Artist Spotlight: Arahmaiani X Wayang Merdeka X Milosh Luczynski | Light to Night 2024

Arahmaiani is an Indonesian artist well known for her performances and environmental activism. Since the 1990s, her practice has focused on social and political issues that impact women.
Formed in 2022, Wayang Merdeka is an independent group based in Yogyakarta, Indonesia that organises “wayang kulit” (shadow puppetry) puppet-making workshops using recycled materials, which educate the younger generations on “wayang kulit” and recycling.
Milosh Luczynski is a Paris-based multi-disciplinary visual and intermedia artist. Known for his monumental multimedia installations, live media performances and immersive kinetic spaces, Luczynski has exhibited his works across the globe.
“Temple of Love” depicts the story of a monster who appears in the middle of the night, wreaks havoc and mercilessly devours the world. This catastrophe leads to the destruction of buildings and nature, causing upheaval within the community. After a long, tiresome battle with the monster, Mother Nature appears and heals the earth with her powerful hands, endless love and nurturing energy, and the world is rejuvenated, healed and fertile once again.
Arahmaiani, Wayang Merdeka, and Milosh Luczynski’s light projection “Temple of Love” is part of Light to Night Singapore 2024: Reimagine, which was held from 19 Jan to 8 Feb 2024 across Singapore’s Civic District.
#LighttoNightSG #NationalGallerySingapore #LetArtSurpriseYou
