Arun Jha India Retired Army Major looking to develop Bihar VIdped 497 June 2024

I (Arun Jha) took Premature Retirement from my Military Service in the Indian Army (with Pension) in Feb 2013 by the Inspiration of HH Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Founder of the “Art of Living” HQ in Bengaluru in Karnataka state in India.
After having had many experiences on the ground in Bihar state, I now plan to soon raise an NGO (Trust under the Indian Trusts Act, 2016).
The status and respect of India in the world stage is rising greatly; and there is increased demand for Indian products in various countries across the world.
An increase in exports from India would bring in valuable foreign currency besides giving the country many other diplomatic dividends.
Realising this; the Govt of India has simplified the requirements for Exports and has introduced many schemes for raising exports from the country.
The GDP of Bihar state is the lowest among all states in India primarily because this state is locked by land from all sides - and cannot actively carry out International Business (Exports) from the Sea route.
According to specialists and experts in the Economy of Bihar state in India; the agricultural and Food Processing sector has the greatest potential to raise the economy of the state.
This NGO would aim to raise the export of agricultural and processed foods from Bihar state. To ensure this; it would raise the participation of (response from) small entrepreneurs to the various schemes of the Govt of India for boosting exports.
The USP of the NGO is that it would give ADDITIONAL Financial Incentives LINKED WITH the incentives availed by its startup exporters from APEDA (Agricultural and Processed Foods Exports Development Authority) of the Govt of India; and advice/ (support) related to exports.
Plans of this NGO have been given in its (earlier) website:
The NGO would ensure an increase in the number of exporters of Agricultural and processed foods from Bihar state.
It would promote many INDIVIDUAL small (startup) Merchant exporters of Agricultural and processed foods in the entire Bihar state to achieve its objective.
All OTHER incentives planned by this NGO for the concerned small (startup) exporters in Bihar state are given in its website
