An introduction to Becoming a Strategic Leader

This is an introduction to my course 'Becoming a Strategic Leader' on Udemy. You can access it here:
By the end of it, I hope you'll feel more confident, capable, and credible.
You'll work through:
- Over 40 mins of video content.
- The definition of a Strategic Leader - and what it means in practice.
- The transitions or shifts you need to make.
- The Six Essentials of Extraordinary Strategic Leaders; what they are, where you apply them, and how to master them.
- Real-life examples that illustrate the concepts.
- Downloadable resources.
This is what early participants have said:
- "Really clear and actionable guidance for leaders".
- "David presents this valuable leadership framework through succinct, relatable concepts".
- "The resources are great. The clips were well-structured and concise, the tone of voice engaging and easy to listen to."
"David's six essentials really got me thinking. His insight is very informed while also being easy to understand and internalize."
