Ah guarda sorella; Mozart’s Cosi Fan Tutte- Amelie Jacobs


Amelie Jacobs is a New York City-based singer and actress. She is an alum of LaGuardia High school, where she played Mabel in The Pirates of Penzance and was assistant to the director of the Emmy nominated Rising Stars: Behind the Mask (2021). She is currently attending Manhattan School of Music to get her Bachelor of Music in Classical Voice (Theater credit: Judas in Godspell). A lot of her experience and training comes from her work in community theaters like Narrows Community Theater and The Heights Players (Highlights: Ella in R&H's Cinderella, Amalia in She Loves Me, Bea in Something Rotten, Cinderella in Into the Woods, Cosette in Les Misérables, Penny in Urinetown). She has also had the opportunity to perform at multiple NYC cabaret venues like 54 Below, Chelsea Table + Stage, and Don't Tell Mama NYC. Amelie is pursuing a passionate career in musical theater, opera, and jazz.
Website: ameliejacobs18.wixsite.com/am...

