Alginate Life Casting Powder Hand Casting

Тәжірибелік нұсқаулар және стиль

A safe and non-toxic powder for making life-casting molds. Craftiviti Alginate Life Casting Powder helps to create very detailed true-to-life duplicates of body parts.
How to Use:
1. Mix 2 parts of room-temperature water to 1 part of powder. Mixture will turn from green powder to pink.
2. Stir the mixture fast and get rid of lumps and clumps.
3. The mixture will start to harden within 30 seconds so work fast.
4. When the mixture starts turning from pink to dull pale pink, this indicates that the mixture is hardening.
5. Quickly dip object or body part into the wet mixture before it gels up. If molding body parts like fingers and toes, do not move.
6. Once you feel the alginate has gelled up, remove body part and wash.
7. Mix plaster of paris immediately and pour.
8. This is a one-time use mold. It will break during the demolding of the plaster of paris castings.

