Agility Staffing Services - Client Commendation (Bernie)

Patients can sometimes be agitated about some issues. Having someone who is level-headed, professional, and knowledgeable in dealing with them goes a long way in diffusing any tension. Bernie proves he has all these qualities and more, and patients he assist recognize this and commend him for it. And as such, leaves a good impression for our partners.
This is the kind of people and service we are known for. Grow your business with great people like Bernie.
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Hi, my name is Bernie. I’ve been with Agility for seven months now.
When we talk to patients on the phone, we make sure we treat them with respect and as much understanding as possible. We know that sometimes they are frustrated, angry, or confused. We are calm when they are agitated, and we fix the problem as fast as we can.
"Hi. I'm Donna and I called today and I got to speak with Bernie. He was really patient with me because I wasn't a nice person to talk to at the beginning. I was wondering why I was being charged every month when I didn't sign up for it. And he was nice was nice about it so I apologized. I just want you to know that he is a good man to keep in your company. He could have hung up on me but he didn't, thank God!" - patient commendation relayed to his PH Team Lead
Being an agent can sometimes be stressful, but I always keep in mind that all they need is for us to focus our time on them and on what needs to be resolved. To receive commendations for finding solutions for our patients makes me feel grateful. And it pushes me to always be at my best with them.
This is Bernie from the Patient Financial Services team.
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