Are the Jews really the chosen people? | Episode 3 of 7

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• The Truth About Palest...
For Solomon’s welcoming of non-Israelites to worship the one true God at his Temple, see his dedication of the Temple to God in: 2 Chronicles 6:32-33 and 1 Kings 8:41. This was later confirmed by the Prophet Isaiah in Isaiah 56:6-7. The exclusion of Gentiles from the Temple in later periods was either (a) a reference to non-believing Gentile idolaters or (b) a religious corruption by the rabbis. The latter is supported by Jesus’ objection to the exclusion of believing Gentiles from the temple in Matthew 27:54.
The Bible describes how the Prophet Amos warned the Children of Israel that if they did not repent from their sins, then the wrath of their Lord would descend upon them. God inspires him to tell the Children of Israel why their immorality is especially deserving of divine wrath: “You alone have I singled out of all the families of the earth-that is why I will call you to account for your iniquities.” (Amos 3:2) According to Rabbinical tradition, the Prophet Amos was killed by the Jewish king Uzziah (Karl Budde, Kaufmann Kohler, Louis Ginzberg, “Amos”, The Jewish Encyclopedia,
The Bible describes how the Prophet Isaiah warned the Children of Israel (particularly the rich and powerful ones) that if they did not repent from their sins, then the wrath of their Lord would descend upon them (see Isaiah 9:8-19, 10:1-6, and others) and the Talmud describes how the Jewish King Manasseh responded by ordering the Prophet Isaiah to be killed (see Yevamot 49b:8).
The Bible describes how the Prophet Jeremiah warned the Children of Israel that if they did not repent from their sins, then the wrath of their Lord would descend upon them and it also describes how he lived in constant fear of death, and how corrupt Jewish priests once convinced the Jewish King Zedekiah to kill him of starvation by throwing him into a cistern, from which he narrowly escaped death (see the Book of Jeremiah). Several extrabiblical traditions (such as “The Lives of the Prophets” and statements from early Church fathers) relate that Jeremiah was eventually stoned to death by the Jewish people in Egypt. For him to die in this manner is consistent with the many rejections and attempted murders that he experienced from the Jewish people throughout the Book of Jeremiah.

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  • @BloggingTheology
    @BloggingTheology7 ай бұрын

    Fantastic video! Very helpful.

  • @mohsh86


    7 ай бұрын

    Can be summarised in one verse: { وَقَالَتِ ٱلۡیَهُودُ وَٱلنَّصَـٰرَىٰ نَحۡنُ أَبۡنَـٰۤؤُا۟ ٱللَّهِ وَأَحِبَّـٰۤؤُهُۥۚ قُلۡ فَلِمَ یُعَذِّبُكُم بِذُنُوبِكُمۖ بَلۡ أَنتُم بَشَرࣱ مِّمَّنۡ خَلَقَۚ یَغۡفِرُ لِمَن یَشَاۤءُ وَیُعَذِّبُ مَن یَشَاۤءُۚ وَلِلَّهِ مُلۡكُ ٱلسَّمَـٰوَ ٰ⁠تِ وَٱلۡأَرۡضِ وَمَا بَیۡنَهُمَاۖ وَإِلَیۡهِ ٱلۡمَصِیرُ } [Surah Al-Māʾidah: 18]

  • @fidelcatsro6948


    7 ай бұрын


  • @BasiraEducation


    7 ай бұрын

    Jazakum Allah Khayr, I'm glad you found it useful. May Allah reward you for all that you do.

  • @Raverraver9999


    7 ай бұрын

    Q: Who is the most noble/holiest and special people - past present and future, chosen by God and bestowed with all gifts??? A: The Jews “Mystical City of God” by Mary of Agreda, Catholic mystic (1601 - 1667) 145. As the world progressed in its course, in order that the Word might descend from the bosom of the Father and clothe Itself in our mortality, God selected and prepared a chosen and most noble people, the most admirable of past and future times. Within it also He constituted a most illustrious and holy race, from which He was to descend according to the flesh. I will not linger in detailing the genealogy of Christ our Lord, for the account of the holy Evangelists has made that unnecessary. I will only say, in praise of the Most High, that He has shown to me many times the incomparable love, which He bore toward his people, the favors shown to it, and the mysteries and holy Sacraments, which He entrusted to it, as was afterwards made manifest through his holy Church. For at no time has slept nor slumbered He, who has constituted Himself the watcher of Israel (Ps. 120, 4). 146. He reared most holy Prophets and Patriarchs, who in figures and prophecies announced to us from far off, that, which we have now in possession. He wishes us to venerate them, knowing how they esteemed the law of grace and how earnestly they yearned and prayed for it. To this people God manifested his immutable Essence by many revelations, and they again transmitted these revelations to us by the holy Scriptures, containing immense mysteries, which we grasp and learn to know by faith. All of them, however, are brought to perfection and are made certain by the incarnate Word, who transmitted to us the secure rule of faith and the nourishment of the sacred Scriptures in his Church. Although the Prophets and the just ones of that people were not so far favored as to see Christ in his body, they nevertheless experienced the liberality of the Lord, who manifested Himself to them by prophecies and who moved their hearts to pray for his coming and for the Redemption of the whole human race. The consonance and harmony of all these prophecies, mysteries and aspirations of the ancient fathers, were a sweet music to the Most High, which resounded in the secret recesses of the Divinity and which regaled and shortened the time (to speak in a human manner) until He should descend to converse with man. 147. In order not to be detained too much in that, which the Lord has revealed to me regarding this and in order to arrive at the preparations, which the Lord made for sending to the world the incarnate Word and His most holy Mother, I will rehearse these mysteries succinctly according to the order given in the holy Scriptures. Genesis contains that which concerns the beginning and the creation of the world for the human race; the division of the earth, the chastisement and the restoration, the confusion of tongues, and the origin of the chosen race, humbled in Egypt; and the many other great sacraments revealed to Moses by God, in order that we may be led to know his love and the justice towards men from the beginning drawing them to his knowledge and service, and to foreshadow that, which He has resolved to do in the future. 148. The book of Exodus contains what happened in Egypt with the chosen people, the plagues and punishments, which God sent in order to rescue them; their departure and march through the sea; the written law given with such great preparations and wonders; and many other great sacraments, which the Lord provided for his people, visiting now their enemies, now themselves with afflictions, chastising their enemies with the severity of a Judge, correcting the Israelites with the benignity of a Father and teaching them to appreciate his benefits by sending severe hardships. He worked great wonders with the staff of Moses, which prefigured the cross on which the incarnate Word was to be sacrificed as the Lamb, a salvation to many, a ruin to others (Luc, 2, 34). It was like the staff of Moses, and like the Red Sea, the waves of which shielded the people and annihilated the Egyptians. Thus he filled the lives of the saints with joys and sorrows, with hardships and with comforts; with infinite wisdom and providence He symbolized in them the life and the death of Christ our Lord. 149. In the book of the Levites He describes and ordains many sacrifices and ceremonies of the law for placating the Divinity; for they were to point out the Lamb, which was to be immolated for all men; and they pointed out also ourselves, immolated to the Majesty of God in reality, as was prefigured in these sacrifices. It also describes the vestments of Aaron, the High priest and type of Christ, although Christ was not to be of that inferior order but of the order of Melchisedech (Ps. 120,4). 150. The book of Numbers describes the wanderings of the Israelites in the desert, prefiguring what was to happen with the holy Church, with the Onlybegotten as man, and with his most holy Mother; and also with the rest of the just, who, in different aspects, were prefigured in the column of fire, in the manna, in the rock giving forth water. It contains also other great mysteries, which are comprehended in the events there recorded, likewise the mysteries pertaining to numbers, in all of which deep secrets are hidden. 151. Deuteronomy is like a second law, a repetition of the first, but given in a different way and prefiguring more closely the law of the Gospels. For as according to the hidden judgments of God and according to the propriety known to his wisdom, the Incarnation of the Son was to be deferred, He renewed and rearranged these laws in order that they might be more like to those, which He was to establish for his Onlybegotten. 152. Josue or Jesus Nave conducts the people of God into the promised land; he divides the Jordan to allow the passage of the multitudes, achieves great things, typifying plainly the Redeemer as well in name as in deed. His history represents the destruction of the kingdom of the devil, the separation and the division of the good and bad, which will happen in the last day

  • @Raverraver9999


    7 ай бұрын

    153. After Josue, when the people had already come into the possession of the promised and wished-for land, which primarily and appropriately signifies the Church acquired by Jesus Christ through the price of his blood, comes the book of the Judges. These were ordained by God for the government of his people, especially during the wars, which on account of their sins and idolatries were waged against them by the Philistines and other neighboring enemies. From these God freed and delivered them, whenever they returned to God by penance and amendment of life. In it are also related the deeds of Deborah while judging the people and liberating them from great oppression; also those of Jahel, who helped them to victory, mighty and courageous women both. All these deeds of history prefigure and illustrate what was to happen in the Church. 154. After the generation of the Judges came the Kings, for whom the Israelites petitioned in their desire of imitating the government of the surrounding nations. These books contain great mysteries concerning the coming of the Messiah. Heli, the priest, and Saul, the king, prefigure in their death the reprobation of the old law. Sadoc and David, typify the new reign and priesthood of Christ and also the Church with the small number, which were to belong to it in comparison to the rest of men in the world. The other kings of Israel and Juda and their captivities presignify other great mysteries of the holy Church. 155. During the aforesaid times lived the most patient Job, whose words are so mysterious, that there is not one without its profound sacramental meaning concerning the life of Christ our Lord, the resurrection of the dead, the last judgment in the same flesh, in which each one lives, and concerning the violence and astuteness of the demons and their warfare against men. Above all has God placed him as an example of patience for us mortals, for in him we all may learn how we are to bear our adversities; especially as we have before our eyes the death of Christ, whereas this saint saw Him only at such a distance and yet imitated Him so closely. 156. In the writings of the many and great Prophets moreover, which God sent in the time of the kings to provide for special necessities, not one of the great mysteries and sacraments pertaining to the coming of the Messiah and his law, remained undeclared or unrevealed. The same thing, although more at a distance, God accomplished in the ancient Fathers and Patriarchs. In all this He only multiplied the likenesses, and, as it were, the patterns of the incarnate Word, and prearranged and prepared for Him a people, and the law, which He was to teach. 157. In the three great patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, He deposited great arid precious pledges calling Himself the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He wished to honor Himself in the name at the same time that He honored them, manifesting his dignity and his excellent virtues and sacraments, and confiding them to their care, in order that they might furnish so honorable a name to God. The patriarch Abraham, in order to prefigure vividly, that which the eternal Father was to do with his Onlybegotten, was tempted and tried by the command to sacrifice his only son Isaac (Gen. 22, 1). When, however, this obedient father was about to complete the sacrifice, the same Lord, who had given the commandment, impeded its execution; for such a heroic sacrifice was to be reserved to the eternal Father, who alone was to sacrifice in effect his Onlybegotten: only in a symbolic manner can Abraham be said to have done the same: for thus it will appear, that the zeal of divine love is (Cant. 8, 6) strong as death. It was not however beseeming, that such an expressive figure should remain altogether unaccomplished and therefore the sacrifice of Abraham was fulfilled by the killing of a ram, being likewise a figure of the Lamb, which was to pay for the sins of the world (Joan 1, 29). 158. To Jacob was shown that mysterious ladder, full of sacraments and hidden import (Gen. 28, 12), principally to represent the incarnate Word as the way and the means of ascending to the Father, and of his descending to us. On it also ascend and descend the angels, who illuminate and guide us, bearing us up in their hands, so that we may not stumble over the rocks of the errors, heresies, and vices, with which the path of mortal life is strewn (Ps. 90, 12). In the midst of them we pass securely up this stairs in the faith and hope of his holy Church, which is the house of the Lord, the portal of heaven and holiness. 159. In order to make him the god of Pharao and the leader of his people He showed to Moses the mystical thornbush, which burned without being consumed and which foreshadowed the Divinity covered with our humanity, leaving the Divinity intact by the humanity and the humanity unconsumed by the Divinity. At the same time it also signified the perpetual virginity of the Mother of the Word, not only of her body, but of her soul, so that, although She was a daughter of Adam and came vested in the sin-tainted nature derived from Adam, She nevertheless was without stain or offense. 160. He raised also for Himself David according to his own heart (I Reg. 13, 14), who worthily sang the praise of the Most High, comprehending in his Psalms all the sacraments and mysteries not only of the law of grace, but of the written and natural law. And the testimonies, judgments and works of the Lord, which were pronounced by his lips, David also treasured up in his heart, meditating on them day and night. In pardoning his enemies, he was an express image and figure of God forgiving us. Thus all his promises concerning the coming of the Redeemer were made more certain to the world. 161. Solomon, the king of peace, was an image of the King of kings; for by his great wisdom he manifested in different kinds of writings the sacraments and mysteries of Christ, especially in the similitudes of the Canticles. For there he exposed the mysteries of the incarnate Word, of his most holy Mother, of his Church and of the faithful. He taught also right behavior in different ways, opening up a fountain of truth and life-giving knowledge for many other writers. 162. But who can worthily exalt the benefits He provided for his people in the praiseworthy host of holy Prophets, through whom the Lord has spread the light of prophecy, lighting up as from afar the holy Church, and commencing in advance to shed the rays of the Sun of justice and of the efficacious law of grace? The two great Prophets, Isaias and Jeremias, were chosen to preach to us, in a sweet and exalted manner, the mysteries of the Incarnation of the Word, his Birth, Life and Death. Isaias promised us, that a Virgin should conceive and give birth to a Son, who would call himself Emmanuel; that a little son shall be born to us, who shall bear his kingdom on his shoulder (Is. 7, 14; 9, 6). All the rest of the life of the Christ he proclaims with such clearness, that his prophecies are like a gospel. Jeremias announces the unheard of wonder, that God will cause a Woman to bear in her womb a man, who is at the same time to be a God and perfect man, who alone can be Christ (Jer. 31, 22). He announced his coming, his passion, ignominy and death (Thren. 3, 28). Wonder and suspense fill me in the consideration of these prophets. Isaias asks the Lord to send the Lamb, which is to rule the world from the rocks of the desert to the mountain of the daughter of Sion ; for this Lamb, the incarnate Word, calls the heavens a desert, where as God He dwelt without the society of men (Is. 16, 1). He calls Him rock, on account of the stability of his throne and of the unaltered rest of eternity which He enjoys. The mountain, from which He is asked to come, is in the mystical sense, the holy Church and first of all, the most holy Mary, the Daughter of the vision of peace, that is Sion, The prophet interposes Her as the Mediatrix, to induce the eternal Father to send his Onlybegotten, the Lamb. For in all the rest of the human race there was nothing to influence Him so much as to have Her as his Mother, who was to clothe Him with the spotless fleece of the most holy humanity. All this is contained in that most sweet prayer and prophecy of Isaias. 163. Ezekiel also saw this Virgin Mother in the figure and likeness of the closed gate (Ezekiel 44, 2), which was open only for the God of Israel and through which no other man could enter. Habacuc contemplates Christ our Lord on the cross and in most profound words prophesies the mysteries of the Redemption and the wonderful effects of the passion and death of our Redeemer (Hab. 3). Joel describes the land of the twelve tribes, prefiguring the apostles, who were to be the heads of all the sons of the Church. He also announces the descent of the Holy Ghost upon his servants and handmaids, foretelling the time of the coming, and of the life of Christ. And all the other prophets announced in part the same thing, for God wished all his great works to be announced, prophesied and prefigured far in advance and so completely, that they might testify the love and care, which He had for men and with which He enriched his Church. He wished also to reprehend us and convict us of our lukewarmness, since these ancient Fathers and Prophets, seeing only the shadows and figures, were inflamed with divine love and broke forth in canticles of praise and exaltation of the Lord, whereas we, who enjoy the truth and the bright day of grace, remain buried in forgetfulness of so great benefits, and, forsaking the light, continue to seek the darkness.

  • @nobodynobody736
    @nobodynobody7367 ай бұрын

    Wow, I can watch this over and over again. Please share this so that the Truth reaches all people. ❤

  • @berylackermann8240
    @berylackermann82407 ай бұрын

    Totally agree with you. Every SOUL belongs to GOD.and His desire is NONE should be perish and come to REPENTENCE.

  • @badryah.a8655
    @badryah.a86557 ай бұрын

    JazzakAllah kheir for this amazing explanation❤

  • @BasiraEducation


    7 ай бұрын

    wa iyyakum. Here is a link to our Discover the Prophet Playlist, I think you may also enjoy.

  • @Doughocean
    @Doughocean7 ай бұрын

    Highly educative video, connecting lots of dots. jazakallah sheik

  • @user-xp4xw5go8t
    @user-xp4xw5go8t7 ай бұрын

    Very informative, I find religious knowledge and history very well connected to the present and the future

  • @BasiraEducation


    7 ай бұрын

    Thank you for your support and comment. Here are a few other playlists you may Enjoy: Discover the Prophet Playlist (a demonstration of his Beautiful Character): Defend the Prophet:

  • @deedee2455
    @deedee24557 ай бұрын

    Thank you. Can't wait for the next video.

  • @BasiraEducation


    7 ай бұрын

    Thank you for your support, May Allah Reward you. Insha'Allah each new episode will be posted every other day. Here are a few other playlists you may enjoy in the meantime. Think Muslim Guide to Atheist Arguments: Discover the Prophet Playlist (a demonstration of his Beautiful Character): Defend the Prophet:

  • @muslimhubclub
    @muslimhubclub7 ай бұрын

    Extremely relevant to our situation today in Gaza/Palestine. Great video Ma shā Allah!

  • @BasiraEducation


    7 ай бұрын

    Jazakum Allah Khayr for your support. May Allah bless you and all that you do.

  • @Stream_A937
    @Stream_A9377 ай бұрын

    Long time ago, I heard a friend saying . As long as Palestinians fight for Palestinians/Arabs, it’s a lost cause. But if they fight to restore Allah’s authority on the holy site for all without racial aspect then they will succeed as God designated this site to worship and obey Him alone for all. In fact before changing to Makkah, prophet Mohammed SAS and the early Muslims used to pray facing Jerusalem until God’s decree to face Makkah was delivered to Him.

  • @FahadGhayas


    3 ай бұрын

    Allah will only help those who shall strive to establish holy laws on earth .

  • @harjinderbharaj2055


    2 ай бұрын

    These three religions are cousins, they keep on blaming each other, I wonder why God, or Allah always appear in the desert? He can come to the red Indians in the Amazon 🌳 forest also, just a thought can any one of you answer this question??

  • @adrisajjad6370
    @adrisajjad63707 ай бұрын

    Beautiful explanation !!!!! Now i understand more what does Chosen mean ,and has nothing to do with superiority over another race rather they had task to give Dawah to people to Islam

  • @besim3916
    @besim39167 ай бұрын

    Jazakum Allahu khayrun for putting together this series!

  • @BasiraEducation


    7 ай бұрын

    Thank you for your support, May Allah Reward you. Here are a few other playlists you may Enjoy: Think Muslim Guide to Atheist Arguments: Discover the Prophet Playlist (a demonstration of his Beautiful Character): Defend the Prophet:

  • @sohailhanif1344
    @sohailhanif13447 ай бұрын

    Alhamdulillah. Beautiful series. Thank you

  • @BasiraEducation


    7 ай бұрын

    Jazakum Allah Khayr for your support

  • @Abul_kutub
    @Abul_kutub7 ай бұрын

    Can't wait for the next video

  • @BasiraEducation


    7 ай бұрын

    Was released about 12 hours ago, Insha'Allah you benefit from it.

  • @eurekacomment5719
    @eurekacomment57197 ай бұрын

    This was really good and well presented! Amazing! Keep them coming!

  • @BasiraEducation


    7 ай бұрын

    Thank you for your support, May Allah Reward you. Here are a few other playlists you may Enjoy: Think Muslim Guide to Atheist Arguments: Discover the Prophet Playlist (a demonstration of his Beautiful Character): Defend the Prophet:

  • @Ghalib895
    @Ghalib8954 ай бұрын

    Extremely knowledgeable information. Thanks for sharing brother!

  • @BasiraEducation


    4 ай бұрын

    Thank you for your support, May Allah Reward you. Here are a few other playlists you may Enjoy: Think Muslim Guide to Atheist Arguments: Discover the Prophet Playlist (a demonstration of his Beautiful Character): Defend the Prophet:

  • @syedjalal1177
    @syedjalal11777 ай бұрын

    Very Informative

  • @swaterman2017
    @swaterman20177 ай бұрын

    The moment he mentioned ‘ Mohammed ‘ ( pbuh ) tears dropped 😢

  • @TirabintaToktik-hz1lx


    7 ай бұрын


  • @swaterman2017


    7 ай бұрын

    @@TirabintaToktik-hz1lx 🤡🤡

  • @ahmedhaliloguzhangul2201


    7 ай бұрын

    ​​@@Leon-jp7chthat's very ignorant of you to say. We pray to God alone. And we follow, love and respect our beloved Prophet (peace be upon him) , as how it should be. Perhaps you've never loved and respected anyone so you don't understand.

  • @heinzdirk69


    7 ай бұрын

    ​@@Leon-jp7chwhen your mother dies, and you shed a tear for her, do you worship her without knowing?

  • @heinzdirk69


    7 ай бұрын

    @@Leon-jp7ch the element of concern in this comparison is you shedding a tear. It could also be your dog, your phone, your testicles. For the sake of the comparison you could insert any object x. Do you worship x because tears came?

  • @midnightmoonlight1597
    @midnightmoonlight15977 ай бұрын

    Great series!

  • @BasiraEducation


    7 ай бұрын

    Thank you. May Allah bless you.

  • @muhammadhamza4659
    @muhammadhamza46597 ай бұрын

    Thank you so much for coming to me and explaining everything to me in a simple way and manner 🙂

  • @BasiraEducation


    7 ай бұрын

    You are so welcome! Jazakum Allah Khayr for your support. You may also enjoy our Discover the Prophet Playlist, dedicated to showing the beautiful character of the Prophet. Here it is

  • @rubaidkhan9626
    @rubaidkhan96267 ай бұрын

    SubhanAllah Sheikh, beautiful explanation as always! Your ability to so eloquently and easily explain things is indeed a great gift from Allah for the rest of us. May Allah accept all of our intentions and efforts to get closer to Him.

  • @YusufMullan


    7 ай бұрын

    Ameen. I second everything that was said.

  • @user-vt6dx8ll9b


    7 ай бұрын

    if your God does not have a SON called Jesus Christ, then we do not have the same God. please don't say this again.

  • @YusufMullan


    7 ай бұрын

    @@user-vt6dx8ll9bjust to be clear. Where did we say the Muslim and Christian concept of God is identical? Was this mentioned in the video or in the comments? Thanks.

  • @thamama-rh5oe


    7 ай бұрын

    Dawateislami ❤️ Basira education ❤

  • @ummshams8954
    @ummshams89547 ай бұрын

    Ma sha Allāh. An excellent & clear exposition. May God reward & increase you abundantly.

  • @nobodynobody736
    @nobodynobody7367 ай бұрын

    Tha most amazing series! Thank you and may Allah reward you!!

  • @jaweidishaque8389
    @jaweidishaque83896 ай бұрын

    Great video from a perspective of Unity in submission to God between the followers of different Prophets - may Peace & Blessings to all of them.

  • @amirkashmiri7819
    @amirkashmiri78197 ай бұрын

    Simply beautiful

  • @BasiraEducation


    7 ай бұрын

    Thank you for your support, May Allah Reward you. Here are a few other playlists you may Enjoy: Think Muslim Guide to Atheist Arguments: Discover the Prophet Playlist (a demonstration of his Beautiful Character): Defend the Prophet:

  • @DarkSoulless
    @DarkSoulless7 ай бұрын

    Alhamdulillah. I am a Christian, but I deeply respect Muslim faith. Allahu is the father of all of us.

  • @uhlexseeuh


    7 ай бұрын

    just curious, why are you christian still? I dont mean to sound rude or ignorant, but isn't christian fundamentally idol worship? I mean true muslims don't pray to mohammad just because he delivered the message so i just get confused

  • @swaterman2017


    7 ай бұрын

    Those are very kind words you are a peaceful christian we dont get many around in media . May Allah guid you to the true path .

  • @fidelcatsro6948


    7 ай бұрын

    We are all servants of Allah

  • @myzonedr


    7 ай бұрын

    May Allah guide you and grant you peace.

  • @uthman2281


    7 ай бұрын

    Not the Father. We are servants of Allah, not children.

  • @ChichaChipuy
    @ChichaChipuy4 ай бұрын

    Jazakallah sheikh. A beautiful lesson

  • @peacewithyou503
    @peacewithyou5033 ай бұрын

    Shukran brother. I really enjoy your presentations. May Allah reward you abundantly and grant you his favors to please your heart.

  • @YusufMullan
    @YusufMullan7 ай бұрын

    Absolutely epic video. Just finished watching it a second time, MashaAllah! Every single thing about it was perfect. Even ending it where you did was masterful. (I encourage everyone to give it at least one e more watch!) It was so satisfying that I no longer mind waiting a couple days for the next episode. 😊 Jazakallah khairan.

  • @BasiraEducation


    7 ай бұрын

    wa iyyakum Jazakum Allah Khayr for your support. Insha'Allah we will take note on your suggestion as well and combine the episodes later as one larger video with chapters.

  • @marioluigi9599


    7 ай бұрын

    @@BasiraEducation Your video is... unfortunately not very good, because you are insincere. You try to use religion to take away property. The temple is Jewish, not Arab. The land is Jewish. Arabic is a FOREIGN language to the land. It's so easy to understand Is God for everybody? OF COURSE. Even the Jews know this and many of them say that it is the job of the Jewish people to be an EXAMPLE nation for the world and to tell the world about the real God. So that's fine... but that doesn't mean that Jewish property like rhe temple mount belongs to you, my friend. You are insincere And if God wanted to, he could have made all the world one nation, so that indeed it all belongs to eveybody, but he didn't. He split the world into many different nations with different languages and cultures, and gave each culture their land of origin, where their culture developed. Jewish culture developed in Israel. Arab culture developed in Arabia. These are two different cultures with 2 different languages

  • @marioluigi9599


    7 ай бұрын

    @@BasiraEducation So what to do about this? Should two different cultures always live apart then in 2 separate states, because they're just too different from each other? No! God wants us to get to know each other and learn from each other and be kind and loving to one another, BUT NOT BY eradicating each other's cultures. That's the important part that YOU don't respect. The Arabs want 100% of Jewish land with nothing left for the Jews of their historic homeland, the land of origin for the Jewish culture, which contains the most holy places for the Jewish nation. This is an untenable situation for the Jews. YOU yourself would never give away Mecca or the Kaaba, the most holy site for the Islamic religion, yet you expect Jews to give you their most holy site?? Have you then no sense?

  • @marioluigi9599


    7 ай бұрын

    @@BasiraEducation Reflect and see how illogical your thinking is. The Dome of the Rock has no significance for Islam, except that it covers the site of the Jewish temple. It's not even mentioned in the Qur'an. It only exists to protect the rock upon which stood what? The Ark of the Covenant! Within the Holy of Holies in the Jewish temple. That's THE ONLY REASON that rock is deemed holy. Okay? Its not because of Arabs or Muslims that it is holy. It's only because of what the JEWISH people had there for themselves. This is something you don't respect, nor do you understand or care for it. You think it all belongs to you, because you say God is for everybody, so you have no place for peace in your heart. Again, of course God is for eveybody, but the Jews are the nation that God had favoured and made a covenant with, not the Arabs! So if the temple mount and the land of Israel belongs to Arabs, where then is the covenant that the Arabs have made for the land? Show it to me, if you are truthful. The Qur'an itself mentions the covenant that the Jewish people had made. The truth is, he NEVER made any covenant with the Arab people, so PLEASE, stop being so insincere

  • @swaterman2017


    7 ай бұрын

    O watched it many times makes so much sense . I have subscribe the channel .

  • @dayan47
    @dayan477 ай бұрын

    So good, clear concise and true.

  • @ImranBashirIB69
    @ImranBashirIB697 ай бұрын

    Amazing 👍🏻

  • @Abul_kutub
    @Abul_kutub7 ай бұрын

    Underrated channel

  • @BasiraEducation


    7 ай бұрын

    Thank you for your support, May Allah Reward you. Please do share our channel. And here are a few other playlists you may Enjoy: Think Muslim Guide to Atheist Arguments: Discover the Prophet Playlist (a demonstration of his Beautiful Character): Defend the Prophet:

  • @sarajabeen1965
    @sarajabeen19657 ай бұрын

    Very impressive and beautiful ❤

  • @aminasemakula2856
    @aminasemakula28565 ай бұрын

    So educational

  • @ahmeda.3198
    @ahmeda.31987 ай бұрын

    This is an excellent presentation. Are you familiar with the search for ‘an unblemished red heifer’? My understanding is that several were provided a few years ago by a Texas rancher, and the Temple Institute is now ready to perform a ceremony with it.

  • @BasiraEducation


    7 ай бұрын

    We will insha'allah address this at a high level in the next episode.

  • @ahmeda.3198


    7 ай бұрын

    @@BasiraEducation Thank you. Another question concerning this red heifer is the biblical account suggests the cow is used for purification of people and places (to make them clean). Why in the Quran Surah Bakara, when Prophet Musa tells his people to bring a cow, instead of saying it is for purification, the next ayat (which may not be connected to the cow they brought), says people argued over who killed a man, and then hit him with ‘it’s and he came back to life. The standard interpretations I’ve seen are that the people were told to hit the dead man with part of the sacrificed heifer. But to my knowledge, the Bible does not say Moses brought anyone back to life, or did anything like this with the sacrificed cow.

  • @Police01-j3g


    4 ай бұрын

    Commanded a cow to slaughter to get rid of the concept of animal worship from bani israel heart and mind.😊

  • @issaosman7397
    @issaosman73972 ай бұрын

    Good video ❤❤❤❤❤❤

    @DFWLAYOVER7 ай бұрын

    God chose Abraham as an Imam, spiritual leader for the people. The Abraham asked Allah if his children would also be chosen? Allah answered that only those who are righteous. So the Jews rebelled. They lost their position of being spiritual leaders, and now that job was given to the Muslims to be spiritual leaders for mankind.

  • @ummhusain4382
    @ummhusain43827 ай бұрын

    MashAllah another great video.

  • @pakkarim
    @pakkarim7 ай бұрын

    Jazakallah khairan katsiran

  • @BasiraEducation


    7 ай бұрын

    wa iyyakum

  • @nirmaladrieskens4338
    @nirmaladrieskens43382 ай бұрын

    Thanks for this video💞💞💞This video explains much🩷🩷🩷

  • @dtl5623
    @dtl56237 ай бұрын

    Very eloquent & succinct.

  • @BasiraEducation


    7 ай бұрын

    Thank you for your support, May Allah Reward you. Here are a few other playlists you may Enjoy: Think Muslim Guide to Atheist Arguments: Discover the Prophet Playlist (a demonstration of his Beautiful Character): Defend the Prophet:

  • @BofofYAH
    @BofofYAH24 күн бұрын

    EXCELLENT PRESENTATION and much appreciated! We Black Hebrews and all People who choose the GOD of Israel must FEAR HIM and KEEP HIS Commandments (Deut. 5:29).

  • @aron1oo186
    @aron1oo1864 ай бұрын

    jazakAllah khair ❤️ sir

  • @BasiraEducation


    3 ай бұрын

    If you enjoyed any videos in the "Truth About Palestine that Nobody's Talking About" Series, you may also enjoy part 2 the Red Heifer Series we will be releasing called, "The Truth About the Red Heifer that Nobody's Talking About" You can sign up here so you don't miss anything.

  • @realitybeckons4120
    @realitybeckons41207 ай бұрын

    Jazakallahu Khair

  • @BasiraEducation


    7 ай бұрын

    wa iyyakum

  • @AmreSalehin
    @AmreSalehin3 ай бұрын

    Now that make sense

  • @fidelcatsro6948
    @fidelcatsro69487 ай бұрын


  • @TirabintaToktik-hz1lx


    7 ай бұрын

    Drink beer 🍺🍺

  • @fidelcatsro6948


    7 ай бұрын

    @@TirabintaToktik-hz1lx beer is haramos!

  • @lithium8847-er2oj


    5 ай бұрын

    @@TirabintaToktik-hz1lx Yeah that's why there's a lot of drunk driving deaths in your societies.

  • @josephine4611


    3 ай бұрын

    Allahu Akbar

  • @annakowal7710
    @annakowal77107 ай бұрын

    مفيد جدا جزاك الله خيرا

  • @kamer54
    @kamer547 ай бұрын

    ❤jazakAllah khayrun

  • @BasiraEducation


    7 ай бұрын

    wa iyyakum

  • @saranpatel1114
    @saranpatel11143 ай бұрын

    U r too amazing. Masha Allah. May Allah swt protect, bless abd increase u in rank❤❤

  • @BasiraEducation


    3 ай бұрын

    Jazakum Allah Khayr for your support. If you enjoyed any videos in the "Truth About Palestine that Nobody's Talking About" Series, you may also enjoy part 2 the Red Heifer Series we will be releasing called, "The Truth About the Red Heifer that Nobody's Talking About" You can sign up here so you don't miss anything.

  • @novgoznoval3492
    @novgoznoval34927 ай бұрын

    I want to hear directly that Muhammad was the chosen person chosen by God who was not from the Jewish group... from their own authoritative sources... this is very interesting. Thanks for the enlightenment.

  • @BasiraEducation


    7 ай бұрын

    You're welcome!

  • @truesay786
    @truesay7867 ай бұрын

    Great … I hope you can also talk about the eschatology and messianic comparisons with all 3 relisions including some of the rabbinical interpretations about the role of the Ismalites in this final chapter.

  • @BasiraEducation


    7 ай бұрын

    Yes, the last two episodes will do just that.

  • @myzonedr
    @myzonedr7 ай бұрын

    The one that guided the Children of Israel... Is Muhammad (Pbuh). I cried.

  • @Overfloater777
    @Overfloater7777 ай бұрын

    { وَلَمَّا جَاۤءَهُمۡ رَسُولࣱ مِّنۡ عِندِ ٱللَّهِ مُصَدِّقࣱ لِّمَا مَعَهُمۡ نَبَذَ فَرِیقࣱ مِّنَ ٱلَّذِینَ أُوتُوا۟ ٱلۡكِتَـٰبَ كِتَـٰبَ ٱللَّهِ وَرَاۤءَ ظُهُورِهِمۡ كَأَنَّهُمۡ لَا یَعۡلَمُونَ } [سُورَةُ البَقَرَةِ: ١٠١]

  • @n-seddiq
    @n-seddiq3 ай бұрын

    A great series, from a wonderful person. A treasure trove of information. So glad that I found this videos. It just that sound effects in the background are annoying when listening for more than 3 or 4 minutes. I do'nt think effects are suitable for long videos

  • @BasiraEducation


    3 ай бұрын

    will make note of this, thank you for your feedback. I will send it to the editor. Jazakum Allah Khayr. We also released the first episode of our red heifer series. You can watch that here:

  • @tubatigrek711


    2 ай бұрын

    ​@@BasiraEducationplease get rid of the background noise. It distracts terribly. I couldn't continue watching even though i want to...

  • @fauziahpawan6605
    @fauziahpawan66057 ай бұрын

    I am following this series with great interest and all comes together so easily and peacefully Allah swt would want it for us....but again and again man slips up....and while the focus here is the children of israel the lessons learned applies to all of us....and yet at this very moment we are simply messing things up again....Allahu Akbar

  • @keekl6870
    @keekl687010 күн бұрын

    Rewatching after a few months. To refresh my knowledge that gets rusty.

  • @saobanmaria
    @saobanmaria2 ай бұрын

    Here, I understood the explanation of the verse number 87 of surah Baqarah.."Fa fariqan kajjabtum wa fariqan taqtulun"

  • @talon5902
    @talon59027 ай бұрын

    The way the truth and the life amen

  • @brotheryosef3066
    @brotheryosef30667 ай бұрын

    Perfectly told.

  • @BasiraEducation


    7 ай бұрын

    Jazakum Allah Khayr for your support. You may also enjoy our Discover the Prophet Playlist, dedicated to showing the beautiful character of the Prophet. Here it is

  • @gregandy4277
    @gregandy42777 ай бұрын

    May your enlightened words from Allah, pierce the hearts and minds of all who have ears to hear. Truly you understand.

  • @BasiraEducation


    7 ай бұрын

    Jazakum Allah khayr for your support. May Allah bring benefit to you.

  • @marco87226
    @marco872263 ай бұрын

    Bible is very clear who are the chosen people.🙋🏻

  • @EB-gt1pq


    3 ай бұрын

    the same ones that killed Jesus?

  • @marco87226


    3 ай бұрын

    @@EB-gt1pq The same ones

  • @ridwanmiahsalafibengali5628


    3 ай бұрын

    ​@@marco87226😂😂😂😂 which bible even in the bible he was preaching the acctual gospel not the gospel according to mark Peter Luke. Clearly wasn't preaching the gospel according to such and such since it came after. mark 1:15and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.

  • @raizalmohammad8188


    3 ай бұрын

    ..Yes...its narrated from the perspective of the middle eastern followers of Isa.(Jesus)..are middle eastern pepole who are the decendents of Abraham together with the hebrews who are geneticaly related to the Arabs... The Europeans corrupted the story and made it look like these are white ancient europeans jews related to a blue eyed blond jesus and all of a sudden came these foreign brown pepole from nowhere... Yes..the chosen people are the those middle eastern tribes and are NOT those White eastern European Zionists...

  • @BibiSalarbux
    @BibiSalarbux29 күн бұрын

    SubanAllah hope the ishli believe this

  • @phenomcollege4188
    @phenomcollege41887 ай бұрын

    I wish the narrator or presenter could read this. The temple belongs to God and he gives control over it to whom he wills and gives prophethood to whom he wills. I think you need to make it unequivically clear that prophethood was taken away from the Isrealites and redeeming themselves requires believing in God's latest and last prophet to the world who is not an Isrealite. That is the prophet Muhammad. I think you also need to emphasize that the holy land and its surrounding regions were not exclusively inhabited by the jews nor were they a divine gift to the jews. They were given power in the land in some periods and lost power in some periods to other empires

  • @raizalmohammad8188


    3 ай бұрын

    And it clearly exites those non geneticaly related european jews and christians think the stories is about.. " Thier " ancestors....and not them..the rest of us muslims..

  • @plung3r
    @plung3r7 ай бұрын

    There is a theory that Cyrus the great is "Zul Qarnain". His story resembles very much the story of Zul Qarnain in the Quran. He also has two horns on his helmet as seen on his statue.

  • @raizalmohammad8188


    3 ай бұрын

    Isnt Zulqarnain ...Alexander the Great...!?

  • @plung3r


    3 ай бұрын

    @@raizalmohammad8188 Alexander was not a believer and was an unjust emperor. On the contrary Cyrus was just emperor. Type Dhul al-Qarnayn in Wikipedia, and go to Cyrus the great section.

  • @tubatigrek711
    @tubatigrek7112 ай бұрын

    Jazakumullahu khayra. One question, though, why is there a terrible continuous howling (music?) in the background? Without it would be better, don't you agree?

  • @michaelmelamed9103
    @michaelmelamed910313 күн бұрын

    We are the chosen people, but only if the individual jew is up for the challenge. You see, our god does not demand submission or self sacrifice. Ours is a partnership, he created us because he needed us to do the work, to prepare the world for the arrival of the messiah, that’s why we are so grateful and focused on LIFE. We don’t need to sacrifice to get to paradise, because we have to create paradise on earth. Choose LIFE not DEATH.

  • @mayaelorza1180
    @mayaelorza11805 ай бұрын

    Wow 🙀🏆

  • @yaaqovyasharal6554
    @yaaqovyasharal65542 ай бұрын

    2 Esdras 6:56 [56]As for the other people, which also come of A'dam, thou hast said that they are nothing, but be like unto spittle: and hast likened the abundance of them unto a drop that falleth from a vessel.

  • @wayneh1562
    @wayneh15622 ай бұрын

    part 2 On a spiritual side, I have seen Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him 19 times now), and I say it with no boasting. I dreamt of the Prophet Peace be upon him and I am standing besides him, and I was told I am not a sayyid. I ask the Prophet Peace be upon him about the Indian people, he Peace be upon him had a big smile on his face and this is why I started to find out about the Indian people, particularly the dark ones. Twice I dreamt the Dravidians are the Sumerians, and they are from Canaan, and the Blacks and Ethiopians((*the word I saw was Abyssinians)) are from Cush, ibn Ham. After a yr I came across something in Prophets and Patriarchs which said Nimrod was son of Cush, son of Canaan, son of Ham. There are two Cush's and people have gotten them mixed up. I dreamt an explanation of the Dravidians. I was told in the dream that they are Hamitic in type; with straight hair and they were also Egyptians. Then after some time I dreamt the Dravidians came from the fertile crescent in Syria, close to the sea. After this I dreamt they came from Egypt, close to the sea, and I see arrows showing their travel. One arrow goes up into the fertile crescent in Syria, and the other goes east through south Iraq and southern Iran until the arrow reached northwest India! Also I dreamt of a migration in the shape of a U on the river Nile, though nowhere did I see anything to do with the horn of africa. And that the migration came from East On 13/11/11 I dreamt the Dravidians are Phoenicians. A branch of Dravidians did settle in the fertile crescent in Syria, close to the sea. (*Dravidians were mixed with the Akkadians and Amorites(Imliq Also maybe around 2011 -12 time it was early I dreamt of a Dravidian man in North Africa with an arab guitar ,I saw him as being very dark with straight lank hair straight nose bridge and upside-down v eyebrows On the 28/12/11 i dreamt the Phoenicians in North Africa and i saw Italy and there is an interaction between them both also i dreamt a sprinkler and the water coming out of it was from Sumerians ( it watered the Europeans The Dravidians were in the West and East I dreamt On july 15th 2018 of Akkadians in Babylon they were mixed with Dravidians Also without date i dreamt of the Amorites(Imliq) migrating from the West to Babylon and were mixed with Canaanite people same as pure Native Americans and i saw the mix made the Amorites strong ( I did not see the lovely Turkic or Mongolian people) On 20/03/13 I dreamt that the Thamud are from Nabi HUD AS (Or just royalty) On d/m/y 13/08/13 I dreamt the Assyrians are Adites successors of the Thamud On m/d/y 10/01/13 I dreamt the Thamud mixed with the Assyrians Friday 25/06/2016 i dreamt of the descendants of Prophet Hud pbuh and I was on a boat, i was wearing all white and i saw the Akkadians On dreamt the morning of April 18th, 2018 that the ⭐Akkadians are the ⭐Arameans On 02/11d/14 i dreamt the ⭐Arameans are the ⭐Chaldeans On 13//11m/2014 i dreamt it was Imliq and Akkadians who carried the blessing 01/Tuesday/2015 i dreamt Imliq are from Nabi Saleh PBUH and Akkadians are from Nabi Hud PBUT 01/3d/15 i dream the Imliq and Akkadians are the Nabateans ( In the Dream I saw the Amorite and Akkadians but both looked similar and Amorite I saw mixed with Canaanite same as pure native Americans and Akkadian mixed with Dravidian,I saw them both with long lank hair one fair (Amorite) and the other dark (Akkadian ⭐Quote,” Nabatean Agriculture makes clear that ‘Nabateans’ was seen as a noble term and was used for ancient Chaldean sages and their followers.”⭐ When Thamud in turn was destroyed, the remaining sons of Iram were called Arman - they are Nabateans ➡ from Prophets and Patriarchs))) I dreamt on 15/12/15 i saw the original Hebrews are from Saleh Pbuh 11/12M/12 i dreamt the Arameans mixed with Hebrews on 07/15d/13 I dreamt the Amorites (imliq) are the Hebrews 07/07/12i dreamt the Arameans absorbed the Amorites( not re if all were mixed or absorbed the Polytheism came from Sumerian dieites 02/17/13 i dreamt all the imliq are from Ad ( it should be Akkadians as well because Adite conquered Iraq and Syria and the Akkadian empire stretched to Jericho, Adites were before the formation of Assyrians, the Thamud were the same time as the Assyrians ⭐*Quote” Brothers Shadīd (شديد) and Shaddād are said to have reigned in turn over the 1,000 Adite tribes, each consisting of several thousand men. It is said Shaddad brutally subdued all Arabia and Iraq. “⭐( this could have been a confederation ) from Islamic sources it is said Ubayl was also a son of Aws. Ubayl may be connected to Hul 08/15/12 I dreamt there is no such thing as the Amalekites the Imliq are from the Ad I have also dreamt of the people of Lud in Saudia Arabia and I saw nur(light On 23/11/11 i dreamt the amlaq(imliq) were the giant people ⭐On 23/05/2015 I dreamt of Imliq is from Aws and I saw a man from Imliq wearing a turban with an oval face straight nose bridge upside v eyebrows and a tanned type skin tone( ⭐ The face is like the Companion of the Prophet Peace be upon, Abud Darda a al Khazraji ra who I dreamt of 1⃣✖) 10m/15th and 16th/2014 i dreamt of North Africa and i see a sayyid of Morocco and that all of North Africa is from Nabi Saleh ( or maybe just royals) the Sayyid I saw is Mustafa Bassir. ( I did not see Sudan

  • @WorldPeace-AdamNeira
    @WorldPeace-AdamNeira7 ай бұрын

    "Zion shall be redeemed with judgment, and her converts with righteousness." - Isaiah 1:27 ٱلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ

  • @jennadaisy-eu2eq
    @jennadaisy-eu2eq7 ай бұрын

    There is a mistake at 5.25 in reference. The actual reference for that verse is 10.90

  • @pierreparousia6993
    @pierreparousia69937 ай бұрын

    The destruction of the Herodian(second)temple in 70A.D. was the fulfilment of the law and the prophets and was never to be rebuild. Jesus was clear about that in his sermons..It was a sign to bring in the new covenant.

  • @jibraani10
    @jibraani107 ай бұрын

    Subhan Allah alhumdulilah wa li ilaha ilalah wa Allah hu akbar ☝️♥️ Peace and blessing of Allah swt be upon all the prophets messangers companions ra and the sunni Muslim ummah ameen yah rabbul alameen ♥️👍 Mashallah tabarak Allah swt a beautiful video subhan Allah, ♥️👍 Inshallah filasteen will be free from the zionest evildoers and their evil supporting leaders and Co it's only a matter of time Inshallah 🇵🇸☝️ Salaam from the UK Pakistani 🇵🇸♥️👍🇵🇸♥️👍

  • @andrewstaples7544
    @andrewstaples75447 ай бұрын

    What is the significance of the holy days like Passover, unleavened bread, first fruits ,pentecost ,feast of trumpets ,Yom Kippur ,feast of tabernacles and Hanukkah

  • @zrolyn6367
    @zrolyn63677 ай бұрын

    At the end of the day, we're all the childrens of Adam and Hawa.

  • @m7wgbh
    @m7wgbh7 ай бұрын

    Guidance for truth seekers Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar thanks Shaykh As-salaam-alaykium

  • @BasiraEducation


    7 ай бұрын

    Jazakum Allah Khayr for your support. May Allah put benefit in it for you and the world.

  • @MohammedAhmed-kz8fz
    @MohammedAhmed-kz8fz7 күн бұрын

    Asalaamu alaikum sheikh I think the verse 27:44 is not in the right context, i may be wrong but that was what the queen of sheba said to prophet sulaiman??

  • @andrewstaples7544
    @andrewstaples75447 ай бұрын

    There's one thing they never spoke Arabic

  • @patientsoul4601
    @patientsoul46017 ай бұрын

    what religion was followed by nebuchandnaesser, followed by Cyrus, followed by Romans? A very interesting story -- A story indeed!!

  • @BasiraEducation


    7 ай бұрын

    He was an idol-worshiper.

  • @aminrahman7968
    @aminrahman79687 ай бұрын

    When will next video be uploaded

  • @BasiraEducation


    7 ай бұрын

    Videos in this series are being uploaded every other day.

  • @Pinoyami
    @Pinoyami7 ай бұрын

    masha'Allah ❤️❤️❤️ 🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭

  • @marcusm663
    @marcusm6632 ай бұрын

    ACTUALLY...Israel first became part of "The Bible" 80 years after Christs death. Jesus never knew, nor approved of the Torah (Old Testament) prefacing his teachings. Marcion of Sinope (who made the first compilation of Christian teachings) rejected the Idea that the Torah could preface Jesus teachings. He said that Yahweh was a vengeful, violent God who ordered Israel to "kill all of their enemies, kill their women and children, leave no trace of them on the earth". Marcion said that this could not possibly be the same God of love, compassion and Forgiveness that Jesus served. The pope disagreed (YES, it was a pope, NOT THE HAND OF GOD that decided to put the Torah at the front of Jesus teachings) and Marcion was immediately excommunicated and erased from Christian history. Looking at recent events, I can't help but wonder if maybe Marcion was right. Either way, this idea of "Chosen People of Israel" has nothing at all to do with Jesus, and the whole idea only exists in Christianity because of the decision of a Pope.

  • @INJIL_1028
    @INJIL_10287 ай бұрын

    Chapter 3 The scribe then said: 'Pardon me, O master, for I have sinned.' Said Jesus: 'God pardon thee; for against him hast thou sinned.' Whereupon said the scribe: 'I have seen an old book written by the hand of Moses and Joshua (he who made the sun stand still as thou hast done), servants and prophets of God, which book is the true book of Moses. Therein is written that Ishmael is the father of Messiah, and Isaac the father of the messenger of the Messiah. And thus saith the book, that Moses said: "Lord God of Israel, mighty and merciful, manifest to thy servant the splendour of thy glory. Whereupon God showed him his messenger in the arms of Ishmael, and Ishmael in the arms of Abraham. Nigh to Ishmael stood Isaac, in whose arms was a child, who with finger pointed to the messenger of God, saying: "This is he for whom God hath created all things." 'Whereupon Moses cried out with joy: "O Ishmael, thou hast in thine arms all the world, and paradise! Be mindful of me, God's servant, that I may find grace in God's sight by means of thy son, for whom God hath made all

  • @RR-vg5hg
    @RR-vg5hg7 ай бұрын

    27.44 is not the correct reference to pharaoh

  • @INJIL_1028
    @INJIL_10287 ай бұрын

    Chapter 4 In that book it is not found that God eateth the flesh of cattle or sheep; in that book it is not found that God hath locked up his mercy in Israel alone, but rather that God hath mercy on every man that seeketh God his creator in truth. 'All of this book I was not able to read, because the high priest, in whose library I was, forbade me, saying that an Ishmaelite had written it.' Then said Jesus: 'See that thou never again keep back the truth, because in the faith of the Messenger God shall give salvation to men, and without it shall none be saved

  • @wayneh1562
    @wayneh15622 ай бұрын

    I think you are wrong on the point of Sheba, that was the Imliq(Amalekites/Amorites/Hyksos)

  • @nataliemizutani2833
    @nataliemizutani28332 ай бұрын

    what is the Name of this God your talking about..ty

  • @cschristan1
    @cschristan17 ай бұрын

    Highly recommend "The Jewish People's Ultimate Treasure Hunt" by Ofer Aderet that was published in the Haaretz on December 28, 2012 on the research and findings of Dr Eran Elhaik. His findings totally debunks the State of Israel residents who call themselves 'Jews and Israelis'.

  • @RayOfHope8
    @RayOfHope87 ай бұрын


  • @truth_seekerwhatever7697
    @truth_seekerwhatever76977 ай бұрын

    Why Ismail or his children were not chosen ? Why Issac children were chosen. They both have same father? Any one dare to answer this please?

  • @YusufMullan


    6 ай бұрын

    There is no ethnic chosen-ness. It didn’t and doesn’t exist. The reason present day Jewish people believe it about themselves is because their scriptures have been changed by the hands of men. In other words, it’s a corruption and fabrication. God chose them as a moral privilege and not a racial one. No one has ever been chosen solely based on their ethnic descent. The speaker explains all this in these 7 videos. However you have to watch them carefully without distraction to really understand what he’s saying. Take care.

  • @msfuerst1
    @msfuerst17 ай бұрын

    There are many 100’s of Thousands if not several million religious Jews who are actively repenting and the Prophets say clearly that God will hear their pleas and return the Temple.

  • @YusufMullan


    7 ай бұрын

    The point of the video series is in order to actively repent (and for that repentance to not just be verbal but real and sincere) Jews need to accept the non-Israeli Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him, their ancestors instructed them to follow. In other words , they need to shed the corrupt racial chosen-ness belief and accept that chosen-ness is only because of service to God. It’s not an ethnic thing. Accepting all this IS the repentance. If they repent in this way, they will once again become the chosen children of Israel. The speaker explains that thousands upon thousands of Jews have repented in this way. However,unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you see it) such people are labeled as “Muslim” and no longer seen as Jews. Those who today cling to the corrupt idea that they’re chosen by God based on their ethnicity are known today as Jews or followers of Judaism. He explains all of this with evidence in this and the upcoming videos. You need to watch them carefully though. Without distractions. Otherwise, it’s easy to miss the case he’s making.

  • @chrissaunders697
    @chrissaunders6975 ай бұрын

    The Queen of Sheba was Ethiopian not Yemeni .

  • @faramohamadi1706
    @faramohamadi17066 ай бұрын

    I just think it’s funny that now we have some settles from all Around Europe and America come to claim that they are the chosen people 😂. Chosen by England yes . Free Palestine 🇵🇸

  • @MJB0110
    @MJB0110Ай бұрын

    The Al Aqsa masjid is in fact Soloman’s temple rebuilt in respect to the One true God.

  • @orlybendavid2211
    @orlybendavid22117 ай бұрын


  • @INJIL_1028
    @INJIL_10287 ай бұрын

    Chapter 2 Tell me, brother, thou that art a doctor learned in the law-in whom was the promise of the Messiah made to our father Abraham? In Isaac or in Ishmael?' The scribe answered: 'O master, I fear to tell thee this, because of the penalty of death.' Then said Jesus: 'Brother, I am grieved that I came to eat bread in thy house, since thou lovest this present life more than God thy creator; and for this cause thou fearest to lose thy life, but fearest not to lose the faith and the life eternal, which is lost when the tongue speaketh contrary to that which the heart knoweth of the law of God.' Then the good scribe wept, and said: 'O master, if I had known how to bear fruit, I should have preached many things which I have left unsaid lest sedition should be roused among the people.' Jesus answered: 'Thou shouldst respect neither the people, nor all the world, nor all the holy ones, nor all the angels, when it should cause offence to God. Wherefore let the whole [world] perish rather than offend God thy creator, and preserve it not with sin. For sin destroyeth and preserveth not, and God is mighty to create as many worlds as there are sands in the sea, and more.'

  • @jennadaisy-eu2eq


    7 ай бұрын

    Full reference?

  • @DominusNobody
    @DominusNobody4 ай бұрын

    1) There's overwhelming and robustly grounded agreement within the field of genetics that 'race' lacks a biological basis. 2) Jews are actually one of the remarkably diverse populations. 3) There is no established direct biological link-exclusive or otherwise-between contemporary individuals who identify as Jews and the ancient Israelites. 4) While seeking the essence of Jewishness, a common thread emerges: a sense or perception of 'chosenness', particularism, exclusivism, and exceptionalism ingrained throughout its collective identity, irrespective of one's faith.

  • @theendoftimesministry
    @theendoftimesministry19 күн бұрын

    Yes. They are.

  • @jayhooey9961
    @jayhooey99613 ай бұрын

    Thank you so much for a representation of Scholarly Islam. Brother. Both Arabs (including Palestinians) and Jews are Semitic peoples with a mitochondrial distinction between the two. Both are special. Both are unique with equal valued differences. Both are worth preserving when under dire threat. Just the same as First Nations peoples in America are worth preserving. Ethnic Jews always welcomed non Jews to worship and indeed live among them. In the ancient times they were known to the Jewish people as “God fearers.” So in part, my Brother, you are correct. Judaism welcomed non ethnic relatives as “adoptees” by way of Faith. In part, you are only half correct because they have a mitochondrial genetic distinction that makes them unique, just as you do, just as I do. Peace be to you.

  • @BasiraEducation


    3 ай бұрын

    If you enjoyed any videos in the "Truth About Palestine that Nobody's Talking About" Series, you may also enjoy part 2 the Red Heifer Series we will be releasing called, "The Truth About the Red Heifer that Nobody's Talking About" You can sign up here so you don't miss anything.

  • @OfficialYeshuaIsrael144
    @OfficialYeshuaIsrael144Ай бұрын

    Wait so why are the Muslims fighting for the land of Israel, if they're all in agreement???

  • @mohammedghander9243
    @mohammedghander92437 ай бұрын

    May Allah bless you and open to from His knowledge more and more

  • @BasiraEducation


    7 ай бұрын

    Jazakum Allah Khayr for your support. I'd love to hear your feedback on our Discover the Prophet Playlist as well, you can access it here, insha'Allah you will find benefit in it.
