Avatars in the Metaverse

The disruptions to workplace culture wrought by the pandemic have resulted in greater attention paid to hybrid or flex work and the needs of a more diverse population in the face of a global talent and worker shortage. The return to work was especially problematic for neurodiverse populations, which account for an estimated 15-20% of the global population. While 35% of frontline workers who were in person in 2022 reported symptoms of depressive or anxiety disorder, more than 70% of neurodiverse workers experienced the same. The population is also eight times as likely to be unemployed, while most actively desire and seek work opportunities. In order to improve general well-being, confidence, and thus, capabilities of this population, this study proposes a novel use of extended reality (XR) to personalize experiences that allow individuals to adjust with virtual workspaces that mimics their physical space and, as research has demonstrated, provide a type of digital embodiment that reduces stress and improves performance and socialization. Through the use of visual stories and avatars, anxiety may be alleviated as familiarity with a new unknown environment can be experienced via a digital twin for either remote or in-person work. Furthermore, such a virtual experience can provide biofeedback using biometics for self-assessments, which allows not only for self-regulation, but also allows the virtual environment to be automatically adjusted to the user's needs.
