional friendship! I have to say that Indonesia to me always was goal to visit and see this scooter scene is very vivid and still going strong not is boring and setteled like in Europe. For me a dream came true and I am very grateful for this experience, so proud I have now a very special relation to Indonesia. The story will go on and I will be back to see you soon…

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