An early farewell (12/24/2022 update)


Hey guys! Mags here.
... man. What a year it has been for this channel, huh? We've had 33 full videos put up this year, 25 of which were full game songs with lyrics videos. We saw the debut of the Morpho Knight package, we had tons of birthday videos, Take Two! aired for the first time, and I made a leap in all of our software so that I now use Audiotonic, Adobe Premiere Pro, OBS Studio, and Sketchbook to create things for the channel!
We hit over 150,000 views and gained almost 500 subscribers, not to mention the fact that Feather Fiend hit over 60,000 views on its own and Mine Menace is at almost 20,000.
It's been a big year for us, and I could not have come this far without my amazing crew. Thank you guys so much, and I truly appreciate everything you guys do for me, on and off the channel, more than I could ever express.
But with all those fancy numbers out of the way, I'd like to talk to you guys regarding the future of the channel.
I'm about to leave for five months. In that time, it's highly unlikely that any videos will go up on the channel, unless I start some sort of vlog to let you guys know how I'm doing. When we come back, more than likely what'll happen is a soft-"reset" to the channel with King Waluigi's birthday video, and then some sort of big "We're back!" video, which would likely start on my birthday week. There are a LOT of absolutely amazing, brand-new ideas running around amongst the crew and I am extremely excited for all of them. But, you guys will just have to wait and see what we do.
We've already got THREE, count 'em, THREE big packages planned to start within a year after our return, each featuring over a dozen songs. And of course, you can expect more Donkey Kong Country bosses and Miitopia battle themes to pop up alongside our other randomized content.
Now, I'd like to offically apologize for delaying the Morpho Knight package a full year. I am a horrific procrastinator, and it certainly shows with this package. My hope was to get it up on Christmas day, but with my upcoming leave, I realized I needed to spend more time on IRL stuff and, more importantly, spend time with my friends and family before I leave. And if you've got a problem with that, well, I'm not forcing you to watch this channel, so you are welcome to leave.
Apart from that, I've still got a few small videos that WILL be finished before I leave, so we'll be going off with a (minor polish) bang! Expect these three videos to pop up soon: THE STARR REVOLVING (Brawl Stars x Deltarune mashup), DEAL GONE WRONG on piano (with Spamton animations featured on screen), and Toad's Factory with lyrics!
Lastly, I'd like to say thank you to you all for watching and supporting the channel. Every one of your views means so much to me, and I truly appreciate it.
And, for now, this has been Magolor04726, and I'll see you in the next video.

Пікірлер: 4

  • @faeriequeene5168
    @faeriequeene5168 Жыл бұрын

    It’s been quite a year! I’m really gonna miss helping you with this channel but I can’t wait to see what we all end up doing next. Good luck with all your adventures Mags!

    @THEARTISTGAMER9959 Жыл бұрын

    So long for now man you've earned that well deserved break.

  • @Fawful6696
    @Fawful6696 Жыл бұрын

    Well done

  • @PonandCon9025
    @PonandCon9025 Жыл бұрын

    It's been one heck of a year. (and WOW I cannot believe Feather Fiend got so many views, not that I'm saying it's bad or anything I- ok I need to move on before this turns into a full paragraph). Anyways, it's completely understandable that you'll all need to take some time off for a few months, so take all the time you guys need. You've all earned a nice long break. It's good that you're also going to be spending some time with friends and family. After all, it's not like the world's revolving around your channel or anything. We'll all be here waiting when you return, and Merry Christmas to everyone! also kudos to whoever finds the Deltarune reference in this comment, even though it's pretty obvious
