Airtable Mastery ᴹᴵᴺᴵ | 2.1 - Text Formulas | Ampersand and Concatenate

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Join Cherry in lesson 7 of Airtable Mastery ᴹᴵᴺᴵ and learn the practical applications of two fundamental text formulas: the ampersand and concatenate functions.
What You'll Learn:
- Discover how to effectively combine text fields in Airtable using the "&" symbol and quotation marks.
- Master the art of using the concatenate formula for advanced text manipulation and formatting.
Why It's Essential:
Text manipulation is one of the most common first tasks a new builder will face when building a custom Airtable base; and text formulas are essential tool in your arsenal. Text formulas enable you to streamline data organization, create custom text strings, and enhance the functionality of your Airtable base.
Cherry Yang, award-winning and preferred Airtable partner, guides you through this lesson, providing expert insights and top tips.
About Airtable Mastery:
Airtable Mastery is a course designed for in-house Airtable experts. From database schema design to advanced interfaces and automation, we've got you covered.
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