🇳🇿 Am zburat cu elicopterul pe GHETAR in Noua Zeelanda

In episodul asta ne-am indeplinit una din MARILE noastre dorinte, dinainte de a ajunge in Noua Zeelanda: sa zburam cu elicopterul pe un ghetar !!
Practic, in ultimele 2 saptamani pe insula de sud, ne aleseseram toate destinatiile si cazarile cu o zi, doua inainte, in speranta ca vom prinde o fereastra in care vremea sa ne permita extravaganta asta.
Totusi, pana la ghetar am vazut mare parte din coasta de Vest a insulei de Sud (si am hranit niste miei cu biberonul :D)
00:00 Demonstratie de tuns oaia
01:20 Cascada Roaring Billy
02:51 Estuarul Hapuka si Lacul Ellery
04:41 Lacul Matheson, oglinda stelelor
06:20 Cu elicopterul pe ghetar
In this episode we finally fulfilled one of our BIGGEST wishes: flying with the helicopter up to a New Zealand glacier !!
Basically, for the past 2 weeks, we had chosen all of our destinations and accommodations just 1 or 2 days in advance, in the hope that catch a window of nice weather which would allow us this once in a lifetime adventure.
Nevertheless, even till we got to the glacier, we explored South Island's West coast (and fed some lambs :D )
Alex Schulz Never Forget You Remix: • Alex Schulz - Never Fo...
Aso - vacation: • Aso - vacation
Pieces After The Fall: • Pieces - After The Fall
