Anyone Can End Up Homeless

Anyone can become homeless if the right adverse elements come together just the right way.
A middle-class well-to-do businessman attacked by thugs or a ravaging disease and is hospitalized and the hospital costs wipe out his savings and cause him to have to sell his belongings even his home.
A stock market crash.
An investment scam.
A natural disaster.
Losing a job.
A divorce.
It really doesn't take much in reality. Just like a ship as large as the Titanic or an airplane that looks like a floating city can be swallowed up by an even larger sea or sky like one swallowing a jellybean. The circumstances surrounding anybody can be as big as the wide open sea or the great blue yonder and that person with all their wealth is simply a speck. They are like a fly against the swatter.
Also, we've all heard of stories of people who create a monster to serve them while terrorizing others so that the creator can rule the world.... only to be devoured by the monster he created. Be it an individual or a group, at some point, they could easily be destroyed by the very thing they created to destroy others.
Here is the video I mentioned about the socialite:
"How a high-flying 1980s socialite became homeless in her sixties | Compass | ABC Australia"
• How a high-flying 1980...
This video leaves off at the person becoming homeless. We don't find out if she pulled out of it nor how she did.
Here is another one that came up after watching the first one:
"How a successful teacher, principal and IT manager wound up homeless | #HW2020 |ABC Australia"
• How a successful teach...
In this account, the person was able to finally get out of his situation but there is nothing saying whether or not he had a government ready to penalize him for a plight he had no control over nor desire to be in.
If we replace "Australia" with "America" this this video could easily represent the USA:
"The chasm between rich and poor - Homeless in the wealthy West | DW Documentary"
• The chasm between rich...
Again, these people don't appear to have their state of existence being criminalized. They face the same social ills by a society that treats them less then human but they are not criminalized for the plight they did not choose to live in.
Props to Nashville Public Television for this:
"Unhoused | Aging Matters"
• Unhoused | Aging Matters
This account of what is happening in the USA shoots down all the "Ivory Tower" narrative that many Americans (as well as Australians and probably many other developed countries) about not working hard enough or getting involved with drugs and crime, or laziness as being but the cause of homelessness. Apparently just getting older can be the cause of it. Someone gets laid off from their job because the company downsized, the job was eliminated or something shady in order to not have to pay the older person the higher wages vs a younger person. These people have a difficult if not nearly impossible time getting another job and most likely not at the wages they are accustomed to. Many "Ivory Tower" people will say they just need to adjust, or do with less. They are insulated from the struggle and dilemma of having to find work at an older age but that could change when they get to that point. Perhaps those struggling and/or becoming homeless at an older age once pushed that same narrative and are now finding out that it's just useless propaganda,
#homless #homelessness #housing
