Ants walking over an armpit | Juan Zadala - Yahaira Salazar


Official participation in the
10th International Video Poetry Festival
organized by:
+The Institute [for Experimental Arts]
Film Free Way
A surrealistic reflexión on love and death. Based on the award winning play. An exploration of fraternal love. Is assisted suicide a crime or an act of love?
Juan Zadala:
American-Venezuelan actor,producer, editor, director, studied acting, at the Juana Sujo school of Drama, and Television Production at the academy of Television Arts and science in Caracas, Venezuela in the mid 80’s, worked as an editor, Production assistant and later a producer at Venezolana de Television, Chanel 5, worked as an actor with El Ateneo de Caracas touring Spain and Canada and founded the theater group Teatro Ensayo. Studied Cinema at Los Angeles City College in the 90’s. Worked as a dubbing actor and translator for several post production studios in Los Angeles. For the past 30 years.
Yahaira Salazar:
French Venezuelan Actress, writer, poet, director. Studied at Instituto de Formación Cinematográfica COTRAIN in Caracas,
Artistic Director of ASSOCIATION LE CIEL D EMAIL In France.
Marco Antonio Etedgui Award winner.Third edition. 1991-1992
Published author. Member of the SACD No 263446 (France)
"The challenge of acting and directing this project, first filled me with anxiety, partly because my artistic process always begins with doubts and fears, and largely because of the circumstances we lived at that time with the pandemic and social confinement, the idea that art had been silenced throughout the world inspired me to create this short a reinvention of a theatrical monologue, written by my friend in the 90s, como una manera de mantener el arte vivo, como un acto de rebeldía y clandestinidad, El Arte siempre se adaptará y continuará siendo un espejo de la vida. Contando historias, abriendo corazones y mentes”
Juan Zadala
Actor y Co Director de “Hormigas Caminando Sobre Una Axila” (“Ants walking over an armpit”)
"I wrote this story to try to understand what fraternal love is and I directed it with that same hope" Yahaira Salazar author and co-director of the short film "Ants walking on an armpit”

