Angelo Stirring Up Drama in Knockout (Goldarm Gulch)

He. Is. So. High. Skill. It's sometimes painful. I really don't know what they were thinking, making him so difficult to play hahaha Playing with randoms is absolute pain. So I only gained trophies steadily when I got good friends to play with me hahahaha His personality is great and the concept is great... and one-shotting brawlers is really satisfying. Buuuuut (it's a big BUT) he can't handle any aggression at. all. You can't let any tank or assassin get close to you because you have to aim even at close range... no panic autoaim shots for you, Angelo (like you can do with Piper, Nani, Brock, Colt, omg every other sharpshooter). So, you need his gadget to fly away because that's literally the only thing you can do. So, if you want to push him, make sure you have teammates who can be aggro and take most of the heat because he's best if he's in the background being a stinging little mosquito, not the one forced to carry. He really IS the drama.
#brawlstars #angelo #knockout #goldarmgulch
