Banaue Rice Terraces-Harmony between People and Environment


Watching the famous rice terraces of Banaue, in Northern Philippines, makes you wonder how could Ifugao, the indigenous tribe people with no formal schooling and only hands as their primary tools, have created such marvelous structures of art and engineering 2000 years ago? These terraces in pond like structures were created using curves, and bumps of the mountains slopes (upto 1000 feet) and they extend over 10,000 Square Kilometers (4000 Sqare miles) are living example of harmony between humans and environment.
When one respects and appreciates the beauty and immensity of nature, nature reciprocates gracefully. And when humans let loose their imagination, resourcefulness and hard work, it creates something so wonderful.
The terraces are not only beautiful pieces of art, having many designs (amphitheater, spiderweb, with ifugao village in the middle, descending on background of homes) but also examples of superb use of science and engineering principles. The natural irrigation system that goes downwards on the slopes starts by harvesting water from the forests on the top of the mountains. Entire farming system consisting of different varieties of rice and vegetables is impressive.
The other noticeable thing was the creative transportation of goods using ropes; by sliding cement bags or tomato cartoons down to lower elevations in mountains or moving rocks on higher levels of home. And for unanticipated rain, watching kids using large Banana leaves for cover was refreshing. Ofcourse, optimizing jeepney loads by sitting on the top roofs or people hanging outside holding handles are not uncommon but not recommended by someone who has spent career working in prevention area in Hightech 😂
Another unforgettable experience was watching the kids playing on the streets or sides of narrow windy roads in town. Somehow they knew when to move out when the cars were approaching. The joy and laughter of those kids reminded us of how we used to be; playing and enjoying outside our homes after school hours. And those cliff side huts and modest homes in villages had such beautiful views of mountains, valleys and majestic rice terraces that many would wish they had and many will pay huge sums in certain areas. 😊
Video contains some terraces images few times; before and after rain.
Music: Season by Aso. Slow paced music to appreciate the view of the life and nature in Beautiful Banaue.

