AmeriCorps: 30 Years Forward » The AmeriCorps Experience and Higher Education


AmeriCorps has been a pathway to higher education for more than 1.2 million Americans. Those who complete a year of service with AmeriCorps receive a Segal AmeriCorps Education Awards that they can use to pay for college or to help pay back student loans. To date, AmeriCorps alumni have received over $4 billion in education awards. More than 315 colleges and universities have signed on as Schools of National Service and provide incentives and awards to AmeriCorps alumni in recognition of the tremendous value they bring to the higher education or post-secondary experience. What more can leaders in higher education do to incentivize participation in AmeriCorps by their prospective students and graduates? From priority admissions to course credit for service, panelists will explore the role that higher education can play in encouraging more Americans to serve in AmeriCorps.

