Baby Essential { Playpen } at 10+mo

The playpen was and is a huge essential of my first year of being a first time mom. Some might disagree however everyone’s circumstances are different.
With that being said one of my least favorite things to do is to CLEAN out the playpen, and it is something that needs to be done at least one time a week.
I don’t know about any other babies, but my little one crawls A LOT at this moment ( she is 10 months ) her hands, feet and legs roam the floors everything wins up in her mouth, such as toys, plush toys, pretend play toys you name it, which is why I feel so strongly about wiping things down.
My go to is babyganics. People might think it’s a waste of money and you can just use Lysol, all of which are true and all I have to say to that is to each their own.
Babyganics is fragrance free doesn’t contain bleach or ammonia non-irritant non-allergenic and they have not tested on animals, again to each their own, but it works for us highly recommend 
