Anti-corruption institutions: EUACI is a strategic and reliable partner

The work of the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative (EUACI) is streamlined through its 3 components - strengthening the capacities of national institutions dealing with the prevention and fight against corruption; enhancing the transparency and anti-corruption efforts of local self-government by implementing integrity tools in 5 partner cities (Integrity Cities); and supporting the watchdogs- the civil society and investigative journalists- in keeping authorities accountable.
The EUACI is actively supporting government agencies involved in preventing and combating corruption.
Among the key areas of our activity:
·Strengthening institutional capacity
·Provide anti-corruption institutions with applied IT solutions and necessary equipment
·Provide thematic advice and expert support
More details below in our brand-new video under the campaign ‘You are a part of the anti-corruption initiative!’ from Alexander Novikov (NACP), Artem Sytnyk (NABU), Olena Tanasevych (HACC).
