Advancing Children's Rights in armed conflict situations: The role of the ACERWC

In this interview, Robert Nanima, a member of the Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child and Associate Professor of Law at the University of the Western Cape, sheds light on the African system for the protection of human rights and the specialised regime for the protection of children. Nanima delves into the role of the African Committee on the Rights and Welfare of the Child, elucidating the diverse responsibilities of thematic and country rapporteurs within this framework. Moreover, he emphasises the significant role journalists can play in engaging with the committee, emphasising their importance in spotlighting its work and holding it accountable to further the protection and welfare of children across Africa.
Time Stamps
00:18 Role of the ACERWC and special rapporteurs
04:14 Ways in which journalists and civil society actors can engage with the ACERWC
06:35 African human rights framework for the protection of children

