Amanda Tapping and the Women of Stargate Universe (part 3 of 3)


Amanda Tapping sits down to lunch and talks to the women of Stargate Universe about being a woman and working in the sci-fi genre. (Part 3 of 3.)
Amanda Tapping, Ming-Na, Alaina Huffman & Elyse Levesque.

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  • @bobblokes
    @bobblokes12 жыл бұрын


  • @DJJonPattrsn22
    @DJJonPattrsn227 жыл бұрын

    These women are all amazing in SO many ways. They all did such a fantastic job in these roles! It is really such a shame that this show didn't last longer! Personally, I just can't blame it on the show itself. Lots of mistakes were made along the way by many people. I think that the producers/writers made some major, crucial errors in judgement before even making the show by NOT setting it up on Atlantis and then by keeping it so secretive- that really backfired! Since they were really going to make some major changes in format, tone, mood and style... I really feel that they needed to do a lot more to prepare the audience for that in some way. And setting up the premise and generating interest and speculation with that certainly would've been one way to buffer the frustration of some fans. Then at some point after the first run of those first 11 episodes there were some significant issues with the weekly timeslot changing numerous times (literally to the point that I kept missing episodes and couldn't keep up with the changes- granted SGU was literally the only reason that I would even turn on my cable box. But I know that the changes were not well advertised by the network. And that doesn't even mention how a couple/few episodes were delayed because of wrestling or something! And one episode was not even played back from the beginning! Sometime during the beginning of the 2nd season I literally just gave up and quit trying to watch the series on TV because they kept changing! And of course, not just the writers, producers & network administrators played a role in the demise of the amazing Stargate franchise. the fans role was integral. And many I believe hold them/us solely responsible, siting "ratings" and number of viewers as the reason for the SGU's cancellation. I must admit that I can not claim to understand why Stargate fans rejected SGU (because I in fact not only love SGU but consider it the best series in the franchise in many ways and for many reasons)- and of course there will not be one answer to that, in fact I propose that there will be as many answers if not more than there are Stargate fans and potential watchers. But it is my understanding that there was some backlash from SGA fans who felt as though Atlantis was cancelled to make room for SGU. Another, if not the prominent reason I've encountered is that fans did not like the shift in mood and tone of the new series. I've also seen criticisms of the characters which mainly center around them essentially being more like regular, flawed people than the super-hero role models bound to high morals that saved the "world" regularly that we were used to from the other series. And of course there are criticisms of the story arcs and so on. Another integral aspect of this process that I believe has been vastly underappreciated is the shift in how we access media that was underway during this period. I personally believe that the systems used to evaluate the series we in the process of becoming obsolete and inaccurate to a greater degree than was accounted for because many people were accessing the show in alternate and non-standard and unmeasurable ways- myself included (for the reasons stated above)! And while it does nothing to resurrect the series or the franchise, I do find some solace in comments I've read on forums, blogs, and other media & opinion sharing sites that indicate that some fans who initially rejected the series have, after some time, gone back and re-watched (or continued to watch for the first time) the series with more of an open mind and have come to appreciate and enjoy it much more. The great cost of creating a show like Stargate is obviously at the true center of why SGU failed. Essentially it was not profitable and its future profitability was seemed unlikely to those in charge who were under great pressure which resulted from a more general and pervasive landscape of financial hardship and turmoil. Perhaps if the network were not in such financial difficulty the show would have been given another season (or more) to prove and establish itself. And I like to believe (as useless as it is) that it would have succeeded in winning back many fans and creating new ones, because it seemed to me that when it ended the series was really beginning to demonstrate what it was capable of... I found the second half of the second season to contain some of the best, most compelling and well presented stories from the Stargate franchise. And they were really just getting stared! What a shame that such a fantastic show, that was really revolutionary in many ways was allowed to die such a pathetic, abrupt and quiet death. It does not at all befit the Stargate franchise!

  • @Mylabug97
    @Mylabug9712 жыл бұрын

    I'm a female syfy fan ^^

  • @angiecellist05
    @angiecellist055 жыл бұрын

    I totally watch stargate because of the women

  • @RazeTheShadow
    @RazeTheShadow12 жыл бұрын

    Fuck BACK STARGATE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @RedMorningDawn
    @RedMorningDawn12 жыл бұрын

  • @sztetler
    @sztetler12 жыл бұрын

    30 minutes of eating :D

  • @nickmyers3065
    @nickmyers306510 жыл бұрын

    English Plz
