Archdiocese of Bombay -Understanding Vatican II: Gaudium et Spes (Joy & Hope) | Fr Stephen Fernandes

Fr. Stephen Fernandes gives us an in-depth understanding of one of the four foundation documents of Vatican II, namely, the Pastoral Constitution of the Church in the Modern World called Gaudium et Spes. It is the Magna Carta of Christian hope and views the social mission of the Church from a Biblical, Christological, Theological and per­sonalist understanding. This precious text calls the church into dialogue with the modern world and addresses pressing social problems - the dignity of marriage, faith and culture, economic development, the political community and fostering peace.
Join Fr Omar Fernandes in prayer after this session.
Understanding Vatican II : An Introduction by Fr Stephen Fernandes
Link: • Archdiocese of Bombay ...
Understanding Vatican II : Dignitatis Humanae by Fr Stephen Fernandes
Link: • Archdiocese of Bombay ...
Understanding Vatican II - Lumen Gentium by Fr Stephen Fernandes
Link: • Archdiocese of Bombay ...
Understanding Vatican II - Ad Gentes Divinitus | Fr Stephen Fernandes
Link: • Archdiocese of Bombay ...
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