13 Episode Documetary Serial Produced by Red Dot Films, Doha For an Arabic Satelite Channel based in Doha. The program is based on Islam In Italy and is shot entirely in Italy exceot the presenter's link. The programs looks at the how Islam arrived in Italy in the days of the Prophet (pbuh) and gradually was wiped out by the crusaders. Moving on we see how the Muslim population rose back to the same numbers as it was in those early days mainly due to migration of North Africans in the early 1970's and conversion in large numbers of the locals to Islam. We also look a the current scenario of muslim in Italy, post 9/11. The programm showcases issues with regrads to conversions to Islam, integration of Muslims with other communities, problems faced by local muslims like need for a place to worship etc and how inspite of all this they still go on undeterred.
