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ARMAGEDDON ON YOUR MIND (a patriotic/anti-Bush song parody)

Пікірлер: 220

  • @crappco
    @crappco15 жыл бұрын

    We are optimistic as well, though with all necessary caution. All the best to you and yours for the new year. And thank you for your years of brave service.

  • @AlanZibluk
    @AlanZibluk17 жыл бұрын

    Really great job with music and clips.

  • @raven22290
    @raven2229016 жыл бұрын

    This was always my favorite song from Superstar. You did a fantastic job with this!

  • @crappco
    @crappco15 жыл бұрын

    Hereticbooks - Thank you. Happy Holidays of your choice to you as well. All the best to you, yours & America. Get well soon, America! Happy New Year!

  • @crappco
    @crappco16 жыл бұрын

    The scattered comment refers to the DailyKos blog which adiksas19 seems to think has a theme song.

  • @crappco
    @crappco17 жыл бұрын

    From your friends at CRAPPCO: our thanks to 4Article1 (great name, by the way) & everyone else, pro & (neo)con, who have watched and/or commented on our video (see the lyrics on our website for links to substantiate the claims). We agree with 4Article1 which is why Crappco proudly lists PeaceTakesCourage in our patriotic links section. Please visit Ava's amazing website. And please visit our links page for more great sites you may have missed or forgotten. -- "AMERICA BEFORE AGENDA"

  • @crappco
    @crappco17 жыл бұрын

    Hereticbooks - Very nice. You're surrounded by heroes on both sides, before & after.

  • @crappco
    @crappco16 жыл бұрын

    It's January 1, 2008. We wish all Americans & our friends around the world a very happy, healthy, peaceful & prosperous NEW YEAR!

  • @crappco
    @crappco17 жыл бұрын

    kiwilerner - Your comment is much appreciated (as are the comments of all who have praised this video). Lately, we've sadly heard from too many who believe the endless lies told by Dubya & those who own him. Regarding our vocalist, he is intentionally anonymous...just an average patriotic American using his amazing talent whenever he can to help defend his beloved country.

  • @kiwilerner
    @kiwilerner17 жыл бұрын

    Thank you so much for this. Awesome video and the lyrics are spot on. JCS is one of my favorite musicals anyway, and this commentary is painfully accurate. I have to ask though -- WHO is the singer? He's phenomenal. Please add his credit!

  • @PolaHrvat
    @PolaHrvat17 жыл бұрын

    This is the best video :)..

  • @leathersammie
    @leathersammie16 жыл бұрын


  • @crappco
    @crappco17 жыл бұрын

    Hereticbooks - WOW! That's the best news I've seen in quite a while. I hope more & more parents can soon report the same. Christopher, thank you very much for your brave & honorable service. I wish you & your family all the best.

  • @treephant
    @treephant16 жыл бұрын

    Thank you for the video, effective and brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sending it out to all.

  • @crappco
    @crappco17 жыл бұрын

    Hereticbooks - Regarding your comment about our videos, I'm pleased that you found things to enjoy in what we have to offer. Thank you.

  • @crappco
    @crappco16 жыл бұрын

    You're too kind, Deanna. We trust you know that the feeling is mutual.

  • @crappco
    @crappco17 жыл бұрын

    Hereticbooks-Thank you for sharing your news. I hope the next 5 weeks go quickly & smoothly. Then, if you can, please drop a quick comment to let your fellow patriots (& others as well) know that your brave son is safely back in your arms.

  • @crappco
    @crappco16 жыл бұрын

    Hereticbooks--Glad to know you're well, as are we. Yes, please download the video (Win, QT & Google Video links @ Crappco . com). Thanks for the praise, but we wish we didn't feel the vid was necessary. By the way, I spoke with a homeless Vietnam vet yesterday (and gave him what I could). He tells me his son is a reservist in Iraq. This madness can't be over soon enough!

  • @crappco
    @crappco15 жыл бұрын

    He sure is, Captain. But fortunately he'll be gone soon & we'll see if the smart new guy can start to clean up the mess. (Nice selections of Favorites, by the way.)

  • @crappco
    @crappco15 жыл бұрын

    HifromGREECE - Our pleasure. We sincerely hope everyone will soon witness the beginning of a new & better world.

  • @coolmamac
    @coolmamac16 жыл бұрын

    Great job guys.

  • @jringfargo
    @jringfargo17 жыл бұрын

    It's from "Jesus Christ Superstar"

  • @crappco
    @crappco16 жыл бұрын


  • @MikeTheAnnoying
    @MikeTheAnnoying16 жыл бұрын

    I don't agree the message, but it's funny and good vocals.

  • @Xaikar
    @Xaikar16 жыл бұрын

    This would be an awesom SOAD song! they should cover it

  • @policron
    @policron16 жыл бұрын

    can you put the lyrics, for no english speaking people please?

  • @crappco
    @crappco16 жыл бұрын

    This is just a quick thank you to all who have posted positive comments regarding this video. It's important to do what we can to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States" "against all enemies, foreign and domestic" (hear that, George?). America Before Agenda, Your friends at Team Crappco

  • @crappco
    @crappco15 жыл бұрын

    olin3434 - Thank you.

  • @crappco
    @crappco16 жыл бұрын

    Well said. I can't imagine the grief & helplessness of losing family or friend to W's folly. Over 4100 dead. Beyond the loss to family, imagine what service those brave fallen might have brought to America if Bush & Cheney had allowed them to live. Teachers, police, National Guard, medics, role models... All those valuable people. Americans. Gone. Wasted. All for neo-con greed & power which amounts to nothing when compared to the lives they've ended & those they've shattered (here & overseas).

  • @crappco
    @crappco17 жыл бұрын

    Further response to randomjunk52 Dubya's incompetence (at the very least) allowed 9/11 to occur. How many warnings did he need? You can start with the link in the video description text: "Richard Clark's Warning About al-Qaeda (the one Condi Rice said didn't exist)" Bush can only be considered "one of our greatest presidents" if you don't count ever other one. continued...

  • @crappco
    @crappco15 жыл бұрын


  • @crappco
    @crappco17 жыл бұрын

    Thank you, JixMa. You're absolutely correct...metaphorically, of course. As our song says, "we intend to take America back." There are increasingly fewer supporters of this incomparably corrupt administration as more & more followers open their eyes to find out they've been had. So watch your back as the last remaining devotees become increasingly entrenched & desperate (that last line written with a satisfied smile & a patriotic wink). - your friends at Team Crappco

  • @crappco
    @crappco15 жыл бұрын

    HifromGREECE - Thank you. With hard work & the support of good people worldwide, we will do better starting in 2009.

  • @crappco
    @crappco16 жыл бұрын

    Hey, Deanna! Good to know that you're there & fighting the good now-or-never fight. Yes, President Obama, indeed. I like the way that sounds. All the best to you & yours.

  • @2337908
    @233790816 жыл бұрын

    Morbo, you're right... In my honest opinion, Bush is little more than a scapegoat for something much more sinister than anyone can imagine.

  • @crappco
    @crappco16 жыл бұрын

    Thank you.

  • @krusader85
    @krusader8516 жыл бұрын

    when bush speaks, someone dies

  • @crappco
    @crappco16 жыл бұрын

    2-I saw that clip. Search KZread for: Biden "We will pursue the Bush Administration" But that title doesn't accurately convey what Biden said. Watch the clip (it's under 2 minutes). 3-Yes. 4-Yes.

  • @crappco
    @crappco16 жыл бұрын

    1-Who? You should. Our patriotic duty is to KNOW who's LYING. Each issue has only 1 set of facts. We must not pick a side to believe without KNOWING who we can trust. America deserves that from each of us. 2-Yes, but the vigilante voices of the few are not enough to protect our great country against greed & corporate power. 3-They have it. It's our job to know when they're lying & change the channel. 4-And Palin's critics are called sexist. We all need to address the issues, not race or gender.

  • @crappco
    @crappco16 жыл бұрын

    You're welcome & thank you.

  • @crappco
    @crappco17 жыл бұрын

    Hereticbooks - When he's safely home, I trust there will be remarkable stories to tell. Until then, please let me be a bit worried (perhaps mistrusting of who might be reading these postings) & suggest revealing as few details as possible.

  • @jalandodds
    @jalandodds17 жыл бұрын

    The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. - Thomas Jefferson.

  • @crappco
    @crappco16 жыл бұрын

    Let's use the correct terminology: Global Climate Change. Is it still your ass?

  • @crappco
    @crappco16 жыл бұрын

    My condolences, gratitude & respect to you & your family.

  • @crappco
    @crappco16 жыл бұрын

    Calling Bush a fascist is intended, with some creative license, to indicate the direction his policies are rapidly taking us. Iraq is irrefutably a war of choice, devastating to both countries. Thank you for watching the clip. We all want the best for America, so we need leaders we can trust & who value our citizens over corporations & donors. A nation is only as strong as its foundation, so we have to make sure the least of us is respected & healthy since we all stand on their many shoulders.

  • @crappco
    @crappco15 жыл бұрын

    Psycnosis- You're correct. I don't like to despise my president, but I can't deny the truth. And my apologies for understating the destruction caused by Bush & his owners. Not only were they the worst threat America has ever faced, but Bush may very well be the most dangerous man in history. America must ask the world's forgiveness. I'll start by swearing that as a patriotic American I will do all I legally can to prevent a madman like Bush from ever again ascending to such a position of power.

  • @crappco
    @crappco16 жыл бұрын

    There were WMDs at one time, which is why we had inspectors who were pulled out by Bush (not thrown out by Saddam) before the invasion began. They found nothing of any significance. Iraq was not a threat to America. But Bush is. There's no way this murderous, trillion dollar invasion can in any way be considered worthwhile. Not a such a cost. Irrefutably, Bush lied our great nation into a devastating war. He'll never wash the blood of our brave military or innocent Iraqis off his filthy hands.

  • @Kritiker313
    @Kritiker31313 жыл бұрын

    "I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority." - G.W. Bush, 3/13/02

  • @crappco
    @crappco16 жыл бұрын

    diddy1847-If Sen. Clinton believed Bush's lies, she still didn't vote for war. Her vote gave him the authority as a last resort (which it wasn't) & there were stipulations which Bush ignored and/or lied about. And I don't think that puppet could mastermind a game of patty cake. But he & his cronies ignored numerous warnings before 9/11. If Gore had gotten the job to which he was elected, it's a fair bet that 9/11 wouldn't have happened. The worst theft in world history is the Bush presidency.

  • @crappco
    @crappco16 жыл бұрын

    Let's not get stuck on a bit of poetic license. It's a song. "If you get away with your fascist plan" is intended to call attention to where our political system clearly seems to be heading under Bush & the people who own him. I'm not claiming brownshirts & goosesteps, but we're moving toward a distortion of America that none of us should want to see. We don't need to reduce ourselves to anti-democratic brutality. We've always been better than that. It's 1 of the many reasons America is great.

  • @innesplace
    @innesplace17 жыл бұрын

    Hey guys, I wrote a new song called Screw Bush-honey come home. Until I come up with a better title, I'm sticking to this one..heh. Please comment or rate. Thanks!

  • @crappco
    @crappco17 жыл бұрын

    Hereticbooks - I wish it weren't so, but every word you wrote is true. Their repulsive lack of humanity, decency & patriotism is astounding.

  • @crappco
    @crappco15 жыл бұрын

    gameragodzilla - #2 Our enemies know America cant be destroyed with attacks, but from within. W played right into their hands, gaining terrorist recruits & bankrupting America. Safe? On 9/11 WE WERE ATTACKED UNDER G.W. BUSH! 1993 WTC attack, Clinton 5 weeks in office, captured & imprisoned those responsible, US started to learn about bin Ladin. Clinton tried to get bin Ladin, but was accused by right-wing of wagging the dog. Clinton tried to share intel with Bush but was ignored.

  • @crappco
    @crappco16 жыл бұрын

    The video contains images depicting how people feel about Bush & it's chilling to know that some compare him to Hitler. Although W clearly has no regard for life, it would be hard for even he to reach that evil & murderous level. And although America has always survived external threats, the devastation Bush creates from within has surely done more damage to America & our security than any foreign enemy. Also, he doesn't believe in America...he believes in corporations, contributions & power.

  • @crappco
    @crappco16 жыл бұрын

    And all the while, America suffers.

  • @epicadventurehero
    @epicadventurehero17 жыл бұрын

    Thumbs up!

  • @crappco
    @crappco17 жыл бұрын

    Hereticbooks - Please know that our thoughts & wishes are with you for the prompt & safe return of your son, along with all of his brothers & sisters of our great military so needlessly in harms way.

  • @diddy1847
    @diddy184716 жыл бұрын

    I dont think it can be considered a lie when people honestly thought Iraq had wmd's, including Russia, and we know Iraq had wmd's in the past

  • @crappco
    @crappco15 жыл бұрын

    strmxr I'll xplain this to you clearly & simply...our remarkable troops bravely "signed up" to defend America, not to have their lives squandered in an unnecessary & illegal war. "Just because America went to war?" "Honestly?" Is war so casual an occurrence to you? Ask the thousands who've lost parents, husbands, wives, children, friends or loved ones if they take war as lightly as you do. If you're really an America, try behaving like one. You can start by respecting our troops.

  • @crappco
    @crappco16 жыл бұрын

    1-Our KZread profile is blank. 2-Viewers, visit Crappco, see for yourself. 3-You offer no substantiation to any of your ludicrous claims. 4-Did you click the links in the video description for the PROOF you so desperately seek? I'll bet you haven't & never will. 5-You don't give a damn about the truth or America! 6-You keep mentioning drugs. Familiar with pills, are you? 7-WSJ? Reading? Smart? You?? Not a chance. 8-A 14-yr-old idiot used to leave similar comments. Same idiot, new name?

  • @crappco
    @crappco16 жыл бұрын

    That is a possibility/probability. If Bush were any more of a puppet, you'd see the strings.

  • @crappco
    @crappco16 жыл бұрын

    "humans contribute 0.28% to green house gases." I checked that number. Pretty fishy. Even if it's right, it looks like it refers to actual humans, not including the waste produced by our machinery & farming. It's easy to make figures lie. It shouldn't be easy to make people believe it.

  • @crappco
    @crappco16 жыл бұрын

    You can still fool some of the people all of the time. I know people who watch Fox "News" & they consequently know very little (true story, I mentioned Brewster Jennings & they asked "who's he?"). 1/20/09 is just over a year away, though much damage can be done by then. Before November, we must be ready to counter every right-wing lie & make sure they don't get close enough to steal election #3. Very nice to hear from you. All the best to you & your family. Your friends at Team Crappco

  • @crappco
    @crappco16 жыл бұрын

    Robez93-Yes, I'm a liberal. That means I'm a patriot who puts America before agenda. Liberals stand in defense against the rampant & relentless devastation caused by conservatives.

  • @crappco
    @crappco16 жыл бұрын

    diddy1847 - I'll tell you what makes ME sick...people who attack America, especially those who have sworn an oath to "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." Bush & co. can't be gone soon enough. And sorry, but we can't move to Cuba, even if we wanted to. We need to stay and fix the damage done to America by conservatives. One more thing...the guy sings great, even if you don't consider the pipes needed to sing "Heaven On Their Minds". AMERICA BEFORE AGENDA!

  • @crappco
    @crappco16 жыл бұрын

    Njutri - We actually didn't pick our moron. The Repugnicans lied well (it's what they do best) & got close enough to incontrovertibly steal two elections, 2000 & 2004. However, if they don't steal 2008, we could finally begin to repair Bush's damage here & around the world. But, as much as I hate to even think about it, if McCain wins (or steals) the election, it could mean the demise of America. Stay tuned. And that wouldn't be good for anyone, even in Croatia.

  • @crappco
    @crappco16 жыл бұрын

    Cricketboy1200, we didn't invade Iraq for any of the reasons Bush gave (see Downing St. Memo), he thought it would be easy & (along with those who own him) he has put America, our allies & the world at great risk. The intent of this video is to illustrate just a handful of Bush's unending failures. At the very best, he's monumentally incompetent. It's easy to find the truth. You can start by following the links in this video's descriptive text & the links at our website.

  • @crappco
    @crappco17 жыл бұрын

    Well said. I understand that with their terribly slim majority, the Dems don't have the votes to get the necessary convictions, but I've called many offices in Congress to say that as futile as it may be, we have to try, if for no other reason than to engrave the attempt into the history books.

  • @crappco
    @crappco16 жыл бұрын

    MoveOnDotOrgg - Welcome back! You took a little vacation & returned refreshed & still willfully ignorant!! -Car trouble? Don't forget Laura's dead boyfriend. -The Bush clan got rich on everyone from the Nazis to the Saudis. So you hate booze but it's okay to deal with our enemies. Nice. -Clinton grew up poor but he's smarter & more patriotic than you'll ever be. -Drug use? Dubya was a coke head. Whoever tells you what to believe is doing you & America a great disservice. "Wanna go more?"

  • @crappco
    @crappco15 жыл бұрын

    Hereticbooks - Thanks for your continuing support of this video & its patriotic intent. Very soon it will represent a sad chapter of our history. I suspect Bush, Cheney & Co. will get away with their abundance of treasonous crimes, but good riddance to them all. As of this writing, we will have a smart, new President in 3 1/2 days (not that I'm counting every second). We wish Barack Obama a successful & safe administration as he does all he can to repair America & her tarnished image worldwide.

  • @crappco
    @crappco17 жыл бұрын

    JixMa - W's minions wouldn't want the powers he nabbed to get into the hands of a Democrat (aka the next president). Then again, chances are a Dem wouldn't want (& wouldn't abuse) such powers.

  • @crappco
    @crappco16 жыл бұрын

    Lyonspotter - World politics are clearly too complex for W (as is, most likely, toast) & also too complex for his arrogant owners who thought their invasion would be easy. I followed your link. Good work. Viewers, you can watch some eyeopening video at the channel of KZread user Lyonspotter.

  • @crappco
    @crappco16 жыл бұрын

    Hussein was posturing to seem more powerful than he was. International experts said there were no WMD, but Bush & his owners wanted access to Iraqi oil. Hussein was an evil bastard (& there are many in the world even worse than Hussein) but that doesn't justify an invasion, particularly one facilitated by lies that has cost more lives than Hussein ever did. Besides, we didn't invade because Hussein was a bad man, we invaded because W (another evil bastard) lied & insisted that we were in danger.

  • @otttto9999
    @otttto999916 жыл бұрын

    somebody thinks he is the smartest man on the world

  • @crappco
    @crappco17 жыл бұрын

    ruonetoo - "The Government's efforts" have been based on lies & have led to disaster, foreign & domestic, which will take generations to fix if we start now. If anyone doesn't understand our enemy, it's Bush & his gullible supporters, all of whom are responsible for the blood of our brave troops, as well as innocent blood overseas which was in no way ours to spill. Understand that!

  • @crappco
    @crappco17 жыл бұрын

    Dunechard-I'm no Communist, Muslim or idiot. Real men defend America against all enemies foreign, domestic & conservative. If you don't think Bush & those who own & control him are the worst threat we've ever faced, your head is in the sand. HarperSanchez-we are indeed for sale to any Bush contributor. You're an uninformed, (probably unintentionally) anti-American kid. Pay attention & help protect America. Liberals have more patriotism in one little toe than all Bush supporters combined!

  • @crappco
    @crappco15 жыл бұрын

    gameragodzilla - #3 There were NO terrorists in Iraq before we invaded. Hussein was evil, but he kept them out. You should care that Bush wrecked our reputation. We dont own the world. Trade & information exchange are essential for national security. Americans need to be safe both at home & abroad. We all support our troops, but do you grieve when their noble lives are squandered in Bushs illegal war? Do you grieve for the lost children, spouses, parents & loved ones. Think about them.

  • @crappco
    @crappco17 жыл бұрын

    Re: randomjunk52's 1-5 idiotic statements: 1 Yes, that anti-life moron sure did 2 He's got a deadly, anti-Jesus way of showing it 3 See #2 4 Yes, he is a bigot. Are you? 5 We're helping nature become very dangerous & we have 1 chance to stop it from going extreme. Even if temps drop again, it won't bring back the glaciers or those who drown or die from rampant disease. Bush helped industry at the expense of average Americans & the economy. Unlike randomjunk52, we place AMERICA BEFORE AGENDA.

    @LYONSPOTTER16 жыл бұрын

    I'm not too sure the world/politics are too complex for the president. He has surrounded himself with an administration that works cohesively toward their ends. However, I personally disagree with these ends quite passionately. Please see my channel. I have some videos similar to this one.

  • @crappco
    @crappco16 жыл бұрын

    1a-Yes, it's incredibly difficult to verify each statement, but we have to make the effort for the sake of our nation, our children & the world since a barrage of seemingly pro-American claims is an effective tactic to win support. I first heard Rush Limbaugh nearly 20 yrs ago & was outraged by his claims. After all, he seemed knowledgeable & decisive. But then a few things didn't quite make sense, so I checked & learned that he's a liar. A little bit of research tells you who you can't trust.

  • @crappco
    @crappco15 жыл бұрын

    Hereticbooks - The still-current administration has proven to be very good at avoiding consequences of their anti-American activities, but even if these charges don't stick, it's important that they're entered into the public record.

  • @crappco
    @crappco16 жыл бұрын

    No, inspectors were on the ground when Bush gave the invasion order. But that bit of information aside, is there any way in which Bush's invasion was worth the price in blood, dollars & American credibility?

  • @crappco
    @crappco17 жыл бұрын

    c0ns3rv4t1v3: You say "Bush...stopped any terrorist attack...since 2001." Tell that to the people in England, Spain & India (so far). And no one is saying that Bush is the only evil man in the world, but he's ours & America deserves better than that madman. Also, Bush isn't "evil for waging war on Al-Qaeda" (which isn't actually what he's doing). That filthy liar is evil (among many, many reasons) for unnecessarily invading Iraq & increasing the strength of Al-Qaeda.

  • @crappco
    @crappco16 жыл бұрын

    1b-And it's not easy since you have to check your sources. Fox makes a claim and NewsMax verifies it, but both are lying. What a racket. O'Reilly calls Media Matters a smear site for playing audio or video of exactly what he said. So listen to what people say, not what others claim that those people said. After a short while, you can see the tenancies. And even if the Left aren't saints, the Right lies constantly. Why? Because if the GOP had to campaign honestly, they wouldn't stand a chance.

  • @crappco
    @crappco17 жыл бұрын

    Hereticbooks, you ask, "What to do?" Just watch, because the good new is that, as usual, the pendulum is starting to swing back. The difference is the unprecedented amount of damage its leaving behind. I will always remember that those who voted for W share in creating that damage, since their gullibility helped him get close enough to steal two elections (indisputably, no doubt about it). Question: What's the greatest theft in history? Answer: the American presidency...TWICE!

  • @crappco
    @crappco15 жыл бұрын

    Yes, but via the Justice Dept. The closer Obama is to such proceedings, the less he'll be able to (or be allowed to) work on saving the country from 8 Bush years. The Right has shown (& some have bluntly said) that they are all too willing to see Obama's efforts thwarted in an effort to regain power, even if America suffers or fails. Their lack of patriotism is astounding & shameful. Even Conservatives who truly love America are like a husband who beats his wife to within an inch of her life.

  • @crappco
    @crappco15 жыл бұрын

    Hereticbooks - Let's see if we get an Attorney Gen. before the statute of limitations runs out on W's crimes. It seems that Obama would be smart to remove himself from the process since it falls to the Justice Dept anyway. No partisan witch hunt, strictly the law. The problem is knowledge of lawlessness by otherwise uninvolved people on both sides who may be caught up because they turned a blind eye. But if nothing is done, Obama becomes co-conspirator. This could end up being very complicated.

  • @crappco
    @crappco16 жыл бұрын

    That's "really just don't get it." After the 1993 attack on the WTC, they waited over 8 years until 9/11/01. But there were other attacks, just as there have been attacks in England, Spain & India since 9/11. We're in an unnecessary occupation that's getting our soldiers killed, breeding anti-American hatred & will be paid for by your great-grandchildren, if they have a planet left by then. We choose to support America & our brave troops. Why would anyone rather support Bush?

  • @crappco
    @crappco16 жыл бұрын

    I obviously have no love for that traitor or those who own him, but I want him to live a long life so he can see the damage he's done, although I'm certain he'd never admit it. Everything that goes wrong under this administration is the fault of someone else. Good thing they brought "honor and integrity back to the White House."

  • @crappco
    @crappco17 жыл бұрын

    Biker15k, you say "Iraq & Iran both had terrorist camps." Those in Iraq were outside of Hussein's control, but Bush did nothing to stop them AFTER 9/11 because he wanted to use them as a reason to invade. Do you now think it would be a good idea to bomb Iran? Do you THINK? I trust you really believe W's on our side & I doubt you intend to be anti-American. But please learn something non-neocon before Bush & the people who own him (& have fooled you) destroy this country & perhaps the world!

  • @crappco
    @crappco17 жыл бұрын

    xaqshuna2003 -- your profile says that you're a 22-year-old American. You should add that you're also very generous with the lives of other people's children. The fact is I have NO radical buddies of ANY religion. Sorry, that's just one more thing you're wrong about. I do, however, know fine believers of different faiths & some without belief. So grit your hateful teeth & enjoy your easy-to-repeat catch phases & talking points as you wash worldwide innocent blood from your hands.

  • @crappco
    @crappco15 жыл бұрын

    Hereticbooks - how did Bush & Cheney get the blood of our soldiers off their hands? Chances are they licked it off.

  • @crappco
    @crappco16 жыл бұрын

    We should possess absolutely none of those, but under Bush & those who own him, were moving way too close to fascism. They're trying & lying to have a rigid 1-party system. Forcible suppression of opposition (like the RNC convention protesters), corp under govt control (corp & govt merging as in lobbyists, Fox "News", corporate contributions & tax breaks, etc.), belligerent nationalism (self evident), racism (anti-Islamic policies),'s not a far stretch to see fascism creeping in.

  • @crappco
    @crappco17 жыл бұрын

    Well said, Hereticbooks. DanTroops, if anyone can end the world, it's the madmen at the helm. Or can they? Nah, not after all this world has been through. When all is said & done, they're far too small in so very many ways. Here's to 2012!

  • @crappco
    @crappco15 жыл бұрын

    gameragodzilla - #5 I trust that you love America, but unless you realize that Conservative tactics have never worked, youll be voting against the best interest of yourself, your family & your country. The world isn't simple. There are many large & small details & many reasons that good & bad things happen. Don't just react, THINK! LEARN! Don't just believe anything that looks good or easy. Become informed & you're be able to help protect this great nation. America Before Agenda

  • @crappco
    @crappco16 жыл бұрын

    Welcome back, Robez93! Wow, it's so friggin' GREAT that you have an expensive car & a snotless beach house in sunny Florida! I'm sure we're all very, very impressed!! But sadly, you believe the lies of the right wing, so your vast fortune will be useless if conservatives succeed in destroying America. Incidentally, if you're suggesting that Hereticbooks is a gay guy, add it to the lengthy list of things you're wrong about. She's the truly patriotic mother of an Iraq vet. When did you serve?

  • @crappco
    @crappco15 жыл бұрын

    MadIvanpb - Sure, we'll do an Obama version...just as soon as he starts an illegal & unnecessary war or commits some other treason.

  • @crappco
    @crappco16 жыл бұрын

    That image indicates patriotic public opinion, although the analogy certainly isn't perfect since Bush (and those who own and control him) is far worse of a threat to America than any of our foreign enemies could ever hope to be.

  • @crappco
    @crappco15 жыл бұрын

    AmericaPowerBaseObama has more patriotism in 1/4 of his little finger than every Conservative combined. And no one can lie as much as Bush/Cheney did. Though I wish Obama was a Liberal, hes trying to undo Ws 8 yrs of damage. His obstacle, anti-American Conservatives, the fools who made the world hate us. By the way, the CIA, FBI, NSA & Secret Service vet all candidates & wouldnt let an non-citizen run for President, let alone be sworn in. Or is such rational thought contrary to your agenda?

  • @crappco
    @crappco17 жыл бұрын

    Sebass512, amazing isn't it, that we've gone from a Clinton surplus to our currency plummeting worldwide? Another "thank you, George." Regarding Ron Paul, while he appears to truly be an honorable & patriotic man, appealing to young people like yourself, his extreme Libertarian views would take us in the wrong direction. America really needs a Democrat this time.
