Auric Maelstrom D III VII IX G║ Excise Vault║ Ogryn HS VII + Shovel V 1.3.11

Excise Vault Spireside-13 Freight Port HL-32-2, "The Hourglass"
Auric + Maelstrom + Damnation
Krourk Mk VII Twin-Linked Heavy Stubber + Brute-Brainer Mk V Latrine Shovel
2024.06.06 patch 1.3.11
Hardest mode is here ║ Auric Maelstrom D III VII IX G ║ Hi-Intensity + Shock Troop Gauntlet + Haunting Grounds + Waves of Poxbusters + Waves of Mutants + Extra barrels + Enhanced Blitz.
Immense amount of hordes elites and specials...

