Adventure Safari in Serengeti, Tanzania

Did you know that Serengeti covers an area of nearly 15.000 km^2 and thus is as big as Schleswig-Holstein??
Before leaving Mwanza with the train to Dar, Magda joined three Germans and one Swedish girl for a 2-day-trip to Serengeti Nationalpark. It was about 330$, which is usually our monthly budget for both of us... so at first she hesitated to join. But it was a chance that wouldn't return too soon. So then she thought "Yolo, let's do it!" and made experiences of a lifetime :).
By the way, if you don't know our project yet and found this clip by chance: we are on a world trip by bicycle and started in April 2018 in Münster, Germany. To find out more visit our page:
/ piggybackriders
