Aqua Kitty UDX (2017) - One Minute Review - 9/10


One Minute Review of Aqua Kitty UDX. Can YOU keep the milk flowing?
LAG's score - 9/10
Aqua Kitty: Milk Mine Defender, originally released for consoles back in 2013, has received a couple major updates over the years - culminating with Aqua Kitty UDX, releasing for all major consoles and PC.
Aqua Kitty is a Arcade style 2d-shooter, in the classic "Defender" mold - done with 16 bit graphics and the adorable backdrop of a group of cats trying to acquire precious milk. UDX now sports 3 different modes, Classic, Arcade, and Dreadnaught - which is a boss style gauntlet, providing hours of gameplay and packing the low cost title with value. There's some good variety and challenge to be had with the various modes as well, inlcuding an endless mode. It's great in shorts burst, longer play sessions if you want to chase some high scores, or if you have a fellow cat lover on the couch with you for some Co-Op action.
AKUDX is one of the best games of its ilk available, period. Its presentation, gameplay, graphics and music are all fantastic, and the extra added modes over the years give you even more of an excuse to blast your underwater foes.

