
1.汰舊換新,採購了新的一批Starboard充氣sup(其中一塊讓我們可以輕鬆地背到嘉明湖划起來),和一塊generation 12'x28"的硬板,集合衝浪、競賽和探索等三種功能,並獲得業界獎項。
2.全力發展sup競速,幾經挫折,終於購得Infinity 的三款競速板,目前好野人共有8塊14呎的競速板,共五種品牌,都是國際知名的好貨,只因競速樂趣嘗過後就愛上了,人家在陸地上跑馬拉松或單車競速,我們只能在無窮盡的大海划sup。
Love Wilds Co.,Ltd new sup plan in 2023 (the first two of the four major plans have been completed, and the other two are still in progress)
1. Replaced the old with the new, purchased a new starboard air inlet, and a first-generation 12'x28" hard board, which integrates three functions of surfing, competition and exploration, and won an industry award.
2. Make every effort to develop sup racing. After many twists and turns, finally purchased three racing boards from Infinity. At present, Love Wilds Co.,Ltd has 8 14-foot racing boards, a total of five brands, all of which are international chairs, and racing is fun Tasted it and fell in love with it, people run marathons or bike races on land, we can only plan in the endless sea.
3. The Uber of the Sea program, which can only meet the goal.
4. The latest upgrade this year will open your eyes wider.
The film was a good board in the second project painting, and there are more great ones next time.

