❗All your friends will be amazed! Dinner in 10 minutes! Incredible potato recipe

❗All your friends will be amazed! Dinner in 10 minutes! Incredible potato recipe
This video presents an amazing quick dinner recipe that will wow all your friends! In just 10 minutes you can prepare a delicious and filling potato dish that is guaranteed to be the highlight of your evening.
Prepare this dish and surprise everyone with your culinary talent! Don't forget to subscribe to the channel for more inspiration and new recipes! 🌟
6 potatoes, peeled
Wash and cut the potatoes as shown in the video.
Spices for potatoes
black pepper
olive oil
Put in the oven at 200 degrees for 20 minutes.
4 eggs
Onion greens
Cherry tomatoes 150-200 grams
Salt, pepper, paprika
2 sausages with cheese
100 g hard cheese
Place in the oven for another 10 minutes
incredibly delicious! Bon appetit!

