Amazon RDS - Creating an Amazon RDS DB instance : MySQL

The basic building block of Amazon RDS is the DB instance, where you create your databases. You choose the engine-specific characteristics of the DB instance when you create it. You also choose the storage capacity, CPU, memory, and so on, of the AWS instance on which the database server runs.
ou can create an Amazon RDS DB instance only in a virtual private cloud (VPC) based on the Amazon VPC service. Also, it must be in an AWS Region that has at least two Availability Zones. The DB subnet group that you choose for the DB instance must cover at least two Availability Zones. This configuration ensures that you can configure a Multi-AZ deployment when you create the DB instance or easily move to one in the future.
To set up connectivity between your new DB instance and an Amazon EC2 instance in the same VPC, do so when you create the DB instance. To connect to your DB instance from resources other than EC2 instances in the same VPC, configure the network connections manually.
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