Bald Canyon Bald Eagle Nest


The Bald Canyon nest is located on U.S. Navy property on San Clemente Island, CA. The birds were first discovered working on a nest in a remote canyon in 2014. Read about their nesting history at . There is no audio per U.S. Navy guidelines, so ambient audio has been added.
The Institute for Wildlife Studies is a 501c(3) organization. If you would like to help support our bald eagle restoration and monitoring work on the California Channel Islands, you can make a tax-deductible donation at
Chat Guidelines:
1. Be polite and courteous.
2. Conversations regarding religion, race, politics, violence or any other topic that most would consider a controversial topic are not allowed.
3. The primary purpose of this chat is for the Bald Canyon nest. Off topic conversations are perfectly fine as long as nothing is going on here on this nest at the time and they follow all other rules listed.
4. Please use English. Moderators do not have time to translate everything to determine if they are following rules. If you are not fluent, please use a translator such as Google Translate.
5. Do not post personal information in chat. You never know who is reading this chat.
6. Please refrain from using this chat as a place to criticize things that occur at other nests.
7. Just be nice and have fun!

